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Table Fellowship & The Holy Day Observance

"Let them first learn -- to show piety at home." - 1 Timothy 5:4


The 'Art' of the  Observance

"Let them 
first learn--
to show piety 
at home." 
1 Timothy 5:4

The basic articles of faith in homeWorship are:

a clean body,

clean clothes,

a clean room,

a prayer shawl for women,

a Bible,

two candles

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The minimum articles of the Sacred Holy Day dinner table setting would include:

Two candles,


water and/or wine,


and the food for the meal. 

Private prayers are a solitary affair.  Mat.6:6


Pray from your mind and heart. Repetitive prayers are like junk mail to the heavens. Mat.6:7-8

Sample Prayer: Mat.6:9-13

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: 
Psalm 122


Face Jerusalem 
in prayer, evening, morning, and noon.  PS.55:17; Dan.6:10

During public prayers a woman covers her head, men do not. 1Cor.11:1-16


Opening Blessing: Ephesians 1:3


Blessing of Grace: 1Cor.1:3-4


Blessing for Anointing: 
Psalm 1:1-3 (Change man, his, and he, to candidate's name.)

Don't forget to: Bless your children. Mar.10:16  

Closing Blessing: Numbers 6:23



All Believers of our CREATOR should acknowledge HIS Holy Days, whether you believe in Yahshua/Jesus as the Messiah or not!  Sometime in the future, there will be a day. . ., you are standing in line, and nervously looking up, you receive a majestic nod to step forward and give account . . ..  Never let it be said, "you couldn’t do the least you could do."  The term Worship, with a capital W means,  an outward show of respect or esteem to our CREATOR'S higher authority. And the simplest "art of the observance" of the Holy Days can be accomplished by simply lifting your head, looking to the heavens at the beginning of the Holy Day, (in the evening sky, preferably facing toward Jerusalem), and saying, "Thank you YAHWEH, for showing me the signs."     

Let them first learn--
to show piety at home." 
- 1 Timothy 5:4

YAHWEH calls us into unity behind HIS plan for redemption, not ritual uniformity. The concern is not for mandatory ritualism, but understanding the universal truth for which it stands, and this understanding greatly enhances our faith. (Also see Ego Religion.)  

"The greatest homage we can pay to truth 
is to use it." 
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

All the Holy Days together picture YAHWEH’S grand majestic design of the unfolding spiritual events, affecting all humanity - that is why it is meaningful to pass on HIS teachings to others (Heb.9:10; Rom.7:6). The first Christians were Believers, and therefore already saved. The observance is not done for salvation - but of love and respect for our CREATOR and HIS Covenant with us (1Jno.5:3). 

Just as any skilled professional is required to take additional training or annual refresher courses, these are the annual spiritual refresher courses designed by our CREATOR. They are for a-l-l of HIS Believers to practice their spiritual training and maintain a high level of performance - lest we forget and lose our way.

We are as different as snowflakes. It is not my place to judge. It is not my place to dictate how-to. As with so many in days-gone-by, people have suffered in servitude to a ruthless overlord, so it still is with many today, only today it is called work. They can only glance up to the moon or heavens, or toward Jerusalem for a moment to whisper a prayer. In this evil world, their private acknowledgment is noticed and will be just as welcome as those who have the opportunity to observe the Holy Days more appropriately. My suggestion is to read the relevant Bible verses, learn from a variety of sources, discuss it with your loved ones, pray and meditate on it. Then use your GOD given intelligence to develop your own personal "art of performing" your acknowledgment for your own particular circumstance.  

Allow me to explain what I mean by the "art of performing" the acknowledgment for the Holy Days. It has been said:

"A person who works with their hands is a laborer.
A person who works with their hands and their brain
is a craftsman.
A person who works with their hands, their brain,
and their heart, is an artist."

I come from an artist background and the above quote is my favorite as it relates to my professional life. Our CREATOR cares more about the true feeling from the heart expressed in a simple prayer, then elaborate and expensive rituals where you just go through the motions because someone in authority demands it. 

