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Spiritual  Power-Tool # 1

The Universal Rite of Prayer 

Satan laughs at our toil, mocks our wisdom, but trembles when we pray.


Spiritual Power -Tools Introduction

being the personal friend of YHWH.  
       Our premier Biblical example of GODLY faith, honor, and respect, is Abraham. 
He was a man of great faith and he lived life by two great commandments, he loved and honored YHWH, and he showed love and compassion for his neighbors – even ones he didn’t care for very much.  “He was called a friend of GOD” (Jas.2:23).  In Abraham’s life we see the first major examples of the Covenant Rites of YHWH: Bread and wine, GODLY hospitality, Angels helping the faithful, prayer, the laying on of hands, bestowing blessings, anointing, and the Covenant relationship.
The ancient texts tell us
our struggle is not against our fellow humans,
but with the rulers of the cosmic powers governing this darkness,
and with the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realm, (Eph.6:12).
The dark powers are great and must be conquered individually 
- no one can do it for you.
This is the theme of my story,  
addressing our individual relationship with the higher powers.

Confucius said,
“To lead an untrained people to war 
is to throw them away.”
One cannot fight this spiritual war with force,
to win, 
one has to understand the higher spiritual order of everything.
Who teaches us this spiritual understanding?
When a person is alone and faces their spiritual battles,
traditionally it is the training from our houses of worship
which help us prevail against the darkness.
But do they really 'teach' us this?


The Universal Rite of Prayer



Faith is prayer.
When faith ceases to pray,
it ceases to live.

           A righteous man or women is never alone. Prayer is a universal Rite, and is the way humanity communicates their feeling's to the Heavenly Powers.  To pray directly to our Creator is universal Rite, and it is the mortar that holds our spiritual house together.  Prayer is the act of petitioning, praising, giving thanks, or confessing to YAHWEH.  Prayer can be silent or audible, performed by an individual or in a group.  There are formal prayers for high Holy Days and special occasions.  And then, there are daily personal prayers, which must be pure and from the heart. 

            A righteous father wonders and worries over his children, and so it is with YAHWEH, the faithful should call home at least once a day - through prayer - and let HIM know you are thinking of HIM and you are all right.

            Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could forget our troubles as quickly as we forget our blessings?  Through prayer we give thanks for our blessings, and prayer is the therapy that helps us with our troubles.  

"I love the LORD, because He hears my voice and my supplications. 
Because He has inclined His ear to me, 
therefore I shall call upon Him as long as I live" 
- Psalm 116:1-2u

            GOD does more then hear words, HE reads hearts. There have always been two types of believers: the con-fessors who acknowledge their sin and come to the Messiah for salvation.  And the others, who are the pro-fessors, the hypocrites, those people who enjoy saying His Name, playing nice music to Him and building magnificent buildings to Him, but they never really afflict their souls to Him - do not be like them (Mat.6:5-8, Jno.15:7).  

 "I will worship toward Your holy temple, 
And praise Your name 
For Your loving kindness and Your truth;..." 
- Psalm 138:2

            Turn your heart toward Jerusalem in prayer (Dan.6:10).  Prayers are spiritual petitions and spiritual pledges to our CREATOR.  It is a service made available to the Believers of YAHWEH through the Sacred Covenants - they must be well meant and respected, not just idle talk.  The prayers of the righteous man or woman are powerful and effective (Jam.5:16), and the Believers are to be faithful in prayer (Rom.12:12).  

"The prayer of the feeblest saint who lives in the Spirit 
and keeps right with God is a terror to Satan. 
The very powers of darkness
are paralyzed by prayer; 
no spiritualistic seance can succeed in
the presence of a humble praying saint. 
No wonder Satan tries to keep our minds 
fussy in active work till we cannot think in prayer."
- Oswald Chambers

            Quiet private prayers are a persons own solitary affair.  But in public prayer, women wear prayer shawls to cover their heads, preferably made from unmixed natural fabrics, and men do not (1Cor.11:1-16).  In ancient times a beard was a mark of manhood and maturity (1Sam.10:4-50), but today beards are optional.

