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Messianic-Judaism / Messianic-Christianity


Summer Greetings from HomeWorship 101™

                It has been said:

“When a gentile comes to belief in the Messiah,
all the angels stand and shout for joy,
and when a Jew comes to believe in the Messiah,
YHWH HIMSELF stands and shouts for joy.”

The Messianic movement is made up of Jews and gentiles worshipping YHWH’s Messiah (YHWH/GOD, Messiah-Yahshua/Jesus).  Messiah is the Hebrew word for Christ, and worship is patterned after the ancient style outlined by King David in Psalms chapter 149-150, called Davidic Style praise and worship, with music and dance, including flags and banners.    

Messianic Jews are Jews who come to believe in the Messiah generally say that they worship the Messiah of Israel in the Hebraic way.

Messianic Christians are part of a fast growing global movement who say it is the ancient ways, the historic, and the Biblical ways that matter most (Jer.6:16). Not only because it is written in the original and ancient Five Books of Moses, called the Torah in Hebrew, and the Pentateuch in Greek, but because they also foreshow the future hope of the return of the Messiah bringing His Messianic Kingdom to all humanity (Isa.66:23; Zec.14:16-19).  (Click news icon for story) 

Observing or Worshipping the Holy Days proclaimed by YHWH (the Sabbath and 7 annual Holy Days), listed in Leviticus chapter 23, is central to the faith.  The Holy Days are called the Moe din in Hebrew, and the Appointed Times in English.  It is believed that the Holy Days reveal YHWH’s ancient plan and prophetic timetable leading to HIS Kingdom and humanities eternal life.  The timetable of the Holy Days also reveal prophecies of the end of this age, commonly called the end times, leading to the future Messianic Kingdom.  

Now it's time for some critical thinking, and that is were I come in.  Some would wonder why the two terms Messianic-Judaism / Messianic-Christianity?  The thinking person in me has to ponder the differences.  It hit me a while back when I was reading through Messianic website and they were saying how Messianic Jews are Jews who want to believe in Yahshua as the Messiah and still hold to their Jewish traditions which they grew up with.  I think that’s a good thing, and it’s an idea that needs to be encouraged, so please do not misunderstand me when I say, personally, I have some problems with Messianic-Judaism.  The ancient worship model is from King David, and that is before the Jewish rabbinical religious system.  The Christians have much of the same problems that the Jews do, one must be cautious as to what man, in the name of religion, has added on to YHWH's Ancient Ways (Mar.4:24; Act.17:4). To keep this newsletter short I’ll touch on a few of the highlights.

I often receive mail from Christians who are just discovering the Sabbath or the Festival of Tabernacles.  They are curious about the term Messianic, and the other Biblical Holy Days.  Also, this year, there have been many questions regarding the BIG difference in the Holy Day dates between some groups. 

Just to clarify, “Messiah” is the Hebrew word for “Christ,” and it means “anointed one,” specifically, YHWH’S Anointed One.  The term “Messianic” is generally known for Jews who have come to believe in Yahshua/Jesus as the Messiah.  And lately, some Christians who are beginning to adopt some of the Jewish habits that Yahshua/Jesus held to, have also adopted the term. 

Before we start let me state that I do not belong to any religious congregation.  Nobody (but my wife) sponsors me.  And I do not recommend any religious group.  (I generally say if you are happy with those you fellowship with then continue – what you believe in your heart and practice at home is private.)  As a matter of fact, generally the Jews think I’m too Christian, and the Christians think I’m too Jewish.  I wonder, is that what the Bible means by following the narrow path? 

“Once a Baptist, now a Messianic”

First let me say, I know some folks on my mailing list do not like being lumped into a religious category, some folks do not like the term Christian or church, and some others are very rigid in protecting their religious affiliation, so please excuse this very generalized discussion.  I felt the need to write an article on this topic for a while now but I was reluctant to do so.  I have been wrestling with my good Angel for a while on this, because I do not like debating theology – I don’t have that much energy.  And I certainly do not want to define it either.  Secondly, I really do not like email debates because I am a fast talker, and a painfully slow writer and typist.  Although I am really uncomfortable defining theology, the questions keep coming in and there are confusing issues to the new comers that need straight answers – in the end my good Angel always prevails.

