
Day Greetings from HomeWorship 101™
- YHWH clearly warns a-l-l humanity,
- as part of the
universal Rainbow Covenant given to Noah
- “… I will demand
a reckoning…”
- – Genesis 9:5
- "It is appointed for people to die once--and after that,
- to face judgment."
- - Hebrews 9:27
has ordained one annual Holy Day that teaches humanity
Divine Grace and Judgment, and that day is approaching soon – probably
sooner than you think. The
10th day of the 7th Biblical month (Saturday, Oct.8, figuring from the
first day Sept.29), for angel and human alike, is one of the most
important Holy Days of the year. It
is the universal Divine Judgment Day, the fearsome Day of YHWH's
reckoning (Gen.9:5-6). In
English it is generally called “the Day of Atonement,” and in Hebrew it is called “Yom
Kippur.” It is
the day to repent and cleanse the spirit and soul, through a 24-hour
commanded fast (Lev.23:26-32). Jewish
tradition teaches that on this day, sometime in the future, the Book of
Life will be sealed, and the gates of Heaven will be closed.
- “For this is the will of God, your sanctification:
- that you should abstain from sexual immorality;
- that each of you should know how to possess his own vessel
- in sanctification and honor,
- not in passion of lust, like the Gentiles who do not know God;
- that no one should take advantage of and defraud his brother in
this matter,
- because the Lord is the avenger of all such, as we also
forewarned you and testified.
- For God did not call us to uncleanness, but in holiness.”
- - 1 Thessalonians 4:3-7
The keyword in the above verse is
“sanctification,” and it was
introduced in the beginning of the year with Passover. Sanctification means set
apart from all the others. The
faithful are spiritually set apart, spiritual Hebrews,
as we walk YHWH’s Ancient
Path of Righteousness. On
the Holy Day of Pentecost YHWH gave us His Laws so that we could remain
sanctified. In other words,
wants HIS Faithful to live Holy lives on a day-to-day basis while
interacting with the community in our work, and play - to live and work
honestly. The Apostle Peter tells “…but as He who called you is
holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, because it is written, “Be
holy, for I am holy,” 1Peter1:16.
It is easy enough to understand, and easy enough to read it in
Scriptures – but there is still much debate on the topic.
Log on: http://www.homeworship101.com/wp_early_christians.htm
- “Be an example to all believers
- in what you teach,
- in the way you live,
- in your love, your faith, and your purity.”
- - 1 Timothy 4:12
The Holy Day of Atonement is the tollbooth on
YHWH’s Ancient Path. As
I pointed out during the spring Holy Days newsletter, surviving Passover
means humanity has been 'justified and redeemed'
(Exo.ch.12-13). Redeemed
means that something has been bought back from the marketplace; justification
means, that someone has been judged and found not guilty.
In other words, humanities sins are washed away in the sea of
forgetfulness, and that is a good thing for the spiritual bank account.
During the Holy Days of Unleavened Bread YHWH teaches us
humility, because a prideful person will not yield to YHWH’s Divine
guidance, and on Pentecost HE teaches us HIS Laws and gave us HIS Holy
Spirit, which is our helper so that we may learn and continue to live a
Holy life. Now comes the
time to evaluate how well the Faithful have learned their lessons.
In other words it is time to tally up our spiritual bank account.
Justification and redemption makes our spiritual bank accounts
possible, but the account does not contain money it contains the Holy
Spirit. If we live a good
and honest life the Holy Spirit inside us grows, if we live an evil and
sinful life then our Holy Spirit withers and fades.
This is the Day YHWH demands HIS toll before one can enter the
Gates of Heaven (HIS Kingdom).
- “Come and see the works of GOD;
- He is awesome in His doing toward the
sons of men.”
- - Psalm 66:3
10 days from the Day of Trumpets to Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, are called the Days of Awe (Yamim
Nora’im) and/or the Days of Repentance (Yemei Tshuvah).
These Holy Days have dual-purpose prophecies and meanings.
The title “Days of Awe” teach us about future prophecies of
awesome events that will unfold during these days, and the title “Days
of Repentance” teach us about personal repentance.
Let’s cover the prophetic aspects first as we rejoin YHWH’s
Spiritual Opera.
- Sometime in the future, almost tomorrow.
- ~ The Curtin Rises, Act 6 - Scene 1 ~
The Conquering Messiah’s Judgment…
- “When the Son of Man comes
in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him,
- then He will sit on the throne
of His glory.
- All the nations will be
gathered before Him,
- and He will separate them one
from another,
- as a shepherd divides his
sheep from the goats.
- And He will set the sheep on
His right hand, but the goats on the left.
- Then the King will say to
those on His right hand,
- ‘Come, you blessed of My
- inherit the kingdom prepared
for you from the foundation of the world...’