            The Jewish tradition of wearing a beanie type head covering know as a “kepha,” is not Biblical.  In the Hebrew Scriptures wearing a hat was a sign indicating deep sorrow (2Sam.15:30, 19:4; Est.6:12).  The formal priesthood in the Temple wore special costumes with hats, but the average Israeli Holy man did not.  The ancient Greeks wore it as a sign of an educated man or philosopher, and the Jewish custom was most likely adapted from them; it was not carried over into New Covenant customs.   

            There are many forms of prayers, for victory over our enemies, for health and prosperity, for wisdom and understanding, etc.  Prayers are not to be uttered because of ritual habit or show, and the “babbling” people are not heard for their many words (Mat.6:7-8).  Repetitive prayers are considered junk mail to the Heavens.  They take up the Angels recording time and have very little meaning.  When you have something on your mind, talk to YAHWEH, and ask in the Sacred Name of the Messiah and “ye shall receive,” (Mat.21:22).  

"Do not pray for easy lives. 
Pray to be stronger men [and women]! 
Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers. 
Pray for powers equal to your tasks."
- Phillips Brooks

            Yahshua-Jesus, in His Sermon on the Mount, relayed a model prayer cherished by all Believers because of its simplicity, beautiful imagery, and instructive value (Mat.6:9-15).  His model prayer illustrates an order to a prayer: First, the invocation blessing acknowledges the power and position of our FATHER; then give thanks for our blessing, next ask for forgiveness and forgive those who wronged you; lastly make your personal request, and ask for protection from evil.  (A real treasure of a book for an in-depth study of both the “Sermon on the Mount” and the “Lords Prayer” is George M. Lamsa’s book, The Kingdom on Earth.) 

            Yahshua spoke mostly Aramaic in His daily life and teachings (Hebrew was considered to be more of a Sacred - Religious - language).  Click link to hear His prayer in it's original Aramaic tongue:  http://www.v-a.com/bible/prayer.html

            Ending the prayer by saying “Amen” is the seal of an oral testament.  A prayer is a pledge between two parties, a promise to carry it out, and saying “Amen” at the end of it seals the deal.  It means “So be it!”  The followers of the Messiah would end their prayers by saying, “In Yahshua’s Name we pray, Amen.”   

            Prayer at times can be quiet, or sometimes - in a time of great trial - a whisper just won’t due.  Then use your diaphragm voice and state your position in Yahshua’s Name!  You will be surrounded with all of His resources, and then command: “get thee behind me Satan.”  If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.  Be encouraged dear Believer - keep the faith - it is not that your prayers will not be answered, it is that they have not been answered yet - but they will be. Have faith, and forgive - you will receive (Mar.11:22-25).  

"I would rather teach one man to pray 
than ten men to preach."
- J. H. Jowett
IN CASE OF EMERGENCY: For times that require special spiritual strength, while facing toward Jerusalem, a brief period of prayer three times a day - at evening, morning, and noon - might help (Ps.55:17; Dan.6:10). 
If the emergency is immediate, then use your diaphragm voice in prayer!

*HEALTH BENEFIT: Does prayer heal? Modern scientists are discovering what believers have always know, ancient Biblical Laws are still ahead of their time. And righteous prayer for healing is top on the list. In many scientific studies such as, double blind studies, praying for no specific outcome, prayers of different faiths, the prayed-for patients benefited significantly. 

            Productive prayer requires earnestness, not eloquence. "50% of sick persons need prayer more then pills, aspirations more then aspirins, mediation more then medicine."  Curiously, the bottom line in all these scientific prayer studies was that no one prayer group was better then the next. The bottom line is, that righteous love was the power, it is a matter of the heart, and the best prayers ended in "...thy will be done."  Even for those who are dying, prayer means you are not alone. 

            (Do not forget to complement your prayers for health with YAHWEH’S pharmacy, natural foods and herbs Eze.47:12).  

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(The Bible says we must earnestly contend for the faith (Jud.1:3), 
I didn't want make learning all the mysteries too easy.)

From the book  The Mystical Rites of our CREATOR  ISBN 0-9675266-0-4

Copyright © 2000-2011 White Stone Communications - HomeWorship101.com
Last modified: September 17, 2012

Lesson # 2

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