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 The beginning of sorrows continues... Page 2C. 

The Seven Mystery Years of Jacob's Trouble

 The Chorological Order of Bible Prophecies for the First  31/2 Tribulation Years

Don't feed the Beast by giving into your fears.



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CAUTION: This is not some 'novel' approach to the Bible, reading this may require a seatbelt.

Almost Tomorrow
The beginning of sorrows…, continues.


"Then the temple of God was opened in heaven, 
and the ark of His covenant was seen in His temple. 
And there were lightnings, noises, thunderings, an earthquake, and great hail."
- Revelation 11:19 

Seven Trumpet Judgments - Revelation ch.8-9; 11:15-19.  
(The gray bar in the left-side margin highlights the next Seven Judgments.)

A series of prophecies were given to four little Spanish girls beginning in 1961.  The phenomena the girls experienced were well documented at St. Michael’s Garabandal Center. The last visions they received, the girls called the “night of screams.”  They said at a certain time not a single motor, worldwide, will operate.  Then a terrible heat will come and during this time of terrible heat people will look for water and they will not find it.  In their desperation people will begin to kill one-another. 

  " The LORD is good to all..." - Psalms 145:9

They also say the veracity of the Divine chastisement is conditional, if the people / nations repent, and change, their evil ways the chastisement would be reduced.  They were given a date of this event, but they were not allowed to reveal it until eight days before the event.  The visions given to the girls fit exactly into the previous prophecy and the following Judgments.   



First Trumpet - Hail, fire, and blood cast on the Earth.  1/3 of trees and grasses burnt – Revelation 8:6-7.  



Second Trumpet - Huge burning meteor cast into the sea.  1/3 of sea turned to blood, 1/3 of marine life killed, 1/3 of ships destroyed - Revelation 8:8-9.

           Target: Earth!  The people of Earth are between a rock and a hard place.  Extraterrestrial impacts, the mass extinction of life, and tsunamis created from the oceans, are certainly scary subjects in these next two prophecies. 

           In November 1995 the PBS science show Nova aired a show called The Doomsday Asteroid.  Scientists now believe that such a space collisions could happen in the future.  They also theorize that such collisions happened in the distant past, and have proof of one hitting the North American coastline around the Chesapeake Bay area.  Scientists take this issue so seriously that they have published a 1300 page compendium of papers on the subject called Hazards Due to Comets and Asteroids.  Another book, which can be found in bookstores, is written by an astronomer and is somewhat more manageable reading is called Rogue Asteroids and Doomsday Comets.  

For current info., check the NASA website: Near Earth Objects  



 Third Trumpet - Another huge meteor, wormwood.  1/3 of waters becomes bitter, many die - Revelation 8:10-11.  



Fourth Trumpet - 1/3 of sun, moon and stars smitten.  1/3 of these darkened, day and night will be darkened - Revelation 8:12-13.  . 


Fifth Trumpet - First Woe - Plague of demonic locusts from the Abyss will torment humanity for 150 days - Revelation 9:1-12.  

The bugs from hell!  This is the first prophecy of three to receive the special designation of “woe” (Rev.8:13).  Woe means great sorrow.  The “Woe” prophecies mean that they will be a worldwide cause of great sorrow, affliction, and trouble to all humanity.  To put it simply, the “woe” prophecies are your worst nightmare, but if you turn to YHWH and HIS organic technology, there is relief and hope.  



Sixth Trumpet - The first attack on Israel.  The peace treaty is broken, a 200 million-man army will kill a third of humanity - Revelation 9:13-21.  
“They have said, 
Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation;
that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.”  - Psalm 83:4 

            The next [7th] Trumpet prophecy leads to a war in Heaven with Satan and his dark angels.  It stands to reason, while Satan is plotting a war against YHWH’S people in Heaven, he is also doing the same here on Earth.  Satan will use the Russian and Arab/Muslim armies to strike against Israel.  Being pawns of the dark side, they are about to learn a new meaning to the term, “…feeling cheap and used.”

The Russian and Arab/Muslim armies will march on Israel and make the first nuclear strike.  An army marching from the north, against the south (Israel), in the latter day’s is prophesied many times the Bible, Jeremiah 1:13, 6:22, 10;20; Daniel 11:40,44; Joel 2:2-20.  Eighteen times is it stated in Ezekiel ch.38 and 39, and the Prophet calls this the War of Gog in Ezekiel chapter 38.  The ancient nation of Magog referenced in Ezekiel are the descendants of the grandson of Noah (Gen.10:2), and these people moved to the area north of the North Sea.  Ancient historians, such as Herodotus and Flavius Josephus recorded where these tribes settled.       

