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WSC  Newsletter

On the 10th Day... GOD Test 

Greetings from HomeWorship 101™


“Beloved, do not believe every spirit,
but test the spirits, whether they are of God;
because many false prophets have gone out into the world.”
- 1John 4:1

The Bible tells us in Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 that there is a time for everything.  These days beginning YHWH'S New Year are a busy time of spiritual reflection and making preparations for the start of the first annual Holy Days.

Observing the Holy Days is not done for salvation.  It is done out of love and respect for our CREATOR and HIS Covenant with us (1Jno.5:3).  Just as any skilled professional is required to take additional training or annual refresher courses, these are the annual spiritual refresher courses designed by our CREATOR.  They are for a-l-l of HIS Believers to practice their spiritual training and maintain a high level of performance - lest we forget and lose our way (Mat.25:1-13).

Today faith has evolved into spectator event, where the clergy perform and the laymen observe.  Sunday service is nothing but a religious production, and the church buildings with their bigger is better design have more of a country club mentality then mirroring the early church.  Jew or Christian the similarities run the same, the faithful have forgotten that YHWH’s Holy Days are not just religious obligations; they are a treasure trove of HIS Wisdom.  YHWH in HIS infinite wisdom designed the Holy Days to have many in-depth and multilevel meanings, all with perfect symmetry leading to one place, HIS Kingdom.  Through the spiritual opera of the Holy Days HE is trying to help us understand HIS plan for humanity and HE wants us to actively participate. 

In years past, I have tried to teach some of the multi-level meanings of the Holy Days.  For example, the Holy Days have historical lessons - which we should honor by their remembrance.  They teach current day character building lessons - which we should learn.  They teach us health lessons for the mind and body.  They are a “shadow of things to come” as they picture a prophetic, Messianic message of hope.  They are future prophecies of events (some on a planetary scale) yet to unfold (Col.2:16-17) - which we a-l-l should watch for.  And now during this year’s series of Holy Days I’ll explain how the Holy Days relate to Covenant theology.

“We love the LORD, of course,
but we often wonder,
what HE finds to love in us.” 
- Ed Howe

It is important to remember that the relationship with our CREATOR is not like the one-sided empty-headed idol worshiping religions of the pagan world.  HIS is a Covenant relationship, which means two parties coming together, to enter into a Covenant, both with responsibilities to fulfill the promises made.  Covenants with our CREATOR bind us as one into HIS Kingdom.  Responsibility is the key word, HIS Kingdom is not a free-for-all, take a moment and look the word up in your dictionary for its complete meaning.

In YAHWEH’s Universe, love is the power.  In the pagan religions it is the obligation of people to pay their homage, to give an offering, and then demand that the gods fulfill their obligations to you.  The thought of love never enters into the equation.  In a pagan shrine there is no relationship of love, the pagan believers may respect them, but do they love them?  And do they feel that the gods love them back? 

Humanity is evolving, but it is not our bodies evolving from some type of pond scum - it is our minds, hearts and spirits that are evolving.  That spiritual evolution can be seen in YHWH’s Heavenly Covenants designed by a loving and guiding hand leading all of humanity to our CREATOR’S everlasting kingdom - if they want it.  

REMEMBER: The Biblical lessons do not force confusion, conversion or deception.  YAHWEH will not call anyone to live forever with HIM in HIS Kingdom if that person does not want to do so (Rom.ch.14).  


On the 10th Day… GOD-Test (April 2)

“Do not go beyond that which is written…”
- 1 Corinthian 4:6

 Did you ever hear a priest, pope, rabbi or imam say, test me?   Test the words or the theology I teach you.  Not usually.  As a matter of fact, some religious leaders can get downright ugly if you question or challenge them, but not with our CREATOR–YHWH.  Before the new season of the annual “Hebrew” Holy Days begins, on the 10th day of the 1st month, what Christians call Palm Sunday, the first order of spiritual business is that HE admonishes us to test HIM – to make sure that we are on the right spiritual Path. 