- Then He will also say to those
on the left hand,
- ‘Depart from Me, you cursed,
- into the everlasting fire
prepared for the devil and his angels...’”
- - Yahshua, Matthew 25:31-46
The worlds armies gathered at Jerusalem have been
vanquished and in the spiritual war between good and evil
there will be a thousand-year cease-fire.
After the battle, Satan will be bound by Michael the Archangel,
Revelation 20:1-2 “Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven,
having the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand.
He laid hold of the dragon, that serpent of old, who is the Devil
and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years.” The
Antichrist (the Satan possessed human leader), and the false prophet
were cast into the lake of fire, Gehenna the final death, these souls
are dead forever (Rev.19:20.)
Yahshua will cross the Kidron Valley and
enter the Temple Mount through the Eastern Gate just as He did on Palm
Sunday some two thousand years ago. The prophet Ezekiel proclaimed
that the promised Messiah would enter the Eastern Gate of the Temple
Mount into the rebuilt Third Temple (Eze.43:1-5). The Prophet had
told Israel that this Eastern Gate (it was originally called the Golden
Gate because it was covered in a golden colored bronze) would be sealed
in the future, to preserve it for the entrance of the coming Messiah
(Eze.44:1-2). The Earthquake will open the sealed Eastern Gate
that He will walk through and enter the Tribulation (third) Temple.
After entering the Tribulation Temple,
Yahshua will be anointed with the sacred oil of the anointing.
Yahshua's human bloodline comes from King David so he has some
“orthodox” Hebrew birthright duties to fulfill, and it begins with
the anointing. This special mixture of anointing oil was first
ordered to be made in Exodus 30:22-33, to be used for sanctification of
religious articles and leaders. This anointing oil was lost when
the second Temple was destroyed in 70 C.E., and has been lost for two
almost thousand years because the special materials to remake this oil
are no longer available. Miraculously, during the Dead Sea Scrolls
excavation of the Copper Scroll, a flask of this anointing oil has been
found. The oil, buried almost two thousand years ago, in one of
the hottest spots on earth, is still fresh and usable today.
After the anointing,
Yahshua as our great High Priest will then announce the “Gospel” or
“Good News” that the Kingdom/Government of YHWH has arrived.
He will proclaim the Great Planetary Jubilee (Lev.25:1-13), the time of
restitution of all things, since the world began, meaning the
cancellation of all debts, and all the prisons will be opened and
everyone will be free to start over (Act.3:18-21).
There will be a literal one-year rest for the planet and all
it’s inhabitants. He will then judge the nations of the world,
before establishing His Millennium Kingdom.
- "Blessed are the peacemakers, for
they shall be called sons of God."
- - Matthew 5:9
In the Garden of Gethsemane
where Yahshua was betrayed, representatives of all nations will be
gathered before Him. He will separate the righteous sheep nations
(those who did good works to the Hebrew people, to the Christians, to
the hungry, the poor, and those nations who are peacemakers), from the
goat nations (the ones who cursed and oppressed His servants, and those
who started violence). The goat nations will not survive, they
will go away into everlasting punishment (Mat.25:31-46; Gen.12:3). As
the Bible says, "...the kingdom of heaven is like a dragnet that
was cast into the sea and gathered some of every kind, which, when it
was full, they drew to shore; and they sat down and gathered the good
into vessels, but threw the bad away.
So it will be at the end of the Age of Grace. The angels will come forth, separate the wicked from among
the just, and cast them into the furnace of fire. There will be
wailing and gnashing of teeth," Mat.13:47-50.
- “That to Me every knee shall bow,
- Every tongue shall take an oath.”
- - Isaiah 45:23
The lesson of the Tribulation era is clear -
Satan's way leads to death. About
a third of humanity will survive the terrible ordeal brought on by mans
own hand. The Messiah will begin calling all the mortals on Earth
to repent the utter hopelessness of the life they have chosen. The
mortal citizens entering the Millennium Kingdom will be those survivors
of the Great Tribulation period and the Battle of Armageddon. As
they enter the next level of Humanities spiritual evolution they will
receive the spiritual salvation needed to inherit all of the blessings
of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. The first part of the Messiah's
Earthly rule now begins. As stated in Revelation ch.20, six times
it is written that the Messiah will rule and reign for a thousand years.
Now it will be revealed to Humanity
what is meant by the term Kingdom of YHWH, ruled by Yahshua the Messiah,
as the nations of humanity will culturally reset to the
time before 1Samuel ch.8, before Israel rejected YHWH and
chose and earthly king to replace HIM.
As in the Book of Judges, it will be a government based on the
revolutionary Protestant concept, that GOD directly empowers the people
- instead of a king; and what GOD directly gives - no man can take away.
