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The Messianic Movement 



The Messianic Movement

The Messianic movement is made up of Jews and gentiles worshipping YHWH’s Messiah (YHWH/GOD, Messiah Yahshua/Jesus).  Messiah is the Hebrew word for Christ, and worship is patterned after the ancient ways King David outlined in Psalms chapter 149-150, called Davidic Style praise and worship, with music and dance, including flags and banners.    

Jews who come to believe in the Messiah generally say that they worship the Messiah of Israel in the Hebraic way.

Christians are part of a fast growing global movement who say it is the ancient ways, the historic, and the Biblical ways that matter most (Jer.6:16). Not only because it is written in the original ancient Five Books of Moses, called the Torah in Hebrew, and the Pentateuch in Greek, but because they also foreshow the future hope of the return of the Messiah bringing His Messianic Kingdom to all humanity (Isa.66:23; Zec.14:16-19).  

Observing or Worshipping the Holy Days proclaimed by YHWH (the Sabbath and 7 annual Holy Days), listed in Leviticus chapter 23 and is central to the faith.  The Holy Days are called the Moe din in Hebrew, and the Appointed Times in English.  It is believed that the Holy Days reveal YHWH’s ancient plan and prophetic timetable leading to HIS Kingdom and humanities eternal life.  The timetable of the Holy days also reveal prophecies including the end of this age, commonly called the end times, leading to the Messianic Kingdom. 

Now it's time for some critical thinking, and that's were I come in.  In the Messianic movement there are two terms Messianic-Judaism / Messianic-Christianity.  The thinking person in me has to ponder the differences.  It hit me a while back when I was reading through Messianic website and they were saying how Messianic Jews are Jews who want to believe in Yahshua as the Messiah and still hold to their Jewish traditions which they grew up with.  I think that’s a good thing, and it’s an idea that needs to be encouraged, so please do not misunderstand me when I say, personally, I have some problems with Messianic-Judaism.  The ancient worship model is from King David and that is before the Jewish rabbinical religious system, The Christians have much of the same problems that the Jews do, one must be cautious as to what man has added on to YHWH's Ancient Ways.

I often jokingly write “Just because I gave up on the pope, doesn’t necessarily mean I’m gonna jump in bed with the Jews – so to speak.”  What I mean by that is that it took over 25 years, to claw, kick, crawl, and church hopped my way thorough all the mishegoss of the Christian religions to get to the Messianic Jerusalem Church – and they did not make it easy!  Messianic-Judaism is a branch of the original Jerusalem church we generally call Judaism.  We as Gospel readers know the Jews have their religious problems, and they bring the problems over into Messianic Judaism.  Reform issues are always problematic, I always receive a couple of unsubscribers when I raise the topic.  The problem is, as Gospel readers, we know Yahshua warned the religious establishment (the Pharisee and Orthodox rabbis) that there will be reform issues they must face, and if they do not resolve them, then He (Yahshua) will reform them sometime in the future (Mat.3:7, 5:20,15:2-9, 23:1-36; Luk.11:37-54, 8:9-14; Jno.8:44).  And don't think the Christians have it any better, Yahshua is going to reform them too (Rev.ch.2-3).

Yahshua and John the Baptist were part of the religious order called the Essenes.  They were the serious Bible scholars, the true Believers, and the faithful watchers of the day.  They were wise to the prophecies and they were making preparations.  To the Essenes, righteousness meant a person also had to be right in his heart, he had to be right with his brother, and lastly he had to be right with GOD.

The Essenes felt that the rabbinical Sadducees and the Pharisees had become more like political parties then a religious order.  They considered the priesthood was corrupt, and the Temple worship was not pure in YHWH’s Spirit and Truth - it had become ritualistic.  It suffered from many of the same problems we have today in our worship centers; it had become ritualistic and overblown with pomp and ceremony.  It had become corrupted by the leaders using the heresy of Nicolaitanism (putting a religious leader between YAHWEH and the people Rev.2:15).  They felt that the people were misled and lost, that the rabbis were condemned for their corruption, and righteousness has been reduced to mere ceremonialism.  They saw a corrupted Sanhedrin which totality conquered the common people, keeping them on a tight leash, while the rich were treated with favors.  The Essenes would have nothing to do with it.  Seeing all this around 200 B.C.E. they decided to remove themselves from the mainstream religious society and prepare themselves for the “great event,” the arrival of the long awaited Messiah.  They built a settlement in the wilderness, outside of Jerusalem in Qumran, on the northwest shore of the Dead Sea.

Now here is something to get you thinking, as in critical thinking, do you see what happened?  The Essenes rejected rabbinical Judaism and returned to the ancient roots of their faith.  One might wonder what did they turn to.  I’m not sure of any specific name, but it was how the Hebrew faith was practiced when YHWH ruled Israel, beginning in the time of Moses for about 450 years, until the Israelites rejected HIS rule and began a government based on earthly kings (1Sam.8:11-18).  If one wants to be spiritually honest then we must rediscover how the Hebrew faith was practiced when YHWH ruled because that is how Yahshua did it, and when He returns He will rule the way His FATHER did.  

Enjoy the journey of learning…
>Messianic-Judaism / Messianic-Christianity: http://www.homeworship101.com/NL_2005_09.htm
>The Christian Passover: http://www.homeworship101.com/NL_2006_05.htm
>The Ancient Path of YHWH: http://www.homeworship101.com/NL_2008_01.htm
>A Thinking Persons Religion: http://www.homeworship101.com/NL_2005_01.htm
>Covenant Theology:  http://www.homeworship101.com/NL_2006_02.htm
>Ego Religion: http://www.homeworship101.com/wp_ego_religion.htm
>Religious Abuse: http://www.homeworship101.com/fyi_religious_abuse.htm

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