For example: The simple thank-you prayer mentioned above, could just be recited to be done with it. Or, the more artistic way, one could make sure that they first keep themselves groomed and washed, then mindfully, with full presence, set aside a few moments to clear your thoughts from earthly matters, orient yourself toward Jerusalem, give thanks and say what is in your heart. The Angels will be watching. 

Your spiritual observation is a private affair, between you and your CREATOR, (Mat.6:6). If someone from the outside world rains on your observance, "forgive them for they know not what they do..." is the motto, (Luk.23:24). Even on the day of fasting your countenance should not be reflecting your sacrifice, and it is not to be bragged about while you are doing it, (Mat.6:18)  

Your manners are always under examination, 
and by committees little suspected, 
awarding or denying you very high prizes 
when you least think it. 
- Ralph Waldo Emerson


"...and dine with him, and he with Me."
Yahshua did not say He will come in to discuss doctrine. 
Your manners, your habits, 
and your Sacred meal /Table Fellowship 
will do all the theological talk for you.   
"To sacrifice 'home worship' to 'public worship' 
is a most evil course of action."
C. H. Spurgeon

Home Worship is less formal, less rigid, more casual, more down-to-earth, and from-the-heart. In ancient times it was very important and it was the center of life. Your heritage is passed on through the home. Your worldly inheritance comes from the home. Your spiritual Covenant with our CREATOR is all developed through homeWorship. By acknowledging the higher spiritual order, it gives us our place in the universe.  

The Biblical Holy Days where designed by our CREATOR to be home Worship affairs with family and friends. During the time of the Apostles, on a Holy Day you would pay your formal respects at the Jerusalem Temple. Afterwards, because of friction with the ruling establishment, the faithful would go home, prepare a Sacred meal and continue the Holy Day observance with Table Fellowship. They were not interested in special buildings for worship (Act.7:48 ), believing that the body was the temple of the Holy Spirit (1Cor.3:9,16; 6:19-20). They knew it was the people who brought the Spirit to the weekly meeting (Mat.18:20), and they did not have to go to a special building or sanctuary to reinforce it.   

The important lesson is, that the New Covenant must be lived in order to be effective. The Gospel cannot be proved by traditions, creeds and theological arguments - it is a code of how to live life, and the lessons begin at home.  This is the short answer: Our CREATOR longs for the day when HIS church is a blessing, rather then constantly searching for a blessing, and blessing our CREATOR begins at home (Gen.14:19-20; Act.20:35; Eph.1:3).  

The Holy Day observance teaches us that at least for one 24-hour period you are free from your slavery to the mundane self-centered material world, and spend this time with your loved ones. It is a simple day of family sharing. A day to take a news break and stop any activity which is normally engaged in for your livelihood. It is a time to rest, reflect and refocus on our higher spiritual values, and deepen our relationship with our CREATOR and our family. One can plan a spiritual event (such as baptism, anointing, etc.) to occur on a Holy Day.   

"But whatever house you enter, 
first say, 'Peace to this house.'
- Luke 10:5

When friends come over, many longer acquaintances met each other with a kiss or a hug of love (Rom.16:16; 1Cor.16:20; 1The.5:26; 1Pet.5:14 ). This is not the hug and run ‘em down, next chance you get, kind of affection. This is called a Holy Kiss. It is a kiss of love, and it means your heart is clean with that person (which means you have not gossiped . . ., or maligned . . ., them in anyway). It is done Italian/French style, lay one or two hands on the shoulders then pulling together to kiss first on the right cheek, then the left - second kiss is optional). 

Don't forget to...
"... extend the right hand of fellowship." Gal.2:9

They might have waved their hand and/or nodded their heads at one another, but they did not bow to each other because it comes very close to a worship stance. The Jews copied bowing to their high priests from the pagans, this practice is not in the Old or New Testament. For example, when the Roman soldier bowed to the Apostle Peter (Act.10:26), Peter replied, "stand up I myself am only a man." 

Scriptures call these Holy convocations "the Feasts of YAHWEH." Feasts in our present English means food or banquet. The Hebrew word for feast is "hag or chag," which means to revolve, to circle, to reel to and fro, to dance, to rejoice, to celebrate, to be giddy or happy. 

