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In depth:
CAUTION: This is not some 'novel'
approach to the Bible, reading this may require a seatbelt.
- Almost Tomorrow
- Introduction...
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- "The peoples of Europe are looking for a man so
- that he could hold the allegiance of all the peoples of Europe,
and be he man or devil we are ready to receive him, now."
- - Paul Henri
- .
- Belgian statesman, foreign
minister, prime minister, co-founder of the European Community (Be-Ne-Lux,
France, Italy, Germany)
- and former secretary general
careful what you wish for...
The question is not whether these events will take place, it is
when will these events take place.
understand, I freely admit my prophecy analysis is my best guesstimate
based on personal research and study.
Anyone one can take a Bible verse out of context and write a story about
it. I have chronicled the major Biblical prophecies and added some
current events commentary. One must remember, we mere mortals are all students of prophecy,
and everyone is entitled to his or her opinion, that is what makes watching
the signs interesting.
- It
is important to understand just exactly what signs we are watching.
They are: the signs of the end of this Age of Grace leading
to the Millennium Kingdom of the Messiah - not the end of the world.
The Messiah's coming does not mean the destruction of the Earth. The
Bible mentions about 120 times that our planet will go on forever
(Ecc.1:4). Although it will be the end of this world of evil.
world is a compromise.
No one has it 100% their way, not Satan’s church, and not the
Godly church. The Parable of
the Tares (Mat.13:24-30), says evil will be amongst us, and sometime in
the future, almost tomorrow, YAHWEH will send the Messiah and destroy this
corrupt system (Dan.2:44).
Bible says this is Satan’s world, and Satan counterfeits true
knowledge (2Cor.4:4). For example, one
day the Messiah will rule the world, and Satan wants to counterfeit the
Messiah’s rule of the world. Satan
has wanted the world to worship him since the Tower of Babel.
If he can’t get what he wants, his back-up plan is a scorched
Earth policy. Destroy
humanity! Destroy the Earth! It’s
nothing personal - just business.
your fear! "Fear
Believers need not fear GOD; Scriptures repeat this phrase over
300 times. The
message from the Messiah to humanity is simple, and it is similar to the
message YAHWEH gave Adam and Eve, “Let not your heart be troubled;
you believe in God, believe also in Me,” Jno.14:1.
“Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the
world gives do I give to you. Let
not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid,” Verse 27.
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power
and of love and of a sound mind,” 2Timothy 1:7.
Stay-on-target! These
will be perilous time. Do not give into hate or rioting, and
The Rainbow Covenant still stands, always
trust YHWH and HIS plan for Humanity.
Help your neighbor, DO NOT give into rioting. Our personal fate will be decided in our CREATOR'S Great White Throne Room according to
ones individual actions.
"Plan as if the
Messiah’s coming is years away,
but live as if He is
coming today.”
time given in the Bible of the Messiahs physical reign on Earth
is approximately six thousand years from the time Adam and Eve were driven
out of the Garden of Eden; or approximately two thousand years from the
birth of Yahshua-Jesus. The
problem is that chronology is not an exact science.
There is not enough known about the chronology of the ancient
Biblical events to know precisely when the allotted time has
expired. Even the current,
most modern, chronological tables and charts established by the scholars
Larkin, Thiele, and Reese, do not all agree, they are within a ten to
fifteen year span of one another.
further complicate the date setting for Armageddon is the
curious prediction Yahshua made in His Olivet discourse Matthew 25:37, “But
as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.” Most see this as a prophecy of the lawlessness preceding
the Millennium Kingdom, but many forget that in Noah’s time YAHWEH
postponed HIS judgment of destruction on the wicked planet 120 years
make an end-time date theory based on Yahshua’s prophecy in
Luke 21:28-29, “Now
when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because
your redemption draws near.” Then
He spoke to them a parable: “Look at the fig tree, and all the trees.
