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- The
Millennium Kingdom of the Ruling Messiah
CAUTION: This is not some 'novel'
approach to the Bible, reading this may require a seatbelt.
- .
- The Lion
of YHWH...
- .
- General
Omar Bradley
- stated at an Armistices Day Ceremony in 1948:
- .
- "We have grasped the
mystery of the atom
- and rejected the Sermon on
the Mount.
- The world has achieved
brilliance without wisdom,
- power without conscience.
- Ours is a world of nuclear
giants and ethical infants.
- We know more about war than
we know about peace,
- more about killing then we
know about living."
The question is not "if" the Messiah will appear,
- but "when"
will He appear?
The Jews, Christians, Muslims, and many
religion's look for the coming
Redeemer who will conquer evil and usher in a kingdom of peace and
justice. But the worlds' armies, gathered to fight each other in Jerusalem, will look at
Messiah as a common enemy, and unite their armies against Him (Rev.19:19).
When the
Heavenly Army descends to Earth, we can only speculate as to what they
will be thinking at that moment. They will probably say that He is an
extraterrestrial who is coming to conquer the planet. There have
been many battles fought in history called Armageddon. After
approximately 6,000 years of spiritual warfare, this is the real one, the
decisive battle between good and evil. Although this day is really
called the Day of the Lord in the Bible (Joel 1:15), it is commonly known as the
Battle of Armageddon and it will make all the other battles seem pale in
Unless the Messiah comes to Earth and
intervenes in the affairs of man, no human would be saved alive (Mat.24:22). He comes to destroy the destroyers! Unfortunately,
Antichrist and his member nations will be angry with His coming, and their
military forces will attempt to destroy Him in Jerusalem (Rev.11:18, 19:19). [See
Tribulation Prophecies.]
- "...one of the elders said to me,
- Do not weep. Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah,
- the Root of David, has prevailed..."
Rev 5:5
Psalm 2:1-8 relates the decree from the Great White Heavenly Throne Room
against the Kings of the Earth who plot against HIS anointed, the Messiah:
"Why do the nations rage, And the people plot a vain thing? The
kings of the earth set themselves, And the rulers take counsel together,
Against the LORD and against His Anointed, saying, "Let us break
Their bonds in pieces And cast away Their cords from us." He
who sits in the heavens shall laugh; The LORD shall hold them in derision.
Then He shall speak to them in His wrath, And distress them in His deep
displeasure: "Yet I have set My King On My holy hill of Zion. I will
declare the decree: The LORD has said to Me, 'You are My Son, Today I have
begotten You. Ask of Me, and I will give You The nations for Your
inheritance, And the ends of the earth for Your possession."
The question is not if the Messiah will appear, but when
will He appear? In the religious world there are plenty of opinions,
as always, the first place to look for answers is in the Bible. The
Messiah, sent by our FATHER, has two
missions: The rejected-suffering Messiah, and the conquering-ruling
Messiah (Isa.53:3-6, 9:6-7). We know when
the Messiah comes for His Bride
it will be a surprise. No one but the FATHER knows the time (Mat.24:36;
1Ths.4:13-18). But when He returns as the conquering Messiah with His
Bride and Heavenly army to stop the warring factions from destroying the
planet, that is no surprise.
There are 318 prophecies in the New Testament of
Yahshua's second coming. The
Book of Jude described Yahshua's arrival in verse 14-15, "Now Enoch, the
seventh from Adam, prophesied about these men also, saying, 'Behold,
the Lord comes with ten thousands of His saints; to execute judgment
on all, to convict all who are ungodly among them of all their ungodly
deeds which they have committed in an ungodly way, and of all the harsh
things which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him."
- "These
will wage war against the Lamb,
- and
the Lamb will overcome them,
- because
He is Lord of lords and King of kings,
- and
those who are with Him are the called and chosen and faithful."
- -
Revelation 17:14
the Messiah, then King of Kings over the entire Earth, will return riding
a Heavenly White Horse, with His Heavenly Army to supernaturally vanquish
the evil forces (Rev.19:11-21). The book of Zechariah 14:1-8,
written in 520 B.C.E., describes the Messiah descending from the heavens.
