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The Mystical Rites of our CREATOR




Ground Rules, 

The Forbidden Book, 

Top GOD, 

The Time of the Angels, 

The Conflict, 

The Re-Creation of the Earth, 

The Creation of Adam and Eve.

Everyone from the spiritually
passionate seeker,
to the lurker
(one who listens, but does not participate),
looks out into the night sky with awe
and asks a simple question:
Are we here by choice or by chance?
How do I fit into the universe?
And what is my destiny?


The answers begin
when we touch that higher spiritual order
through homeWorship . . .

Greetings and welcome to the world of homeWorship. I would like to announce (just in case you have not heard) that you and every other human being on the planet - rich or poor, small or great, male or female, of every race, have a personal relationship with our CREATOR - even those who do not believe. The key phrase is personal relationship - no one stands between you and your MAKER. In ancient times homeWorship was very important and it was the center of spiritual life. Your family heritage is passed on through Covenant with our CREATOR, and learning to use the spiritual power-tools was all developed through homeWorship.


In this modern age homeWorship has become a forgotten rite as institutional houses of worship have taken the priority. In the spiritual supermarket of today with over 600 distinct religious traditions, modern seekers are still searching for their place in the universe. It seems that the only thing flourishing is confusion as people try to separate the heavenly hoax from the deeper spiritual reality.

There are do-it-yourself salvation kits everywhere, but this is ancient and is e-v-e-r-lasting. The purpose of this Biblically-based study is to address and make use of the advantages available through your personal relationship with the higher spiritual order governed by our CREATOR. A more specific but long winded title would be "a quick-study source-book of the ancient Rites for showing Holy respect to our CREATOR."

We are all as different as snowflakes, I am not a doctrinal dictator and this is not a how-to book, because it is not my place to tell you how to do anything. This is not about judging ritual purity, because in all the spiritual lessons it is purity of the heart that is the paramount objective. I call this a quick-study because I only outline the framework for homeWorship, which you can then adapt to your own lifestyle and ethnic traditions. I call it a source-book because it links you to other sources of specialized information for deeper study.

Since a near-death cancer experience in the mid-sixties, when I was 14 years old, I have always known that the higher spiritual order exists. Since then a hobby of mine has been to try and learn more about the spirit world. I am a lay person and an independent spiritual researcher. I grew up as a Protestant Christian, which means protesting-Christian. (They protest against the dictatorial rule of a centralized religious authority. They protest against any human being placed between them and GOD. And they stand for the right of anyone to have a copy of the Holy Scriptures in their native language for personal study). After my confirmation I got off "the slow moving institutional tram, put my hiking boots on and blazed my own trail up the mountain of Knowledge." I have discovered answers to questions most dare not even think about, this is what I would like to share with you.


This series "HomeWorship 101™" is your Bible boot-camp! Take the Bible and strip away all the man invented mishegoss (craziness), peel away all the prejudice, the hatred, the politics, all the egos and jealousy, all the spooky man-designed rituals, this book is what you have left.

I call myself a chronicler extraordinaire, because I unravel the spiritual mysteries and rearrange them in time-order for easier understanding. I am extra-ordinary because I also chronicle the future, and I have an extraordinary point of view - I hope you will find it thoughtfully provocative.

Ground Rules

"It takes a lot more faith to live this life
without faith than with it." - Peter De Vries

FIRST: You must believe that you are a created being, then you must believe in our CREATOR . . .

That belief comes from studying eyewitness accounts and is confirmed in your secret place, your heart and your conscience - no one can decree you a Believer!

SECOND: Learn of our CREATOR’S Covenants, HIS plan . . .

The Bible actually describes a form of government - not a religion. And through a covenant relationship (two parties enter into a contract) is how our CREATOR interacts with humanity.

THIRD: Have faith in the #1 promise of our CREATOR, that HE will send a Messiah . . .

Today some say, "The Messiah never, but will someday appear!" 
Some others say, "The Messiah came, and will come again!"
It seems the one thing that all Believers in our CREATOR can agree on is:


The color of one’s skin, or the ethnic nationality one is born into, is something we all have to live with - it cannot be changed. An appreciation for some myths, legends, nightmares, folk laws or traditions is another matter. Putting a spiritual belief into practice is something we should come to believe in over time through study. If it is to be pure, and from the heart, it must be a voluntary arrived at state. And in an intellectual discussion it is something we should be able to defend.

The methods or lessons may vary according to the culture, but the sin of pride, the moral teachings of "the Golden Rule," the conflict of good against evil, and an afterlife where man will finally find justice, can be found in every major religion, and they are very similar. They separate when it comes to addressing their own version of a superior being of enlightenment and the customs designed to show respect or worship.

This is not about dueling over doctrine . . . I don’t have that much energy. As we enter the next millennium, all humanity should acknowledge one clear lesson from history: When discussing or debating the higher spiritual world of our CREATOR, if one, or several, are driven to violence to make their point, then they have already lost the argument. And that should go for governments too!

Here is one of my extraordinary viewpoints to help in learning about the higher spiritual order: GOD is . . . like eating a pizza! Some like it with just plain cheese, others like to load it up with everything. Some like the thin crust, some like only the regular crust, some others like the double thick crust, and there are some who like all three. Some like to eat carefully with a knife and fork, some others just grab hold and chomp away - sitting is optional. Sometimes you like to eat it at home, sometimes you feel like going out fancy and eating it in a restaurant. And for those who do not like pizza - we will pray for you. Remember, if you are a pizza lover, then Satan wants you!

The moral of the story is that they are all feeding on our CREATOR’S knowledge, even if it is in their own particular style. And Satan is after all Believers, he does not care which brand of Believer you are.


I love you, and because I love you,
I would sooner have you hate me
for telling you the truth, than adore me
for telling you lies." - Pietro Aretino

Enjoy "the mystery." I am not here to step on anyone’s formal traditions, but that mysterious tie to our CREATOR is something we are all born with and learning about it should be a rewarding experience. HomeWorship speaks to your secret place in your conscience, it is the mysterious direct-link from our CREATOR. The proper teaching is recognized with ease. One can know it without fail because it awakens within you that sensation that tells you this is something you have always known. Our CREATOR knows when people are given the truthful information, they will make the correct decisions.

In Biblically-based homeWorship, the material-world has little to do with it. You came into this world with nothing but your spirit, and you will leave this world with nothing but your spirit, and a-l-l stands equal before our CREATOR. Leave your power suits, your intimidating uniforms, your medals, adornments and fancy credentials at the door. HomeWorship is less formal, more casual, more simple, and from the heart.

Learning about homeWorship is about honest people searching for honest answers. Millions are desperate to fill the gaping spiritual void in their lives. They are looking for love, healing and spiritual guidance, and seeking to rid themselves of guilt, pain and emptiness. In this age of materialism they want to explore life’s spiritual dimension, they want to change their heart and their ways of thought. HomeWorship answers to all of these needs.

The sage says that a man [or a woman] is three things: What he thinks he is, what others think he is, and what he really is. To understand our place in life, we must be honest and yield ourselves to the higher Divine life-force. The attitude one must have is that of a humble open-minded student. Do not take yourself too seriously (Rom.12:3), learning the higher spiritual ways should be an enjoyable growing personal experience. Some ancient ways are timeless and carry very important purposes. The greatest journey any soul can experience, is trying to understand the Heavenly knowledge that is being passed on to us.

This is not a warm and fuzzy essay on spirituality, surviving spiritual warfare is serious business and you need the right spiritual power-tools. With a conservative attitude, we are going to examine the greatest science fact or fiction story ever told - it is for you to decide...

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Last modified: February 21, 2009