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Introducing Errol Mueller - chronicler extraordinaire.

Your input helps...

           In the evolution of knowledge, there is always room for improvement.  We are a new company beginning at the grass roots level.  Tell us what you think about our book and web site, or anything else that comes to mind.  We welcome all of your comments and suggestions.

Your donation also helps... 

 And how shall they preach unless they are sent? 
As it is written: 
"How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, 
Who bring glad tidings of good things!" - Rom 10:15

           Your support for this website is welcomed and appreciated.  This is a worldwide 'independent' Bible site, teaching it's universal truths in a simple street-talk style.  On this site you will not be bombarded by characterless-mass marketing, we operate solely from donations and book sales.  Like the healers of old, we make no demands, if you were spiritually enriched or healed by your visit then leave a little something in the donations box for us - so to speak.   Scripture says, "...The laborer is worthy of his wages," 1 Timothy 5:18.   (Our address is below.)

Our contact / customer lists are never shared or sold.

Message From the Author

            Greetings. Somewhere I heard a commercial, "...get a computer, create something."  Wow!  Did I pick a project! (Or was it picked for me?)  Talking religion on the web is like herding cats - each one has their own mind about it.  But slowly, we are making friends, all around the world.  

          Thank you for all your notes of encouragement. We loved them, even the ones from the religious charm-school candidates.  Although I specialize in eschew obfuscation, (the ability to make the complex sound simple), I see that many people at first, simply do not understand what I am talking about.  

           To bring awareness to the concept of home Worship, or Worshipping at home, this website is evolving from a website with some teaser pages to promote a book, to a website promoting the 'concept' of home Worship.  To tell you the truth, I am awed by it.  (I am a former display designer and producer, used to working in the background.  I prefer to see myself as a humble seeker and a student of our FATHER'S Spiritual Opera.)  

          Our website hits are steadily increasing.  To make things a bit easier to understand, the more general web-pages will be titled as Home Worship, and their content will be expanded a little.  The pages relating to my book will continue as HomeWorship 101™. (You might want to double-check your bookmarks. Sorry for any inconvenience.) 

.Some have have asked about a picture of me and my wife Denise.

Denise, is my high school sweetheart 
and we have been married since 1974.
.This work is dedicated to
my wonderful wife Denise,
without whose loving support, encouragement,
and guiding intuition,
this dream would not have become a reality.

           Through this Bible evangelism project, my wife and I took up the work of teaching others what we have learned about the higher spiritual world.  Please understand, we are not doctrinal dictators, seeking conversions, or trying to win debates.  We put our faith in the Holy Spirit to guide your thoughts through your own Bible.  The faithful must remember we a-l-l have our righteous CREATOR in common.  And it is HIS Plan we are a-l-l watching.  Enjoy the journey of learning!  

           Some people tell me they have been doing home worship their whole life. And some others tell me they have thought about this, but feel alone in their beliefs, and have asked about others of like mind.  (This is a common problem since ancient times,1Kng.19:18.)  Maybe through this website we are slowly getting linked together.   

            Banner For Linking To Our Site:  (Thanks for your support.)

Thank you for your interest, and YHWH Bless you.

  White Stone Communications (WSC)
Errol Mueller - chronicler extraordinaire
Postal Address:
702 Montezuma Ave. 
Dothan, Al 36303
Call (334) 678-0913 (8am - 5pm Central Time, M-F) to leave a message, or for a book order leave your mailing address.  Click for sales info.
Comments:  errol@homeworship101.com
Sales: sales@homeworship101.com
Webmaster: webmaster@homeworship101.com
Copyright © 2000-2015 White Stone Communications - HomeWorship101.com
Last modified: January 11, 2015

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