When they are already budding, you see and know for yourselves that
summer is now near. So you
also, when you see these things happening, know that the kingdom of God is
near. Assuredly, I say to
you, this generation will by no means pass away till all things take
place.” A Biblical
generation is figured at approx. 40 years (Psalm 95:10), from 1967 C.E.
(when the Jews captured Jerusalem), plus 40 years, adds up to the year
2007 C.E.. Additional
corroboration comes from the Old Testament prophecies that anticipated
Armageddon would occur a generation after the establishment of the Jewish
set an exact date is fruitless, although many groups in the
past have tried. Eventually,
they all have been disappointed and have been branded as false prophets.
- In
Judaism, rabbinic literature specifically prohibits
calculations of the coming Messiah, because it would be dependent on a
Divine calendar, rather then human calculation.
In a way they are right, one cannot figure the dates by a Roman
calendar. The Divine calendar, as it is described in the Bible, is
calculated by a lunar year of 360 days.
- Yet, it has always been said by many rabbis that the world will
last for a six thousand years or 120 Jubilees, then the son of David will
come to usher in a 1,000-year sabbatical rest.
The tribulation years just before the Messiahs arrival are called
"The Seven Mystery Years of Jacobs Trouble" (Jer.30:7).
They believe Israel will be violently attacked three times during
these years, with the last one triggering the Messiah’s arrival.
also forbids any Muslim to set dates, but they do discuss “signs” of
an approaching judgment, such as widespread corruption and an evil tyrant
ruling the world. They
are also waiting for a messiah figure called the mythical twelfth Imam or
Mahdi, and many of their end time prophecies run parallel to the Biblical
Tribulation prophecies. For example, there will be world chaos,
wars, years of bloodshed, beheadings of unbelievers (and Islam has a rich
tradition of beheading their enemies), and out of the chaos their Mahdi
will appear to redeem earth, restore the creation and deliver its people.
There is one big difference, the Bible's bad guy is the Koran's good guy, there is a reference to what the Bible calls
the Mark of the Beast, which we know to avoid at all costs even if it
means death, but the Muslims will see it as a badge of honor and welcome
the Mark - as I often say the Muslims are martyrs to misinformation.
teaches in Acts 1:7 “It is not for you to know times or seasons which
the Father has put in His own authority.” The New Testament says in Matthew 24:36, "no one knows
the day or the hour,” but in verse 33 believers are commanded to
watch the signs given in prophecy and they will know when events are near
that will lead to the end of this age.
historian Gibbons, who wrote The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire,
noted that the early church fathers of the first three hundred years C.E. of
Christianity believed that Christ would return after six thousand years of
history or shortly after the year 2001 and rule the Earth for a thousand
years (Vol.I pg.532).
Luther, the great religious reformer who began the Protestant movement and
founded the Lutheran domination stated, “I believe the Antichrist shall
come in the end time and he will be destroyed by the brightness of
Christ’s coming,” (Historical Reformation Vol.II pg.166).
Luther also believed in the teaching of the Early Church leaders
(first three hundred years), that the six days equals six thousand years
theory with the events happening sometime around the year two thousand.
the Messiah returning, or is He coming for the first time?
Put this question aside for another time, and generally speaking,
all faithful Bible scholars among the Jews, the Catholic’s, the
Protestant’s, quietly think the Messiah’s arrival will happen sometime
in the early years of our new millennium.
time period is certain, the Tribulation period starts seven
years prior to the Messiah’s arrival.
The whole seven-year Tribulation era has two phases.
It begins when a political leader from Europe, who is supported by the
pope, and makes a seven-year peace contract with Israel.
Phase two - the Great Tribulation period - begins with Satan’s
physical reign on Earth. It
starts about half way (approx 3 1/2 years) into the Tribulation period and
continues for 3 1/2 years or 1260 days.
This is precisely given so humankind will know that there is an end
to the suffering Satan and his demonic angels bring to the inhabitants of
the Earth after they lose their access to the heavens.
Prelude – “the Birth Pangs”
- “Because
the creation itself
- also
will be delivered from the bondage of corruption
- into
the glorious liberty of the Children of God.