The Nations of Ezekiel 38:1-6.............The Modern Nations
Gog and Magog....................................Russia
Meshech and Tubal...............................Moscow and Tobolsk 
Persia..................................................Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan
Ethiopia...............................................Ethiopia and Sudan
Libya ..................................................Libya 
Ashkenaz............................................Austria, Germany
Gomer.................................................Eastern Europe
Togarmah............................................Southeastern Europe
Many nations with you..........................Other nations allied with Russia
                                                                Egypt, Daniel 11:40 Turkey, Ezekiel 38:6

The code word is: “Road to Jerusalem.”  The invasion of a 200 million-man army will be swift and unexpected.  Ezk.38:9 states “...coming like a storm, covering the land like a cloud...”  And the western superpowers will not be able to save Israel.  They will only file a diplomatic protest in the U.N. or some sort of League of Nations and ask, “Have you come for a spoil or to take a plunder?”  It is believed that Russia will send some nuclear missiles to the Western allies of Israel to divert them from helping, or maybe they will be mired with problems created by the devastation of the former prophecies and Russia will take advantage of this opportunity to move against Israel. 

Not even Israel will be able to save herself.  The supernatural protection for Israel comes from YHWH and Yahshua.  Ezk.38:17-23 says, Israel will be saved with one of the greatest Earthquake in the world, and this Earthquake will affect the whole world.  He will cause the invading armies to be confused and fight one another.  HE will send a flooding rain, great hail storms, fire and brimstone, to defeat them.

The “Road to Jerusalem” will be a road knee deep in blood, as the Bible predicts that this will be the greatest military defeat in world history (Eze.39:1-15).  It will take seven months to bury the dead, and the Russian army or what is left of them will be driven back to Siberia (Joel 2:20).  There is a strange prophecy, that Israelites will use their weapons for fuel (verse 10).   How can anyone burn a weapon and use the heat as a power-generating source?  Russia uses a magnesium alloy in their metal that will make this possible.


Two Witnesses sent by YHWH - Second Woe - Revelation 11:1-14; Zechariah ch. 4. 

This is a good subject to discuss while toasting marshmallows around the campfire: Who will be the Two Witnesses sent by YHWH?  The school of thought comes down to Elijah and Enoch, or Elijah and Moses.  For 3,500 years the Jews have been checking their front doors at the end of their Passover service hoping that this will be the time of Elijah’s arrival.  Could Passover be the time of the arrival of the Two Witnesses? 

            The Bible states in Malachi 4:5 one of the Witnesses sent in the last days is Elijah.  Elijah, above all others, is represented in the Bible as the Prophet who restored the worship of the one true GOD – YAHWEH, and obedience to HIS commandments.  The other Witness is open to some speculation, Enoch because he was the first man right with YAHWEH, and like Elijah he did not die, but was translated or raptured directly to Heaven.  The best guess is Moses. He is favored because of the vision of the Transfiguration described in Matthew 17:3-4.  The indication given is that Moses would be the head of the national government, and Elijah would be the head of the religious order.

The Two Witnesses are super-Prophets, and will give the testimony of YHWH for 1260 days.  The recent, and very obvious, supernatural protection of Israel, will cause YHWH to send the Two Witnesses as one last attempt to warn humanity that there are consequences to their evil ways, and that they should repent and change before it’s too late.  They are called the second “woe” because they will have special, supernatural powers, to bring worldwide plagues like the ones Moses released against Egypt.  The plagues they release are probably tied in with the prophecies of the soon coming Bowl Judgments (Rev.ch.16).  They are responding in an Old Testament manner of an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.  This is also more proof that the Age of Grace is closed and the Church has left the planet, these Two Witnesses do not turn the other cheek.  If any human seeks to harm them they will be killed.  



Seventh Trumpet sounds the formal declaration of YHWH’S authority and power throughout the Kingdom – Revelation 11:15-19.
    Since the time of Adam and Eve, Satan had ample time to prove his concepts of governance – he failed.  All he proved was how to bring on misery, death, and destruction.  YHWH has seen enough, and this formal declaration thundered throughout the Kingdom makes it official - Satan has failed.  Now the dark forces will be purged from the Heavenly Kingdom.  


War breaks out in Heaven - Third Woe – Revelation 12:7-12.   

           The Archangel Michael leads the Angels of Light to do battle with Satan and his evil angels.  The dark side loses their titanic battle in heavens and they are cast down to the Earth.  The heavens rejoice because the dark forces finally lose their access to the heavenlies, and the Heavens have been once again purified, but… 

“…Woe to the inhibitors of the earth and of the sea!  For the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.” (Rev.12:12). 

Satan has great wrath, and he is thinking: Scorched Earth Policy!    Now comes the most terrible time in humanities history (Rev.7:14),

"…when these things come to pass
 men hearts will be failing them for fear.” – Luke 21:25-31.  

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