The model Sabbath day and Sacred meal are the basis used as the center of all the Holy Day activities - except for the day of fasting. Besides setting some time aside for Scriptural study, most of the Holy Days have a lively festive atmosphere, and Ps.149-150 tells us to "Praise the LORD" by being happy - play music, sing songs, and dance. This festive form of "praising the LORD" gives life to prayers through Sacred songs and dance. 

A Sacred dance is prayer in motion. It is an ancient GOD-given art form that adds extraordinary beauty to worship, and seeing it changes people’s hearts. Christianity, historically wary of sex, sensuality, and women in the church, discouraged this art of showing praise, but today it is blossoming again. Dancers wear delicate tiaras of rose buds and simple white ankle-length dresses adorned with different colored sashes. In their dance they use props such as candles, flags or swaths of colorful material and encourage the spectators to join in. It’s fun . . .. It’s refreshing . . .. It’s good exercise . . .. And it’s something our CREATOR likes . . ..  (For more info. see Links page.)

"Let brotherly love continue.
Do not forget to entertain strangers,
for by so doing
some have unwittingly entertained angels."
- Hebrews 13:1-2

The Sacred Meal (called in Christianity "Table Fellowship"), is Sacred because it occurs at YAHWEH’S appointed times. A Sacred meal is Sacred because the ingredients are sanctified by our CREATOR. It is something every Believer should know how to prepare because you never know when someone unexpected might stop by. (Gen.18:1-8.) 

Yahshua said, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and ‘dine’ with him, and he with Me" Revelation 3:20. Curiously, Yahshua did not say He will come in to discuss doctrine. Your manners, your habits, your Sacred meal, and table fellowship, will do all the theological talk for you. 

There are many spiritual mysteries surrounding the Sacred table and Scriptural food products. They represent devices that point to Heavenly symbols, which clarify the real importance of our meals, and what it means to sit down in peace at the table with others. 

The minimum articles of the Sacred Holy Day dinner table setting would include: Two candles (representing the CREATOR and the Messiah, and the flame on top represents the Holy Spirit), salt, water and/or wine, bread, and the food for the meal. It takes a bit of preplanning because you do not want to go out to the store on the Holy Day and buy something last minute for the meal. Some may cook a day or two ahead and warm it up on the Holy Day or cook it fresh on the day - no cheating, you cannot make a Sacred meal with take-out! 

You are what you eat, and on a Holy Day if you want to be sanctified, you have to eat sanctified foods. This is not a debate about ones daily dietary habits, this is a Sacred Holy Day meal and should consist of Biblical correct foods. These Biblical foods are called "sanctified by the Word of YAHWEH" (1Tim.4:5), which mean they are set apart as "clean" and Holy for the right use (human consumption is a right use). 

They are first mentioned in Genesis, just before the flood, YAHWEH commands Noah to take into the Ark two of all "unclean animals," and seven of all "clean animals" (Gen.7:2). About eight centuries later Moses explains the differences and they are listed in Leviticus ch.11 and Deuteronomy ch.14, (some other sanctified foods Gen.18:8, 43:11; goats milk Pro.27:27). You might be surprised to discover that even some insects are acceptable, John the Baptist ate them (Mat.3:4).   

Stand up for what's real!
If you can't pronounce it,
it doesn't belong on the Holy Day Table!

It is important to note here that our CREATOR is the designer of organic technology consisting of complex compounds and HE does not think very much of our feeble synthetic substitutes. Headlines today regarding diet read, "Well-to-do getting healthier by eating like the poor, study says." The more we learn, the more it seems to corroborate the ancient Biblical lessons. Today’s rich, refined-foods are rooted in the ancient foods prepared for pagan royalty, the Bible warns us not to eat the refined rich foods of the kings, you will look and feel better, and you will prolong your days (Pro.23:1-3; Dan.ch.1; Deu.4:40). Never-ever eat any raw or fatty meat at the Holy table (Lev.3:17; Exo.12:9-10). Eat until full, do not overeat, and be sober; giddy okay, but no drunkenness. 