Here is a portion of an email a lady recently sent in:

Sure have enjoyed reading your commentaries about so many things.  My initial search led me to you in preparation for a Study group series on the festivals in Leviticus.  Which now, I find I have much more food for thought. 

 I went to join a Messianic Worship & Praise to welcome in the Sabbath.  Interesting.  Now, a woman there made the comment that she was once Baptist and is now Messianic.  She plans to invite some of her other single Christian friends to a monthly "home worship", and she said "many of my friends are not Messianic, but I do think they are believers.”  HMMM.  What? 

Being covered by the Blood, believing that Christ Jesus is the Messiah and that he will be returning to earth once more as King, I am part of the universal church--as a gentile believer, I am grafted into the body of Christ.  So, what in the world makes one Messianic vs. say Protestant Christian?”

Many times when some people ask me what I believe, I usually just say, “I am a non-religious Bible believer.”  Then they will just look at me for a moment and say something like, “Yea, that’s nice, but what do you believe.”  I say, “I am a Bible literalist, meaning I believe in the Bible, the whole Bible, just as it is written.  Did you know that technically speaking, the Bible doesn’t really teach a religion?” 

Some folks still prod me, wanting an answer that they can identify with, and then I say, “I am a Protestant Christian with Messianic beliefs.  Or as some people call it Messianic-Christian, meaning I hold more to the Hebrew customs of Jesus that predate Roman Christianity.”  Now they are really confused.  So I try to explain, technically speaking, Messianic and Christianity are redundant terms, but it has come to mean people who were Sunday keeping Christians are abandoning some of their traditional Roman Christians habits they grew up with and are now adopting some Hebrew beliefs from the first Jerusalem Messianic church (the Jerusalem followers of Yahshua).  Just to simplify this discussion, I’ll call all the Christians who keep the Sabbath, the Sacred Names, and the Bible’s Holy Days, as under the Messianic-Christian umbrella.  All the Jews who have come to believe in the Messiah, (such as the Jews for Jesus, the Hebraic roots followers, the two houses followers, etc.) would be under the Messianic-Jewish umbrella.

“…Why do you also transgress the commandment of GOD by your tradition?”
Matthew 15:3

I often jokingly write “Just because I gave up on the pope, doesn’t necessarily mean I’m gonna jump in bed with the Jews – so to speak.”  What I mean by that is that it took over 25 years, to claw, kick, crawl, and church hop my way thorough all the mishegoss of the Christian religions to get to the original Messianic Jerusalem Church – and they did not make it easy!  Messianic-Judaism is a branch of the original Jerusalem church we generally call Judaism.  We as Gospel readers know the Jews have their religious problems, and they bring the problems over into Messianic Judaism.  Reform issues are always problematic, I always receive a couple of unsubscribers when I raise the topic.  The problem is, as Gospel readers, we know Yahshua warned the religious establishment (the Pharisee and Orthodox rabbis) that there will be reform issues they must face, and if they do not resolve them, then He (Yahshua) will reform them sometime in the future (Mat.3:7, 5:20,15:2-9, 23:1-36; Luk.11:37-54, 8:9-14; Jno.8:44).

When you study Judaism and Roman Christianity, and reflect back on it, one can see many similarities.  Some Messianic Jews will say if you take all the paganism out of Christianity there would be nothing left.  Well the Roman Christians did a pretty good job of copying the Jewish religious infrastructure.  Both claim apostolic power, Jews have Moses, Roman Christians have Peter, to change YHWH’s and Yahshua’s words – but neither can prove it through scripture.  They both have men in black exercising power over the people - rabbis / father-priests.  The pomp and ceremony of high priests reflects in the Jewish High Priest / Pope.  They both have a religious police force to enforce their religious laws - Sanhedrin / Vatican.  Both teach more of man’s religious law and very little of GOD’s Words in literal scripture.  I could go on and on, but I think you see the picture, and if you think about it the Muslims have much the same problems.  The religious curmudgeon in me asks: Explain it to me one more time why I should join up – and do it slowly.