- For we know that the
whole creation groans and labors
- with birth pangs
together until now.”
- – Roman 8:21-22
world will not slip down an evil path on a moments notice, it
will happen gradually, with waves of darkness coming quicker and quicker
while growing stronger and stronger. Generally, people will not knowingly
follow evil, they have to be tricked into thinking that it seems like
it’s the right thing to do (Pro.14:12).
metaphor used in the Bible for the end times events says it
will be as “birth pangs” (Rom.8:22), which means natural disasters,
lawless murders, and death of disease, will occur with increased frequency
as the end of the age nears. That
is why many preachers say the apocalyptic judgments are in the initial
stages and the Earth is already entering the Tribulation period.
(Maybe we are close, but we are not quite there yet.)
Generally, one can see a woman in the latter stages of pregnancy, and how
close she is to birthing her child. It
is the same with prophecy. The
prelude to the actual Tribulation period would start showing
characteristic signs of the coming events so that humanity can see it - if
they are watching - and anticipate the coming events.
Many Biblical prophesies some written over 2000 years ago are
running real close to today’s current events.
Some would say, “If you’re not paranoid, it’s because
you’re not paying attention.”
Zero of the Apocalypse
is Jerusalem. It is the
center of our prophecy radar.
when I talk about prophecy, some folks just roll their eyes and give me a
condescending smirk. Then I
ask them, “In the Bible written 2500 years ago, the Prophet Zechariah
clearly wrote in 12:3 “…I will make Jerusalem a very heavy stone
for all peoples; all who would heave it away will surely be cut in pieces,
though all nations of the Earth are gathered against it.”
I ask, “Have you seen the current news on Jerusalem? Who else but YHWH could make such a prediction?
Can you name any swami today who could predict what city, 2500
years from now, will be central in a world conflict?”
Some Bible prophecies have a worldwide effect, but most of the prophecies
relate to Israel and the surrounding Middle East.
For those who can see, there are many prophecies unfolding in our
generation. The initial
Tribulation prophecies which set the stage for the arrival of the
Conquering Messiah would be the same as it was for the Suffering Messiah: The
first sign: A remnant of the Israelite nation must be in Jerusalem.
The second sign: The Jerusalem Temple needs to be up and
running, because this would
make “the way” ready for the promised Messiah (Dan.9:24-26).
- “And
so we have the prophetic word confirmed,
- which
you do well to heed
- as
a light that shines in a dark place,” -
2Peter 1:19
- .
for the Earth pronounce
plagues, pestilence, and famine (Mat.24:4-26; Mar.13:5-23;
Luk.21:8-24). Yesterday’s
plague defeated by penicillin is tomorrow’s prophecy of mutated
deadly strain of the next global super bug with little hope of a cure.
There will be devastating environmental disasters.
Water will become undrinkable.
The oceans will die. And the trees will burn.
- Today,
we can see a deepening trouble in the land and the oceans.
They are overused, poorly managed, and badly polluted from the
disposal of billions of gallons of toxic and nuclear waste.
- .
- Prophecies
foretell of extreme weather changes and natural
disasters, happening at greater frequencies.
Yesterday’s 100 year earthquakes, floods, hurricanes or
tornado are regular features in today’s weather headlines.
The metaphor “birth pangs” for the Earth means natural disasters
will occur with increased frequency as the end of the age nears.
One example is in major earthquakes 6.5 or greater.
Research shows that from 1900 to 1969 there were a total of 48
major earthquakes, or roughly 6 per decade; from 1970 to 1989 there
were a total of 33, or 17 per decade; from 1990 to 1993 there were a
total of 133 major earthquakes or 44 per year, a 2300% increase.
The skeptics say modern science has a better ability to detect
earthquakes, which is why more of these events are reported.