He will descend to Earth and set foot on the Mount of Olives, opposite the
Temple Mount. Then a great earthquake will split the earth from the
Dead Sea in the east through the Mount of Olives to the
Mediterranean Sea in the west.
is interesting to note here, that a U.S. Geophysical survey team in 1967
analyzed the Mount of Olives. They discovered a geological fault line running from the Dead
Sea behind the Mount of Olives all the way to the Mediterranean Sea.
They stated a tremendous shock would cause an open fault line to
appear, just as prophesied twenty-five hundred years ago in Zechariah
14:4. The split in the Mount
of Olives will open an escape route allowing the defenders of Jerusalem
trapped by the approaching Antichrist army a way to escape to safety.
spite of all the Heavenly warnings, the earthly armies want war.
To confront the alien space invaders, they will join forces and march
southward into the valley of Jehoshaphat (Joel 3:1-2). Today it’s
called the Kindron Valley, it is a deep valley that borders Jerusalem on
the East between the city and the Mount of Olives. The true Hebrew
meaning of the word Jehoshaphat, is the Judgment of the ETERNAL.
Those nations armies - gathered together for their great battle - have
just entered into the valley of their Divine Judgment.
the Mount of Olives He will destroy the worlds armies that have united
against Him (Rev.17:14). The
battle will occur in stages over the course of several days involving
hundreds of millions of soldiers (Zec.12:2-11).
Zechariah 14:12 gives a graphic account of the battle, "And this
shall be the plague with which the LORD will strike all the people who
fought against Jerusalem: Their flesh shall dissolve while they stand on
their feet, Their eyes shall dissolve in their sockets, And their tongues
shall dissolve in their mouths." Does
this description sound familiar? Think
back to what happened in the movie "Raiders of the Lost Ark"
when the Germans finally raised the lid on the Ark of the Covenant.
Now in the spiritual war there will be a thousand-year cease-fire.
After the battle, Satan will be bound by Michael the Archangel,
Revelation 20:1-2 “Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven,
having the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand.
He laid hold of the dragon, that serpent of old, who is the Devil
and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years.” The
Antichrist (the Satan possessed human leader), and the false prophet were cast
into the lake of fire, Gehenna the final death, these souls are dead
forever (Rev.19:20.)
Yahshua will cross the Kidron Valley and enter the Temple Mount through the
Eastern Gate just as He did on Palm Sunday some two thousand years ago.
The prophet Ezekiel proclaimed that the promised Messiah would enter the
Eastern Gate of the Temple Mount into the rebuilt Third Temple (Eze.43:1-5). The Prophet had told Israel that this Eastern Gate (it was
originally called the Golden Gate because it was covered in a golden
colored bronze) would be sealed in the future, to preserve it for the
entrance of the coming Messiah (Eze.44:1-2). The Earthquake will
open the sealed Eastern Gate that He will walk through and enter the
Tribulation (third) Temple.
(Picture shows current view of the Eastern
Gate and Temple Mount, click to enlarge.)
Twelve hundred years ago the Muslim scholars were aware of the ancient
Jewish prophecy of the coming Hebrew Messiah - who would rule the world
after entering the Temple Mount through the Eastern Gate - and in hopes of
preventing the Messiah from fulfilling prophecy they sealed the gate.
Ironically by sealing the gate they were fulfilling prophecy. During
the reign of Suleyman the Magnificent (1520-1566), they rebuilt the
gatehouse and the walls of the Eastern gate as it is seen today. In
their religion walking through a graveyard would defile a priest or holy
man. To prevent this prophecy of restoring Israel from coming true,
they built a large graveyard in front of the Eastern Gate, hoping this
would prevent the Messiah from walking through the gate and fulfilling the
prophecies. To be doubly sure to prevent the Messiah from entering
the gate, the Arabs placed the graves of several children on the ground
only inches from the huge foundations stones of the gate.
Twice this century an attempt to open the Eastern Gate had failed.
First, on December 9, 1917 the Grand Muffti, the Arab leader of Jerusalem,
decided to open the gate. He ordered the other gates to Jerusalem
sealed to stop the approaching allied Army led by British General Allenby.
Since he needed one gate open, he ordered his workers to open the sealed
Eastern Gate. As they began their work, General Allenby had his
biplanes fly over Jerusalem dropping leaflets asking the Arabs to
"Flee Jerusalem." The Muslims had a prophecy, stating,
they would never loose the holy city, until they were asked to leave by a
prophet of Allah. When the Arabs saw General Allenby's name on the
leaflet, they interpreted it as meaning Allah's prophet, then they fled
the city without a shot being fired.
