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Cultural Issues

"Governments will always do what is right, after they have exhausted all other possibilities."



An interesting phenomenon of our age is 
that the expansion of human knowledge is increasing 
at an astoundingly rapid rate.

            It took from the time of Christ up to approximately the year 1750 for the accumulated knowledge of humankind to double.  From 1750 to 1900 it doubled again.  From 1900 to 1950 it doubled again.  From 1950 to 1960 it doubled again, and so on exponentially. Presently, knowledge is doubling faster then every 3 years.

           The question is what have we learned morally?  Yes we have more inventions, but even in today's so-called modern era, political promises never live up to the hype.  Torturous political responses can be "evasive, incomplete, misleading, even maddening."  One of the underlining themes of this book is: The more things change the more they stay the same.  The same ancient debates still rage on today: Should men of vision be exempt from the laws of mere mortals?  Sex is glamorous and exciting, body-piercing, tattoos, the grunge, has been with us since the time of Noah - some people are devolving!

 GOD and Country...

         The founding documents of this country were a Divine miracle, and our national heritage has been under attack by the dark forces ever since. Think for a moment, just exactly what does it mean, “the American way."

Click for more historical info on our founding principles: http://www.wallbuilders.com/default.asp

            Many say the American way is freedom.  But freedom is a concept.  We know there has to be community law or there’s chaos.  One must define freedom. Write it down. And ratify it within the community so that a dictator cannot rise up in the succeeding generations and take those freedoms away.

            Others would say it's democracy. But democracy has been around since the Greeks, and it is a glorified version of mob rule doomed to failure. The founding fathers would have none of it - America is a constitutional republic.

            Some say the American way is capitalism.  True to a point. The concept of capitalism (being allowed to keep what you work for) is Biblically based.  But the Bible teaches “honest” capitalism, meaning honest dealers giving honest value for their services. As opposed to, today’s growing “predatory” capitalism.  Predatory capitalism means everyone you do business with is an adversary.  From the paperboy, to the grocer, the banker, to your employer, etc., care only about how much money they can bleed out of you for their services. It means, when it comes to their own personal profit, they have no conscience. Is this really the type of community you want to live in?

            Some say it’s multi-culturalism. True to the point where we have learned to live together and respect the freedom to follow different traditions. But what gave us this freedom? The founding fathers were basically Protestant Christians. Protestant Christians means protesting Christians.  They protest against the dictatorial rule of a centralized ruling authority. They protest against any human being placed between them and GOD. And they stand for the right of anyone to have a copy of the Holy Scriptures in their native language for personal study.

(Protestantism, by itself, is a moral philosophy.  For example, Lutheranism is a Christian religion based on how a group of people see GOD guided by the Protestant philosophy.  As opposed to Roman Catholicism or Greek Orthodox, which are Christian religions, but without the Protestant philosophy. They are based on the doctrine of Nicolaitanism, where a king, pope, or priest, is between GOD and the people, Rev.2:15.)

            After the universal flood, YAHWEH, by way of Noah, brought humanity the Third Universal - Rainbow – Covenant. It tells us that no man is an island, we are all responsible for keeping sin (or lawlessness) out of our community (see Sacred Covenants page). This is accomplished through the perfect blending of community law and community grace. (Grace is the advanced trait of mercy.)  And we all know the devil is in the details.

"Hold on, my friends,
to the Constitution 
and to the 'Republic' for which it stands.
Miracles do not cluster,
and what has happened once in 6000 years,
may not happen again.
Hold on to the Constitution,
for if the American Constitution should fail,
there will be anarchy through out the world."
- Daniel Webster

            No one just beamed in! Our United States is a product of an evolution of knowledge since the time of Noah. The Protestant Christians that first settled this country were wise to the problems of Europe’s so-called “divine rulership of kings and popes” – they would have none of it.  Europe laughed when America formed a government that would serve the people, instead of the people serving the royal leadership.  But how many governments has France had since the 1700’s? 

“The Christian ruler 
must look upon his subject not as a servant, but as a brother, 
having the same rights before GOD, their common FATHER.” 
- Luigi Civardi Christian Philosopher 
          The American way is the Divine concept of personal freedom, equality, honesty, and liberty. The Bible was the political textbook of the patriots. They publicly acknowledged, that this concept of freedom is Divinely guaranteed as non-negotiable human rights, equally granted directly to all people by our CREATOR - even to those who do not believe. The great American experiment, if successful, was to shine its light unto the nations. 
          Who is in charge of keeping the light burning?   

Click for more info: Newsletter Index, then click on pages titled "In GOD We Trust."

The Separation of Church and State

"A patriot without religion 
in my estimation is as great a paradox
as an honest man without the fear of GOD."    
- Abigail Adams

            "Americans revere the Bible!"  Almost all the American households, 93% of them, have one or more Bibles.  Our Declaration of Independence states that all men are endowed by their CREATOR with certain inalienable rights.  When we get pushed against the wall we cry out for these rights to protect us.  But put our CREATOR'S Ten Commandments on the school wall - fahgeddaboutit!

            This country was born with the Bible in one hand, and the Declaration of Independence in the other. The first and last lines of the document clearly reference the Divine.  In the early years, the U.S. Congress gave free Bibles to the people.  The founding fathers knew of the Bible's warning concerning the government of kings, 1Samuel ch.8.  Their pure Protestant-Christian hearts, and their reverence for the will of GOD, symbolize their commitment to the creation of the first nation that would glorify GOD instead of some earthly king.

