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HomeWorship 101™ presents:

The Mystical Rites of our CREATOR

"No advance has ever been made in science, politics, or religion, without great controversy."



HW_101_Bk_Cvr_Jpeg.jpg (75474 bytes)Consider The Questions:

What is your vision of Heaven?

And, what is your method of getting there?

Did you know that there are powers at work to keep you from your destiny?

Knowledge is power, 
and Divine Knowledge is the most powerful!
Sharing it is empowerment!
Learn about it in this book...
Learning the way the first Christians connected with GOD, 
or discovering the Jewish roots of Christianity,
or the Jewish roots of Jesus, 
is a hot topic in today's religious market.  
A better term would be discovering the Hebrew Roots, 
better still, would be YHWH's Ancient Roots of Christianity, 
because these roots begin with the life of Abraham and back to Noah, 
who was coincidentally, were gentiles.

Discover the forbidden knowledge of home health and home Worship - the way our CREATOR intended.  Spiritual magic happens when you begin to understand the major spiritual steps in the great Heavenly master plan that leads us from chaos to eternity.

Discover the spiritual power-tools needed for home improvement. They have been considered by the gatekeepers of orthodoxy as "classified" and on a need-to-know basis.  They are ancient Sacred Rites and are "personal" spiritual power-tools available to the Believers directly from GOD, and they are e-v-e-r-lasting.  

Discover the forgotten Biblical festivals along with their historical, current day, and prophetic meanings, which all believers can enjoy.  They are spiritual keys to a timeless treasure trove of Divine knowledge.

Discover the lost art of Biblical timekeeping.  For the spiritual miraculous to happen, you have to be there at the right time.  The first order of business in home Worship is learning when to observe the Biblical Holy periods.


        This précis history means you get the straight-up version - no psychobabble, just the action verbs and a touch of humor.  Written as a fast-movin' chronicle of the spiritual side of history when the Heavenly Rites of our CREATOR were revealed.  

        The book is packed with useful information.  In a down-to-earth approach, the spiritual mysteries are unraveled and rearranged in time-order for easier understanding.  This book is extraordinary because future supernatural events are also chronicled.

Table of Contents

Introduction: Ground Rules, The Forbidden Book, Top GOD, The Time of the Angels, The Conflict, The Re-Creation of the Earth, The Creation of Adam and Eve.

A Précis History: The Time of Abraham, The Sacred Covenants, The Jerusalem Church in Exile, The Jerusalem Church - Returns, The Jerusalem Church - Roman Style, Are you the Messiah?, The 3 1/2 year Ministry, The Mystery of the Age of Grace, The Prophecy of the Messiah, The Study of Eschatology.

The Habits: The "Gospel" goes Global, The Sacred Assembly, Ambassadors of the Kingdom, Hospitality, HomeWorship, Church Organization, The Work, Persecution of the Faithful, Resistance to Persecution, Church Membership, Women, Tithing, Baptism, Circumcision, Prayer, Bestowing a Blessing, Invoking a Blessing to Cancel a Curse, The Laying on of Hands, Anointing with Oil, Biblical Timekeeping.

The Holy Days: The Holy Days of the Early Church were, The Sabbath Rest, The Sacred Meal, The Passover, The Days of Unleavened Bread, The Day of Firstfruits, The Day Of Pentecost, The Day of Trumpets, The fearsome Day of Atonement, The seven Day Festival of Tabernacles.  Passover addendum: The Mystery of the Bride.

View Sample Pages of Book

This book boldly goes where none have gone before 
and is solid food for the soul & spirit! 

More Book Info

   Special Price $10.00 US, includes 
    7-10 day standard shipping in the continental US.

    Soft cover, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 250 pages. 

    version 1.0    ISBN 0-9675266-0-4  


Copyright © 2000-2009 White Stone Communications - HomeWorship101.com
Last modified: February 21, 2009

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