The dusty statue books that control us today will be gone in a
world in which the people will finally accept their responsibility of
GOD given freedom...
- Yahshua will now
supernaturally protect humanity
- as
he renews the planet from its near destruction.
- The
curtain closes.
- Sometime in the future, after the thousand years are finished.
- ~ The Curtin Rises, Act 6 - Scene 2 ~
Final Judgment…
- “Then I saw a great white throne and
Him who sat on it,…
- And I saw the dead, small and great,
standing before God,
- and books were opened.
- And another book was opened, which is the
Book of Life.
- And the dead were judged according to
their works…
- The sea gave up the dead who were in
- and Death and Hades delivered up the
- And they were judged, each one
according to their works.”
- - Revelation 20:11-13
The fearsome day of YHWH'S 'reckoning' is at
hand! This is the big one!
For angel and human alike, this is a very serious day. During
these past 10 days YHWH has returned to earth and supernaturally
vanquished the forces of evil gathered around Jerusalem.
Now on HIS Holy Day of Atonement HE will call all humanity, both
dead and alive, to judgment. The
Universal Covenants given to Adam and Noah, tells us the earthly mortal
body dies and returns to the earth.
At death the spirit of the person lives to be called at the end
of this age of sin for a "reckoning" (Gen.3:19; 9:5-6).
The basic human-spiritual rights in the Universal Noahic Rainbow
Covenant, govern a-l-l humanity, they were also restated by Yahshua, and
the Apostles, Mat.13:24-30; Act.15:29.
- “The human heart is most deceitful
and desperately wicked.
- Who really knows how bad it is?
- But I know! I, the Lord, search all
hearts and examine secret motives.
- I give all people their due rewards,
according to what their actions deserve.”
- - Jeremiah 17:9-10
Known as The Great White Throne Judgment of the
Rainbow Covenant, YHWH comes to Earth, and opens the Books
of Life. Then HE will judge
a-l-l humanity and the angels (Gen.9:5-6; Rev.20:11-15; 2Pet.2:4), and
the Golden
Rule is the standard of measure.
the centuries there have been many opinions on what Judgment
Day will be like but YHWH sees our hearts (Heb.4:12; 1Cor.4:5), and HE
relayed a wonderful parable of the final Judgment in the ancient book of
Shepherd Of Hermas.”
See my Judgment Day webpage: http://www.homeworship101.com/bb-c12_judgment_day.htm
Since Adam and Eve there
is now death on the planet. The
body dies and returns to the earth.
This brings us to another one of those nagging questions of life:
What happens when I die? There
are those moments, those hopeless life and death situations, when no
amount of money, no person or thing really matters, it is the time when
one faces eternity, and at that time who are you gonna call?
Ponder this for a moment, dying is bad enough, but what if
something could steal your spirit.
The ramifications are too scary to consider.
Polls show even though they might
not know HIM very well, 96% of adults will cry out to GOD for help when
all else fails. So fear
not! Thankfully, YHWH gave
us our spirits and HE is in charge.
HE has a collection and storage system in place to care for the
spirit - good or bad. At
death the departed human spirit is a spiritual mold of the persons form,
memory, and character that will be called to judgment sometime in the
future. At the
resurrection, the spirit brings into the resurrected body all the
memory, knowledge and character, as well as the form and features of the
person (Heb.9:27).
The western ideas of hell
stems from the - not totally accurate - medieval writings of two poets,
Dante’s “Divine Comedy,” and Milton’s “Paradise Lost.”
The word hell in the English Bible is a mistranslation.
The same English word 'hell' is used in the place of three
different Hebrew and Greek words, representing three different places.
The Bible describes two holding places,
one for the spirits of the deceased humans and
one for angels. The spirits
of the deceased humans are presently asleep, unaware of the passage of
time (Ecc.9:5) in a place called Sheol in Hebrew, and Hades in Greek. This one place is divided into two sections, one side is
sleeping in Divine comfort - the other side is not. The comfort side, has the perks for the righteous, and
the other side is 'the no frills’ discomfort side for the
unrighteous (Luk.16:19-31). I
picture it like this: It is like the difference between having the best
day of your life, then having your best nights sleep, ever, and in the
best bed you have ever seen; vs. sleeping outside on a rock, on a hot,
muggy, and buggy summer night - with no breeze, after having the worst
day of your life. Upon the resurrection of Yahshua, He took the comfort /
righteous side of Hades to His FATHER'S Heaven for some Divine comfort. (click
for more info: Holy
Day Firstfruits)
The second holding place
described is for specific, extraordinary evil
angels that transgressed the Laws of the Heavens, called Tartaros in
2Peter 2:4. These two
locations are a holding place until trial, judgment and sentencing,
(sentencing can be either to life or to death).