I grew up around New York City and back then there were more Jews there then in Israel.  There is a lot I admire about them, their business savvy for one, and there some things about them I do not like.  I am interested in learning, and there is a lot I learned from the Messianic-Jews but their religious problems are not my problems.  It is the same for the Christian Sabbath Keepers, Holy Name keepers, Holy Day keepers etc., there is much I have enjoyed learning from them, and there are things about them I do not like, for example their endless criticism of the Sunday keeping Christians.  Once again, I am interested in learning, but their congregation/religious problems are not my problems.   

“In reality,
we Christians are nothing more
then a sect of Jews.”  - G. C. Lichtenber

The Messianic Jews are right when they challenge the Christians saying, “Jesus was a Jew and if you follow Him then you should hold to the many “Jewish” examples He held to such as the “Jewish” Holy Days.  The holidays you Christians keep come mostly from pagan roots.  What about the Messiah’s name - Jesus?  Did you ever wonder how a Hebrew Messiah would come to have a Greek name?  Did you ever wonder what mere mortal has the authority to change the name of the Messiah?  Jesus kept to the Torah, and if you follow Him you have to except the authority of the Torah, and you can’t just pick and chose what you want to keep in it, you have to keep it all.”

It’s an age-old argument that began in Acts ch.15.  After much research I have come to see that they are right – about some things.  But there are some problems.  Jesus was a Jew all right, and the reality is, Jesus, at his adulthood was a perfect orthodox Jew, and He held to Jewish orthodox observances few followers would adopt today.  For example, He wore the tsîtsith ('tassel', Num.15.37-41; Mat.9.20; 14.36; Luk.8.44).  And He even wore a tephillin ('phylacteries' Deu.6.8; Mat.23:5); they are the small leather boxes bound to arm and head containing the Scriptural verses of Exodus 13.1-16, Deuteronomy 6.4-9 and 11.13-21.  How many Torah observant, Messianic Jews do you know that wear one?  The truth is even Messianic Jews do not hold to exactly everything Yahshua did as an Orthodox Jew.  The difference is that as an orthodox Jew (and Messiah), Yahshua has some birthright duties to perform – we as gentiles do not.  Yahshua will return and reform the Jews, and to be accepted, that reform has to come from inside the Jewish world.  As a gentile it is not my place to reform Judaism.  Yes as a descendent of northern German ancestry I might be part of the ancient 10 lost tribes of Israel and thus be part of the Israelite nation but that is something I have no proof of.  Besides, the Messiah/King/reformer will come from the House of David, specifically the Judeans, and not from any other tribe.

Is YHWH Jewish?

Is Yahweh Jewish? I don’t think so, I think HE projects HIMSELF is Hebrew – and there is a difference.  New Messianic followers must first understand that the Holy Days of Leviticus ch.23 are YHWH’s Ordained Holy Days, not “Jewish” holy days or holidays.  Because of persecution over the centuries, the Judeans took the Holy Days hostage, made them their own, and over time the rabies have smothered them with “Jewish tradition.”  (In ancient times when Israel was one nation the Holy Days were called the Holy Days of the Israelites or YHWH, and gentiles would also visit the Temple in Jerusalem on High Holy Days to show their respect to YHWH.)  Another point is that humanity’s basic Covenant Rites (the spiritual power tools, and Holy Day observance Rites, etc.) are Hebrew, not Jewish.  They come from YHWH via the Melchizedek Order, not the Jews, and they go directly to the faithful – no mere mortal can stand in between (although they try).  

For more info see the Ancient Path of YHWH's webpage, click: http://www.homeworship101.com/NL_2008_01.htm

There are scriptural problems with Judaism’s holy days.  The Holy Day of Trumpets is coming soon and the Jews, even the Messianic ones, call it Rosh Hashana or Happy New Year – but the Biblical New Year starts in the spring (and they know that).  Many Jews keep Passover on the 15th of the 1st month instead of the 14th.  The Passover Seder has some Babylonian elements.  And there are problems with observing the Holy Day of Firstfruits, and dating Pentecost.   