Maybe so, but the earthquakes of this magnitude, that are
capable of destroying cities, could clearly be noticed even without
the sophisticated instrumentation of today.
for Humanity: “Now
the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the
faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking
lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron,”
1Timothy 4:1-2. “But
know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be
lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers,
disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving,
slanderers, without self‑control, brutal, despisers of good,
traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of
God,” 2Timothy 3:1-4.
says that there will
be a falling away of Biblical based moral values and lessons. They will be replaced slowly, step-by-step in the schools,
homes, corporations and the government with newer age philosophy.
Basically, it is a new type of the same old ancient Babylonian
paganism based on a religion of the self.
Today it is the ‘New Age’ belief of the same old tried
humanistic philosophies, included in pluralism, visualization exercises,
transcendental meditation, channeling, repeating mantras, etc.
also says,
take heed that no one deceives you, there will be many false messiahs
(Mat.24:5). These days there
are so many who claim the title of messiah it is hard to catalog them all. And they are in almost all the nations, Japan, South Korea,
America, Europe, etc. Even
the Jews - a faction of the Lubavitchers, a worldwide Hasidic Jewish sect
- had one in Brooklyn, New York, he never even stepped foot in Israel
before he died of old age. Then
there are those New Age gurus who claim that everyone is part of the
godhead, therefore we are all little gods.
This spiritual deception is still the same old con game Satan
started in the Garden of Eden. After
all these centuries, it amazes me to see today how easy supposedly modern
thinking people are taken in by this age-old deception.
Prophets warn that in
the last days an evil global dictator will rise to power through a form of
a league of world nations, with the European nations that made up the
nations of the ancient Roman Empire at it’s center.
global politician will have a religious partner from the city of seven
hills – believed to be the Vatican.
Humanities time line there will be seven world governments, (Rev.17:11).
They are listed in Daniel 2:31-45; 7:1-7 (and reviewed in ch. 3).
[1] Egyptians; [2] Assyrians; [3] Babylonians; [4] Mede-Persia; [5]
Greece; [6] Rome; [7] in the last days a revived Roman Empire, from which
a dreadful and terrible beast - the Antichrist - will rise to power
(Rev.13:1). The global type governments, armies, economies, and
information systems, needed to stage these fantastic prophesies are all
today’s realities.
foretells of a
citizen tracking system. Yesterday’s
“Big Brother,” - the ever-present global computer control system
described in George Orwell’s dark future world drama 1984 - is
today’s technology of the instant, central access, computer data
systems. The computer
mechanics available today are the smart cards, implantable computer chips,
and the electronic funds transfer systems, are the Biblical prophecies of
the cashless society of tomorrow - and have been available only in this
The book 1984,
describes a society whose people, because of economic reasons, are secured
by an electronic data shadow, and monitored by the keepers at
international database central. As
in the book, people today are giving up national sovereignty and personal
freedom for economic and personal security reasons.
And soon, people will be embracing computer biometric technology.
It is a system of which a person’s identity is verified by unique
physical characteristics such as fingerprints, hand or forehead geometry
for secure access to personal information.
Today’s super computers
are already tracking people’s electronic transmissions, and buy/sell
transactions. The Earth-bound
computers are now linked to satellites and are creating intelligent
transportation systems, tracking the movements of people and material.
The only thing holding back the Biblical prophecies of computer
chip implant is the people’s current resistance to the idea – but with
the recent terrorist events that sentiment is changing.
- Prophecy
says there will
be an animated worship figure of the coming global god-king.
Think it’s bizarre? Have
you been to a Disney theme park lately?
The technology of “audio-animatronics,” to create the
illusion of life by the building of life like figures (just don't call
them robots), has been the wow of crowds for years now.
When coupled with advanced super computers you have something
that the Disney imaginers dream about.
- The
government wants them to take control as the next peacekeepers,
with ability to think and even work motor vehicles, tanks, or even fly
un-manned planes with laser bombs.
says a great army of
the “Kings of the East” is needed for the great battle at Armageddon.
Today’s Chinese laws on births are producing a large male
population. The prophecy
continues that the kings of the East will cross the Euphrates River.