            The revolutionary Protestant concept, that GOD directly empowers the people instead of a king, and what GOD directly gives, no man can take away, is what makes American unique among all other nations.  Make-no-mistake, no other nation, ancient or modern, not even the Jews, have ever made such a proclamation.  It’s a miracle that it even happened!  Today’s ruling elite would never give such uncontrolled human rights to the people. The two most recent examples of modern social thinking are reflected in the UN Charter of Human Rights, or the current draft of the EU Constitution. Neither of these is as citizen rights and freedoms friendly, as what America’s founders organized. In short, all they want to do is control you. Basically, it’s still the same ole’ story, what the government gives, the government can take away – boorrrring. 

            The modern debate, the separation between church and state, is argued by "blind guides."  In simple terms, America's founding concept is: You don't want a priest running the store, but the store is run on the Biblical concepts of personal honor, freedom, self-reliance, self-discipline, and dignity. (pg.ix)

            If you ever run into a ‘get-GOD-out-of-government’ person, ask ‘em a simple question: “If they do not want GOD as the grantor of human rights, then what mere mortal do they suggest?” Let ‘em ramble a few minutes, and then just remind them of history. (And don’t let them sandbag you with the term democracy. Democracy has been around since the Greeks, and it’s basically mob-rule doomed to failure.)

WARNING: "You need only reflect, that one of the best ways to get yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go about repeating the very phrases which our founding fathers used in the great struggle for independence." 
                                           - Charles Austin Beard (1874-1948)

The Ten Commandments

            The Ten Commandments are the foundation of YHWH'S community - even the Angels keep them.  Today, it pains me to see these sometimes very heated debates regarding morality, the Ten Commandments and government.  It's a no-brainer, we learn them because the more moral the society, then less amount of laws - government bureaucrats - are needed to govern the community.  The concept is nothing new, Confucius (551-479 BC), was preaching something similar hundreds of years before the Romans.  

            The critics hate it because the ten Commandments teach us honor.  Honor in the Bible is a two-way street, if one is to be honored, then one must conduct himself honorably. Our FATHER lives by an honorable example, that is why we follow HIM; as opposed to the GOD-less rulers’ point of view: “Do not do as I do, but do as I say!"  

Click for more info: the Commandments 

            The Golden Rule is universal!  Even the evolutionists can hold hands with the concept that we are all endeavoring to become a little better today then we were yesterday.  Let's have a “Golden Rule Week!”  It seems that if they were really interested in teaching morality, but the reference to GOD in the first four commandments make some people nervous, then at the very least, we could all agree on promoting the Golden Rule.  It's at the heart of the commandments, every religion has one, and they essentially all say the same Divine message.  But they can’t even agree on that – go figure.  

Click for more info: the Golden Rule 

Teaching the Bible in School

"A thorough knowledge of the Bible 
is worth more then a college education.”
- Theodore Roosevelt

            America was founded with a Bible in one hand and the Declaration of Independence in the other. Our Founders knew that developing a humble relationship with GOD gives one a place in the Universe. They knew the Biblical lessons of self-control, responsibility, and compassion, builds strong families, communities, and country. They believed that the Biblical values were goals to be achieved through applications of personal study and effort, practice, and group support. They didn’t believe in a religious education to force-feed this, they believed that sharing spiritual knowledge is empowerment.  

            In the beginning, America's text book was the Bible.  And in 1782, our U.S. Congress ordered the first English Bibles printed in America, "for the use of schools."

            YAHWEH did not begin a religion!  A religion is the way a group of people interpret GOD.  Today the dictionary will call anything relating to a moral code a "religion" like it's some catchall phrase designed more by government bureaucrats.  But what is the code or moral philosophy itself called?

            One is not considered religious if they do not participate in institutional religion, even if they believe in GOD and just live by the "Golden Rule" as best they can.  Does a child who obeys the parents' moral teachings mean that the child is religious?

            The Bible by itself describes a "Code of Life."  Developing a code of personal honor is at the heart of most major religions. The Bible talks of "pure religion" only once in James 1:19-27.  How many so-called religious people do you know live the pure religious life like the late Mother Teresa? (pg.35)

            The relationship with our CREATOR is not like the one-sided empty-headed, idol worshipping religions of the pagan world.  HIS is a Sacred Covenant relationship, which means two parties coming together, to enter into a Covenant, both with "responsibilities" to fulfill the promises made. (See Sacred Covenants page) (pg.13)

            The Bible actually teaches a form of government.  It's commerce system is based on a type of "honest" capitalism, as opposed to today's "predatory" capitalism.  When Yahshua overturned the tables of the moneychangers, it was not their occupation He was opposed to, it was their "predatory" profiteering (Mat. 21:12). (pg.89)

Learn more: Belief in GOD is NOT a Religion!

Creation vs. Evolution

               Evolution is over-rated!  Humanity did not evolve from pond scum, and you do not have to visit a zoo to see your ancestors.  The trade secret of paleontology is that today about 200 million fossils have been found and classified into about a quarter of a million species, but no transitional forms, not one, has been found.  Technically speaking: Darwin's theory does not really hold up to the very scientific standards that he used against the creationists. (pg.xiii)

            Contrary to the Creation story, the science of archeology, astronomy, medicine, physics, does more to prove the Bible then disprove it. (pg.41)

Click for more info: Re-Creation of the Earth  

 From the book The Mystical Rites of our CREATOR  ISBN 0-9675266-04

Copyright © 2000-2009 White Stone Communications - HomeWorship101.com
Last modified: August 04, 2009

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