The second time was, on June 5, 1967 when King Hussain of Jordan was
planning a construction project in the old city of Jerusalem next to the
Temple mount. This construction project would have closed the Magreb
Gate, (the gate that the Arab pilgrims were using) so he ordered the
Eastern Gate opened. As the workers prepared to do their work,
Israeli aircraft preemptively responded to the Arab war preparations, and
as the Six Day War began, the workers dropped their tools and fled from
their work on the Eastern Gate. As prophesied, the gate still
remains sealed to this day, clearly shows us that YAHWEH is in charge and
HE works in mysterious ways.
After entering the Tribulation Temple,
Yahshua will be anointed with the sacred oil of the anointing.
Yahshua's human blood line comes from King David so he has some Hebrew
birthright duties to fulfill, and it begins with the anointing. This
special mixture of anointing oil was first ordered to be made in Exodus
30:22-33, to be used for sanctification of religious articles and leaders.
This anointing oil was lost when the Temple was destroyed in 70 C.E., and
has been lost for two almost thousand years, because the materials to
remake this oil are no longer available. Miraculously, during the
Dead Sea Scrolls excavation of the Copper Scroll, a flask of this
anointing oil has been found. The oil, buried almost two thousand
years ago, in one of the hottest spots on earth, is still fresh and usable
Carbon 14 dating by the Casali Institute of Applied Chemistry Laboratories
determined that the oil comes from the first century era and that it has a
unique chemical composition. When one drop of oil was put into
water, it turned the water milky white, exactly as the ancient texts
suggested it should. Another coincidence is the timing of the
discovery in 1988, while Israel was having its fortieth anniversary.
In Jewish law a man reaching his maturity at his fortieth birthday may
then hold a position in the religious and political authority.
After the anointing, Yahshua as our
great High Priest will then announce the Gospel or Good news that the
Kingdom/Government of YAHWEH has arrived. He will proclaim the Great
Planetary Jubilee (Lev.25:1-13). The time of restitution of all things, since the world began. The cancellation of all debts. All
the prisons will be opened and everyone will be free to start over (Act.3:18-21). There will be a literal one-year rest for the planet and all
it’s inhabitants. He will then judge
the nations of the world, before establishing His Millennium Kingdom.
In the Garden of Gethsemane where
Yahshua was betrayed, representatives of all nations will be gathered
before Him. He will separate the righteous sheep nations (those who did good
works to the Hebrew people, to the Christians, to the hungry, the poor, and
those nations who are peacemakers), from the goat nations (the ones who
cursed and oppressed His servants, and those who started violence). The goat nations will not survive, they will go away into everlasting
punishment (Mat.25:31-46; Gen.12:3). As the Bible says, "...the kingdom of
heaven is like a dragnet that was cast into the sea and gathered some of
every kind, which, when it was full, they drew to shore; and they sat down
and gathered the good into vessels, but threw the bad away. So it
will be at the end of the age. The angels will come forth, separate
the wicked from among the just, and cast them into the furnace of fire.
There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth," Mat.13:47-50.
The lesson of the Tribulation era is clear - Satan's way leads to death. About a third of humanity will survive the terrible ordeal brought on by
mans own hand. The Messiah will begin calling all the mortals on
Earth to repent the utter hopelessness of the life they have chosen.
The mortal citizens entering the Millennium Kingdom will be those
survivors of the Great Tribulation period and the Battle of Armageddon.
As they enter the next level of Humanities spiritual evolution they will
receive the spiritual salvation needed to inherit all of the blessings of
the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. The first part of the Messiah's
Earthly rule now begins. As stated in Revelation ch.20, six
times it is written that the Messiah will rule and reign for a thousand
it will be revealed to Humanity what is meant by the term
Kingdom of YAHWEH, ruled by Yahshua the Messiah, as the nations of humanity
will culturally reset to the
time before 1Samuel ch.8. As in the Book of Judges, it will be
a government based the revolutionary Protestant concept, that GOD directly
empowers the people - instead of a king; and what GOD directly gives - no
man can take away. The dusty statue books that control us today will be
gone in a world in which the people will finally accept their
responsibility of GOD given freedom...
Continue to Page 2: The Millennium
Kingdom of the Ruling Messiah

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Last modified: January 11, 2010