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WSC  Newsletter...

A Thinking Persons Religion 

Greetings from HomeWorship 101

"The more I learn,
the more I realize how little I know."

Each year when I begin a new season of newsletters I first like to talk about the freedom to study and learn, and a little bit about my calling to evangelize about homeWorship.  Using the world-wide-web to publish my work has been an awesome experience for me.  I have received notes and comments from all around the globe.  Some were nice, and some didn’t appreciate what I have published.  For example, there is one angry guy out there who didn’t like my Hellenism / Romanism page.  He should know, I have no power, and it’s not me he should be concerned about, sometime in the future, almost tomorrow, the Messiah will return and destroy this world’s false education system.

I hear from many critics and scoffers.  And I hear from many who appreciate my work.  People call my work many things but oftentimes I am called a thinking persons religion, and for me that is the highest compliment I could receive.  The title “the Thinking Persons…” could be applied to many things we do, for example, a “thinking person guide to health,” and so on.  So lets take a moment to review the traits or habits of a “thinking person’s religion.”  Just for the record, there are many - good and bad – religions, but for me, I believe, and have faith in our CREATOR YHWH and in HIS plan for our future.  I also believe that the Holy Bible is YHWH’S Words and Teachings for all humanity to learn.  So let’s review some traits of a spiritually minded thinking person.

Your spiritual reward for being a thinking person is in Revelation 2:17,
"…To him who overcomes I will give some of the hidden manna to eat.
And I will give him a white stone, and on the stone a new name written
which no one knows except him who receives it."
If these are your spiritual goals, then blessed be we have found each other.

Some people ask if I was in a seminary or how I came to this knowledge.  Critical thinking, along with real truth is a hard thing to learn because this world generally does not have ears for the truth, nor do they want you to learn it.  No, I didn’t learn this in any seminary or university because they are not interested in teaching the truth, it was my mother who set me on this course.  Long ago when I was around 12 years old I was given 3 months to live, and for 2 arduous years I had a life and death struggle with a cancer illness.  As I got older and finally had confirmation that I had beat the cancer my mother pleaded with me to “think” about what I do so as not to bring the illness back.  Smoking cigarettes was especially high on her no-no list, and she tried to impress on me not to go along with the crowd (all the kids who smoked), and watch out for myself.

Okay, I took her pleading to heart, there were times when the temptation was great, but I never took up smoking cigarettes – and she was pleased.  Then my mother put a Bible in my hands, and told me this was the book of our CREATOR, GOD the FATHER, and HIS Son the Christ/Messiah.  I was raised a Lutheran and I was always a Believer.  If anything, during my cancer experience I had one terrible night when I thought I was going to die.  My mother was by my bedside and I told her I’m giving up and I’ll save her a place in Heaven.  I’m not exactly sure what all happened that night but I came away from it knowing that the spiritual world exists and since then I had a yearning to learn more about it. 

So I started to read the Bible and I started to ask questions.  I asked my Mom, “…how come it says this in the Bible, but we do not do it, in our tradition we do something else?”  I’ll paraphrase, but basically she said, “…stop being a pain in the butt, this is the way we do it!”  I replied, “…but Mom, you told me to “think” about what I do.”  And mostly in my adult life that is the common comeback when I ask spiritual questions, “…stop being a pain in the a**!”  Thankfully, YAHWEH has blessed me with a wonderful wife who understands my madness and encourages me to keep “thinking” and asking questions.  And after about 30 years of research, asking questions, and being a pain to many theologians and priests, this is the result.

Some folks ask me why I teach homeWorship and what is the basis of my belief in it?  The concept of homeWorship came to me when I was studying the habits of Yahshua/Jesus and His Disciples.  On a Holy Day they would go to the Temple and show respects to YHWH, but when they were done they would go to someone’s home and continue their fellowship around a Sacred Meal. 

To explain in a little more detail we have to go back to the time of the patriarchs, from Abraham, to Moses, to Samuel.  This was the time when the heads of the household where the priests of the family.  Remember when Abraham was asked to sacrifice his son Isaac?  YHWH didn’t tell him to go to Melchizedek to accomplish the task; Abraham had to do it himself.  All the patriarchs laid hands and blessed or bestowed birthrights on their children, they would never hire a priest to do it for them.  This was the time when YHWH directly ruled Israel.  After the reign of Samuel, Israel rejected YHWH as their ruler and wanted an earthly king more like their neighboring pagan nations as described in 1Samuel ch.8.  This divorce caused a separation between YHWH, Israel, and all humanity. 

YHWH clearly warned Israel (and all humanity) what man’s corrupt governments would do to them (1Sam.8:11-18), and a few centuries later HE used the prophet Daniel to interpret a prophecy outlining the demonic superpower human governments and the coming government of YAHWEH.  The prophecy reveals that the conquering Messiah will destroy this entire system of human governments.  Then man’s governments will be replaced by the Kingdom/Government of YAHWEH, headed by the Messiah, as King of kings ruling all the Earth (Dan.ch.2, and a corresponding vision in ch.7). 

Today, we are nearing the end of man’s corrupt governments, and when the Messiah returns, culturally, governments of humanity will reset to the time before the ancient Israelites rejected YAHWEH’s system.  It will be the time as told in the Book of Judges, and it will be a government based on the revolutionary Protestant concept that GOD directly empowers the people instead of a king, pope, priest, or rabbi. And what GOD directly gives, no man can take away. The dusty statue books that control us today will be gone in a world in which the people will finally accept their responsibility of GOD given freedom.  It will be a time when our spiritual education teaches the people how to worship at home and accept their spiritual role of laying hands and blessing or anointing their children and family members. 

If we are Believers in the Messiah then we should follow His lead.  Today, most of the habits and “holidays” of the Protestant churches are not from the Bible they are more from the Roman Catholic Church as dictated by the pope.  As followers of the Messiah we should “think” ahead and begin to live the way He wants us to live instead of following man’s (or the popes) ways.  

Enjoy the journey of learning...
>The Ancient Path of YHWH: http://www.homeworship101.com/NL_2008_01.htm
>Covenant Theology:  http://www.homeworship101.com/NL_2006_02.htm
>Ego Religion: http://www.homeworship101.com/wp_ego_religion.htm
>Religious Abuse: http://www.homeworship101.com/fyi_religious_abuse.htm

In your prayers, be thankful we live in a country where there is freedom of information, and the freedom to peruse it.  And please remember to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, and for all those who stand with Israel (Ps.122).

Take care.  Blessings, Errol.
Errol Mueller, chronicler extraordinaire
 e-mail: errol@homeworship101.com
website: www.homeworship101.com
Scripture quotations are from the New King James Version of the Holy Bible.
Copyright © 1982, Thomas Nelson, Inc., Publishers.
#WSC 2005-01, posted 02/27/05.
Copyright © 2005 White Stone Communications 
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