Today’s reality is in Turkey where they have the ability to dry
up the river at the touch of a button, with dams it has recently
true end time signs would
also be predicted by other religions.
Groups in all major religions Jews, Christians, Muslims, etc., are
awaiting heavenly signs. And
some are getting nervous. Predictions
are also coming from the Native American Indians such as the shaman called
No Eyes, detailed in the book Phoenix Rising by Mary Summer Rain. Numerous end time predictions revolving around the new
millennium come from secular prophets such as Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce,
and many others.
Even the Satanists are rallying their
forces for what they call the Satanic Century - the time when they will
rule the world. They believe
around the year 2000 or a short time after, the Satanists will be called
on to denominate our society and purge the Earth of the influence of
backward Messiah believers. Devoid
of love, they are ready to recreate the esthetics of beauty, build the new
acropolises to enforce their will.
mantra goes something like this: “I loath the Christian faith and all
others which puts their GOD before the self.
I am my own god and I take responsibility for all my own actions, I
bow down before no one and join the battle against the religion of
lies.” They do not want
to suppress bloodshed, murder, violence, and war, because they believe it
to be natural to the human physic. They
believe mankind is a predator, it is a natural part of every human being
to be a killer, and that’s how it will always be.
They stand ready to kill the Christians, and the next group in line
will be the Jews.
is a wonderful lesson all should read and ponder in Ecclesiastes 3:1-10,
"To everything there is a season, a 'time' for every purpose under
heaven:” The Byrds,
made it into a very popular song in the sixties, Turn, Turn, Turn. Have patience and mark your time carefully.
'signs' have been given, now is the 'time' to prepare and to learn.
of prophecy have always wondered, what kind of trigger-event
would it take to pull the whole world together?
The answer is what makes watching prophecy interesting.
Some believe it will be a devastating series of earthquakes around
what is called the “Ring of Fire.”
It extends along the northern Pacific rim of the US around to
Japan. And it could destroy
everything from Los Angeles to Tokyo.
Some others might say it will be when a meteor strikes the Earth
upsetting the natural balance of the ecosystem. Some say it will be
when the true believers are removed from the Earth, and some say it will
be the result of terrorism and war. Etc., etc..
The beginning of tribulation "sorrows"
start with one sign that is certain. Before the Antichrist rises to power on a peace platform, there
has to be some years of escalating terrorism and war relating to Israel and
the Middle East (Mat.24:6-8; Mar.13:7-8; Zec.12:3).
There are many
trigger-event scenarios, and
I’ll review the two best guesses in the next page. My best
guess is that the Tribulation era will begin when the Age of Grace closes.
Then the spiritual clock will reset to what it was in the time of
John the Baptist – REPENT for the Kingdom is at hand!
The time for thinking over the Covenant proposal is over!
It’s decision time!
One time is certain, when
Israel signs a seven year peace treaty with her enemies, the the world will
begin to propel itself into a period of seven years of tribulation
(Dan.9:27, 12:1), climaxing when the Conquering Messiah appears to save
humanity from itself.
- During the
Tribulation years, the misguided people will adopt a new religion based on
the age-old theology of
pluralism’s lowest common dominator, and then demand that all humanity
join them, or else be persecuted by inquisition.
The early Greco-Roman secular belief was pluralistic, as in all
roads lead to Rome. It
doesn’t matter what you believe as long as you bow to all other beliefs. The problem is the weak iron-clay mixture will have little
tolerance for Scriptural truth.
It will be Satan’s last attempt at
establishing his New World order. It
will begin under the banner of peace and reform, complete with convincing
spiritual psycho-babble, all leading to a fool’s paradise and certain
destruction. The peace will
not last long, and “woe to them that are weak,” this society will turn
on itself, and many people will die during these years.
This is not the talk of weird conspiracy nuts, shades of this story
are in almost every culture.
- This
New Age Religion of Humanism will promote a fools paradise,
- which
will be very short lived.
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Last modified: December 05, 2011