On this day, the 10th day of the first month, the Jews were required to examine and set aside the lamb that would be sacrificed on Passover.  The sacrificial lamb must be "without blemish" which would require very close and careful examination, to be sure of its quality.  By analogy, the followers of YAHWEH and Yahshua were to examine the Covenant teachings of the Kingdom very carefully to be sure of the quality of its truth.  Yahshua's teachings were based on His FATHER’S Words given in the Torah and the Prophets of the Hebrew - Old – Testament (Heb.8:8-10) – he did not come to change or do away with His FATHER’s Laws (Mat.5:17-19).  We should also be testing our church leaders and teachers, our example is to be like the Bereans “… they received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so,”  Acts 17:11.

YHWH is admonishing us to look HIM over - very carefully.  Ask questions, dicker a little, if you have the chutzpah (Gen.18:22-33).  Unlike the pagan religions that demand mute obedience and blind faith, YHWH clearly challenges a-l-l humans, angels, or otherwise, to prove or disprove that HIS way is the best way for a-l-l the citizens of the Kingdom to live.  Over the years I have read a fair amount of history and religion, I do not recall anywhere in the pagan or secular world were their leadership or deity commands the people to test them.  Mostly if you open up your mouth to question them you would get your head lopped off.  But here, on this day, YHWH invites inspection and respectful comments.   

YHWH deals with HIS human creation via HIS Covenants, and covenants usually have a preamble or a prologue, describing the relationship or history, identifying the author and participating parties.  In ancient times, during this season, YHWH was performing miracles to free the Hebrew people from their evil Egyptian bondage (Exo.ch.7-11).  Through all the spectacular miracles that were performed, YHWH identified HIMSELF, and showed the world HIS superior authority and power.  The ancient Hebrew people were the participating party and YHWH showed the world that he would protect those people included in HIS Covenant.

As it was written in the Messianic Hebrew Testament, aka The New Testament, on this day called Palm Sunday by today's Christians, Yahshua presented himself to the Jews as the Messiah.  The spiritual symbolism is easy to see, His followers were to examine His spiritual lessons very carefully.  It was a stunning time.  Just as the Prophets foretold, Yahshua rode into Jerusalem on a donkey (Mat.21:1-11; Zec.9:9).  As He rode in, the people called out “Hosanna,” which means in Hebrew “save us.”  They shouted praises to YHWH - HalleluYAH! - for the miracles they had seen Yahshua do. 

“True religion is the life you lead,
not the creed you possess.”

 Many seem to forget that Yahshua also had a prickly side to Him, and He often irritated the religious leadership.  It is not talked about too much, but Yahshua was also a religious reformer (Mat.3:7, 5:20, 7:6-13, 22:15-46, 23:1-36; Luk.11:37-54, 18:9-14; Jno.8:44).  In these last days He presented His most controversial and challenging teachings which immediately began ringing the alarm bells at the halls of the ruling religious elites (Mat.21:12-27; Mar.11:15-33).  The lesson is clear; what is spiritually important to YHWH and Yahshua is how you live your everyday life with a proper heart for your fellow man or women, then holding to religious rituals (Rev.ch.2-3).  Log on to learn more: http://www.homeworship101.com/bb-c7b_are_you_the_messiah_ministry.htm

The first Covenant lesson to remember is that on this day, YHWH is teaching humanity to be critical thinkers.  Question your teachers and leaders!  True wisdom is based on the foundation of the Bible as opposed to mans spontaneous logic, which is built on sand and will not stand the test of time - test everything (Acts 17:11), and be cautious not make a covenant with god wannabes.

“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.”
- 3 John 4

Enjoy the journey of learning…

Please remember to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, and for all those who stand with Israel (Ps.122).

Take care.  Peace and blessings, Errol.
Errol Mueller, chronicler extraordinaire
  e-mail: errol@homeworship101.com
website: www.homeworship101.com
WSC Newsletter 2012-00, posted 04/01/12.
Copyright © 2012 Errol Mueller.  All rights reserved.  Short quotations, page copying, or redistribution for personal or non-commercial group study is permitted and encouraged, provided they are copied in total with no alterations or deletions.  Author’s name, website address, and copyright notice must be included.  If any other use is desired, written permission is required.
For information, email or call (334) 678-0913.  White Stone Communications (Rev.2:17), Dothan, AL.
Scripture quotations are from the New King James Version of the Holy Bible.
Copyright © 1982, Thomas Nelson, Inc., Publishers.


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