There is no wasted motion in YAHWEH’S Universe, and all these articles of the Holy Day dinner represent life. The greatest pharmaceutical factory is not listed on the stock exchange, it is within you. The foods, herbs and minerals, YAHWEH specifically addresses, supply this factory. It is the marvelous delicate dance of organic technology, a phenomenon of physics and biology that border on pure magic - we should learn to respect this power and use them properly for healthy living. 

Water offered to a visitor is the first sign of hospitality, it shows that the guest is worthy of a peaceful reception (Jno.4:9), and also sits on the Sacred table. "The medical professionals of today do not understand the vital roles of water in the human body," but our CREATOR does, and that is why water is part of the Holy table. (For more info see Links page.) 

Salt is an important ingredient of the Sacred meal. The Biblical lore of salt begins in Leviticus 2:13, where it was directed to be part of all the grain offerings in the Temple. Salt is a vital part of YAHWEH’S Covenant Rite (2Chr.13:5), and its symbolism is rich in many important spiritual lessons. Salt is Divine - it is believed to be able to drive off demons. It is interesting to note only the dark side forbids its use, you will not find any salt on the table or in the food served at a black witch’s sabbath or in any pagan religious offering. 

Salt historically symbolized hospitality - and YAHWEH’S people should be the world’s most hospitable people. Salt heals - if you settled a dispute with your neighbor then you would invite the person into your home to share a dish of salt. Each of you would lick your finger, dip it in the salt and then eat the salt together. This is the symbol of friendship that heals the rift. 

Salt is pure - germs cannot live in it; by analogy, Believers are to be pure. Salt purifies - by analogy the Believers are the salt of the earth (Mat.5:13), they purify the world by not accepting false philosophies, dishonest ways of doing business, selfish desires, etc. Salt, just a dash, adds to the taste and pleasure of a meal. By analogy the Believers should add - just a dash - of spiritual interest, hope, and excitement to other people’s lives. Salt produces thirst, and the Believers should produce spiritual thirst in those around them. 

No salt in the diet leads you into an energy graveyard, and within a month you will die a slow agonizing death - you figure out the analogy! Sodium regulates the passage of nutrients into the cells. Without it, nutrients cannot enter your cells and you will have malnutrition and exhaustion no matter how good your diet. Without our CREATOR we would be spiritually starved and morally exhausted. 

The salt crystal is an enduring mineral. Large salt mine deposits, surviving thousands of years, and under great pressure, still hold their flavor and taste. Salt can dissolve in water - but its quality remains. Salt can be subjected to extreme heat and it still retains its particular chemical composition. But we are warned, as the salt of the earth, we should not lose our flavor (Mat.5:13). The only way salt can be ruined is if it reacts chemically with some other substance. By analogy the Believers should not be influenced by the deceitful riches and the material cares of this world. 

It is amazing how much we have forgotten about our salt filled heritage and its powers. We have also forgotten much about the quality of salt. Today’s debased white table salt deserves all of its bad reputation and all the misdeeds as charged. Simply put: It’s crap, and you don’t want to put it on the Holy table. The salt that honors YAHWEH’S table is pure, unrefined, living sea-salt. Real sea-salt is the most complex mineral element on the planet. It supplies all 92 vital trace minerals needed by the body, such as sulfur, magnesium, calcium and potassium, all in their natural organic, easy to assimilate state. By contrast, refined salt contains only two elements. Salt refinement means everything good is taken out of it and sold off to other industries, while the supermarket consumer gets the debased junk that is left over. 

Somewhere along the way, modern society was sold on the idea that progress means "refined and purified." Clean, clear, bright white is good. Off-white gray, or cloudy is bad. The market survey for salt goes something like this: Which looks better: The processed clean bright white salt or natural off-white gray? Which pours better: The dried and refined salt, or moist and natural salt? But they never asked: To make everything clean, clear, and bright white, we have to remove all the healthy living organic nutrients. Then to get these nutrients back, we’ll sell you vitamin and mineral supplements - is that OK? This modern refinement process in our salt example applies to our oils, our baking flours, our fruit juices, etc. - Satan and his minions have been busy!  (For more info: The Salt Covenant, and  Links page.)