Religionists may debate on how to properly observe the Passover or communion, but our example is, as always, Yahshua. He and John the Baptist were part of the religious order called the Essenes.  They were the serious Bible scholars, the true Believers, and the faithful watchers of the day.  They were wise to the prophecies and they were making preparations.  To the Essenes, righteousness meant a person also had to be right in his heart, he had to be right with his brother, and lastly he had to be right with GOD.

The Essenes felt that the rabbinical Sadducees and the Pharisees had become more like political parties then a religious order.  They considered the priesthood was corrupt, and the Temple worship was not pure in YHWH’s Spirit and Truth - it had become ritualistic.  It suffered from many of the same problems we have today in our worship centers; it had become ritualistic and overblown with pomp and ceremony.  It had become corrupted by the leaders using the heresy of Nicolaitanism (putting a religious leader between YAHWEH and the people Rev.2:15).  They felt that the people were misled and lost, that the rabbis were condemned for their corruption, and righteousness has been reduced to mere ceremonialism.  They saw a corrupted Sanhedrin which totality conquered the common people, keeping them on a tight leash, while the rich were treated with favors.  The Essenes would have nothing to do with it.  Seeing all this around 200 B.C.E. they decided to remove themselves from the mainstream religious society and prepare themselves for the “great event,” the arrival of the long awaited Messiah.  They built a settlement in the wilderness, outside of Jerusalem in Qumran, on the northwest shore of the Dead Sea.

Now here is something to get you thinking, as in critical thinking, do you see what happened?  The Essenes rejected rabbinical Judaism and returned to the roots of their faith.  One might wonder what did they turn to.  I’m not sure of any specific name, but it was how the Hebrew faith was practiced when YHWH ruled Israel, beginning in the time of Moses for about 450 years, until the Israelites rejected HIS rule and began a government based on earthly kings (1Sam.8:11-18).  If one wants to be spiritually honest then we must rediscover how the Hebrew faith was practiced when YHWH ruled because that is how Yahshua did it, and when He returns He will rule the way His FATHER did. 

Long ago Protestants passionately believed they were directly empowered by GOD - and that is still a good thing.  The Catholics believe the power goes to the pope and then to the people, I think some Messianic’s believe the power goes to the rabbi and then to the people.  In other words someone comes between you and YHWH, and HE hates that (Rev.2:6).

I often say that in my strange way of looking at the world the very first Christians (the original Jerusalem Messianic church) were actually Protestant Jews!  It is interesting to note that in the beginning of the Protestant movement issues were clearer and simpler, and they simply called themselves Protestant Germans, Protestant French, Protestant Dutch, and so on.  Then in time dueling over doctrine began and Protestants took on the names of their leaders such as Lutherans, Calvinists, etc.  Now we are a the forefront of the Messianic movement, wouldn’t it be nice to say that we are Messianic-American’s, Messianic-Israelites, Messianic-Germans, etc.

We could also spend hours dickering over doctrine such as Age of Grace, the mystery of the Bride, herbal healing, Sacred Name usage, rabbinic authority, etc. but every religious group, including the Messianic Jews, has their different theological viewpoints.  I’m not a religious Nazi, what I like to do is getting people to think about their Bibles more then I care to win debates.  My beliefs are a product of my 30 years of research and education I don’t expect anyone to blindly believe what I do without some study and much reflection.

In the Jewish world, the phenomenon of Christians embracing their Hebrew Roots as the return of the lost Northern Kingdom tribes of ancient Israel is called the Ephraimite movement.  And the orthodox community has been watching the development of the movement with some interest, but they are not at all ready to endorse it.  What they feel is that there can be no excuse for taking the Law into one's own hands and believe that the mishegoss / craziness, would all disappear if the leaders of the Ephraimite, Two-House, Messianic, Hebrew Roots movement, would defer to the legal authority of the new Sanhedrin which was formed one year ago.  Here we go again it's all about control of the people.  The Sanhedrin missed the first coming of Christ and now they what me, as a Christian, to submit to their authority?  With all due respect, I don't think so!  (For more exhaustive pro-con information do a word search for Ephraimite, Two-House movement,  Messianic, Hebrew Roots movement, and then you will see why I try to stay out of the "religious" debates.)