Bread and wine are an important part of the Sacred meal. Wine gladdens the heart, and bread strengthens the heart (Ps.104:14-15). They are rich in Heavenly symbolism since the time of Melchizedek.  

Bread is ancient in its GODLY symbolism and is esteemed by all cultures. Everything done with it, from sowing the seeds, to the baking of it, was done in reverence to GOD. Bread was called the staff and stay of life (Isa.3:1). It was universal, all classes of people, rich or poor, in all parts of the ancient world, understood the necessity of the bread of life. 

The purpose of bread is to give life to the eater. This is the theme behind the spiritual lessons of bread, to give new life to the spiritual body. Their spiritual lessons are played out during the Holy Days of Passover and Unleavened Bread. (For more info on bread see the Links page.) 

Oils: The Bible has much to say about the secular use of olive oil in cooking and good health. Millions of dollars are spent on cosmetics to look beautiful, but topical creams will not do it all. If you want to look good and feel good then you have to oil yourself from the inside out. To learn more about all types of beneficial oils and how to use them review the book Fats that Heal Fats that Kill, by Udo Erasmus, (published by Alive Books, ISBN 0-920470-38-6). It is the complete guide (and a real eye opener) to fats, oils, cholesterol and how to use them properly for human health. 

"Better is a dinner of herbs where love is,
Than a fatted calf with hatred."
- Proverbs 15:17

Sharing a meal was an important aspect of friendship. Table fellowship means to share a meal with someone was to be at peace with him or reconciliation (Gen.26:28-30), thus any business needing to be spoken about was handled before the meal - because the meal seals the bargain. 

Now back to the main event. The table is set, and real Table Fellowship begins. Everyone has taken their seats. When all is ready and quiet, it is the woman’s voice that has incredible spiritual power. Not the scolding or sarcastic tone, but the soothing motherly voice, as she begins the Sabbath and Holy Days observances by reciting the opening blessing. Wearing her favorite prayer shawl, the woman of the house kindles the two candles, and gives the traditional blessing: "Blessed art thou, YHWH, O Lord our God, King of the Universe, who has set us apart by your commandments and has commanded us to kindle the Sabbath lights." (Replace the word Sabbath for any Holy Day. Or you can create your own prayer, but the prayer always begins with blessing our CREATOR first. Messianic believers would end the prayer saying: "in Yahshua's name we pray, amen. )    

When the candles are lit, and the women of the house sits down, the head of the house can lead a family prayer, and children can join in too! (Exo12:26; Pro.22:6)  

To kindle the Holy Day candles is the woman’s honor, because the seed of the woman, will bring forth the light of the Messiah to the world (Gen.3:15). But just for the record, anyone, alone or with loved ones, at home or on the road, can accomplish this duty or their own "art." Usually performed at sunset beginning the Holy Day or later in the day at the Sacred meal. 

When the candles are kindled and the prayers concluded, the meal begins . . .. This is where individual customs and traditions vary and the best advice is to follow the lead of your host. A wonderful book reviewing the history of the Biblical table of many cultures is called The Frugal Gourmet Keeps the Feast by Jeff Smith, published by William Morrow & Company. In the book, the Frugal Gourmet, Jeff Smith, relays recipes and stories that explain in more detail how the ancient Biblical feasts may be celebrated in our time. 

From the first Book of the Bible to the last, sharing a Sacred meal was considered a symbol of intimacy and it is the Bible’s way of showing us how to make peace with each other. The most important focal point of partaking in a Sacred meal, during a Holy Day observance, means you are literally having a meal with YAHWEH, and HIS Angels of Light, as a sign of peace (Deu.12:5-7). 

Numbers 6:24-26

From the book The Mystical Rites of our CREATOR  
ISBN 0-9675266-04
Copyright © 2000-2009 White Stone Communications - HomeWorship101.com
Last modified: August 26, 2009


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