We are all as different as snowflakes, and people shape their own destinies.  The Messianic faithful will be rewarded by what they did with the individual characteristics given to them, and how they used their talents as ambassadors in service for the Kingdom (2Cor.5:20).  Some are ashamed that they have not done more, they were not given any rewards, yet they are still called to Heaven to serve (1Jno.2:28).  It is curious that the rewards & crowns are not given for perfect Torah keeping, or perfect Holy Day keeping, or perfect Sabbath keeping, or keeping a perfect doctrine, etc.

For good works and avoiding sin, rewards and crowns are given to the Bride: 
[1] Ministers and teachers crown, 1Peter 5:1-4; James 3:1.
[2] Watching for the signs crown, 2Timothy 4:8.
[3] Running the race faithfully crown, 1Corinthians 9:24-27; James 1:12.
[4] Winning friends crown, 1Thessalonians 2:19.
[5] Martyrs crown, Revelation 2:10.

My spiritual goal is working towards the White Stone, which is a special gift to those who overcome false teaching (Rev.2:17).  It proves that not everyone who is called by Yahshua will be called because they keep a perfect theology.  There will not be one human being who will not be surprised when they discover there is more to the theology then they understood from their earthly education. 

For those who enjoy pondering prophecy, think about this.  During the Tribulation period Bible evangelism will spread in spite of the Antichrist’s effort to kill true believers.  I think the world religious movement will be some perverted type of Messianic movement.  Meaning the “Jewish” Holy Days and some gospel reform ideals will become popular.  The Antichrist will try to fulfill as many of the suffering lamb prophecies as possible to convince the Jews that he is their god and king.  I think he will stage his deceptions around the spring Holy Days of Passover, so he would want general knowledge of the Bible Holy Days to become more commonly know because he will also need the western worlds support.  He will also act a reformer to the Protestant Christians and will eventually destroy the Vatican. 

“Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” 
- John 20:29

In closing, the lady who emailed me was correct; the blood of the Messiah saves us all – not our religious affiliation.  Many in the religious debate forget, that all the previous created beings in the Universe (Angels and other intelligent creatures Rev.ch.4) including Adam & Eve immediately knew their CREATOR after they were given life.  Religious people forget that for humanity in this age those who believe without seeing are blessed and a special treasure for the Kingdom.  I do not want to sound too new age-ish, but through my website I have talked to believers all around the globe and I have come to see the worldwide body of believers at different levels of understanding, the Bride is chosen not because she keeps a perfect theology but because she has a good heart (Heb.4:12). 

The Jews are our older brothers and sisters in the faith and I am a Christian Zionist.  Even if I do not 100% agree with everything the Jews do, I would stand next to them and fight for their right to be in their lands and practice the faith of their fathers.  And together we can all unite against the dark-side to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, and for all those who stand with Israel (Ps.122).

Enjoy the journey of learning...  
>Hebrew 101: http://www.homeworship101.com/Hebrew101/01%20Hebrew%20101%20intro.htm
>The Christian Passover:  http://www.homeworship101.com/NL_2006_05.htm
>The Ancient Path of YHWH: http://www.homeworship101.com/NL_2008_01.htm
>A Thinking Persons Religion: http://www.homeworship101.com/NL_2005_01.htm
>Covenant Theology:  http://www.homeworship101.com/NL_2006_02.htm
>Ego Religion: http://www.homeworship101.com/wp_ego_religion.htm
>Religious Abuse: http://www.homeworship101.com/fyi_religious_abuse.htm  
In the News, Christians seeking the ancient ways...
Part 1 - http://www.kmph.com/Global/story.asp?S=8757630&nav=menu612_2_1
Part 2 - http://www.kmph.com/Global/story.asp?S=8764689&nav=menu612_2_1
Shalom and Blessings, Errol.
Errol Mueller, chronicler extraordinaire
 e-mail: errol@homeworship101.com
website: www.homeworship101.com
Scripture quotations are from the New King James Version of the Holy Bible.
Copyright © 1982, Thomas Nelson, Inc., Publishers.
#WSC 2005-09, posted 08/28/05.  Revised 08/19/08
Copyright © 2008 White Stone Communications, Dothan AL 
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