The fates of the fallen angels are in Jude vs.6-7, And the
angels who did not keep their proper domain, but left their own abode,
He has reserved in everlasting chains under darkness for the judgment of
the great day; as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities around them in a
similar manner to these, having given themselves over to sexual
immorality and gone after strange flesh, are set forth as an example,
suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.
The third hell
the Bible refers to is Gehenna, the Lake of
Fire, or the final punishment after trial and judgment (Mal.4:1;
Rev.19:20, 20:10). This is
the spiritual death, the final eternal extinguishing of the life-force,
total death, not eternal torture (eternal punishment, not eternal
punishing). The Bible also
calls this the second death (Rev.20:14, 21:8).
Just for the record,
and to avoid confusion, all those humans who did not know the Messiah,
or were not chosen by the Him (see Mystery
of the Bride), or chose not to commit
themselves to the higher Theocratic Covenants, will sleep until the time
of the final Great White Throne Judgment of YHWH, after the earthly
1,000 year millennial rule of the Messiah. Then the spirits of
a-l-l humanity will be called from their graves (in Hades) and
assembled. Because they died laboring under a false education
system, they will all be informed of the truthful circumstances,
and readied to give account of their lives.
One has to discount
the conventional Roman ideas of hell. Hades is not a place of
punishment, because they were not judged yet. YHWH is not so petty
as to punish someone before he comes to trial. Hades is a holding
place until judgment, like a holding cell before trial.
After one has been judged,
and if you are lucky enough to receive that Majestic nod to step
forward, you will be asked one last question.
Do you accept YHWH's 'Anointed One,' the Messiah-Christ, as the
one who speaks for YHWH in this part of the Universe (Jno.5:37)? Yes
or No? Is
that your final answer?
- YHWH will now
supernaturally protect humanity
- as
he renews the planet from the destructive of the Age of Sin.
- The
curtain closes.
- “Wash me
thoroughly from my iniquity,
- and cleanse
me from my sin.
- For I
acknowledge my transgressions,
- and my sin
is always before me.”
- – Psalm
I mentioned above, these ten days between the two Holy Days
are traditionally called the Days of Awe and the Days of Repentance.
I already talked about the prophetic aspects of the Days of Awe;
the Days of Repentance are directed to humanity.
For us mere mortals, the Divine lesson during this time is to
forgive and be forgiven. Forgive those who have wronged you, and repent of the wrongs
you have caused others. Because
in the end, if you cannot forgive others, then you cannot expect to be
forgiven (Mat.6:12-15).
- "Let
all bitterness and wrath and anger
- and clamor
and slander be put away from you, along with all malice.
- Be kind to
one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other,
- just as God
in Christ also has forgiven you.”
- - Ephesians
us mere mortals, the universal theme of this Holy Day is
self-improvement. Evolve
beyond your primitive sub-routines!
Seize the moment to find "at-one-ment" with YHWH, and
live again! Lose the
customer is always right attitude, and the haughty spirit that knows
nothing of repenting. One
must approach our Covenant responsibilities with a humble spirit,
because a humble spirit will learn, the haughty in spirit thinks they
know it all and have no need to learn anything.
This is a serious day to take responsibility for our actions, we
should reflect on our life, repent for our sins, forgive and be
forgiven, and find at-one-ment with YHWH and Yahshua.
Today, modern science would agree with this
ancient mandate from heaven: Repentance is good for the soul!
It frees you from the heavy baggage of guilt that haunts your
subconscious. This is the
day to make peace with loved ones and friends, then put the old issues
behind you, and start your renewed spiritual life.
(A good place to begin learning about personal
behavior is from the Biblical Book of Proverbs.)
Believers are commanded to grow in knowledge and
grace (2Pet.3:18), to be a living sacrifice...,
transformed by the renewing of your mind... (Rom.12:1-2).
Seeing the error of your ways is accomplished in the most
intelligent and clever way, and driving the point home, is not
accomplished through brow beating sermons.
Our Biblical example is with King David who stole the wife of one
of his captains (2Sam.12:1-13). The Prophet Nathan was directed by YHWH
to show King David the error of his ways, not by going and yelling at
him, but by showing him his sin in the form of a parable, which was a
story of a pet lamb.
this story the Prophet
paints a picture of a rich man with much livestock, but when the rich
man wanted to provide a dinner for a visitor, he stole the poor man’s
only lamb. The poor man loved his only lamb and treated it so well it
was like a member of the family. It
is a wonderful story and anyone who is a pet lover can instantly relate
to the example. Coincidentally,
King David was once a shepherd and he understood the poor man’s pain.
King David became enraged at hearing the story and said the rich
man should die for what he did. Upon
realizing he was the rich man, it moved King David to repent immediately
Pride is the worst sin,
because pride is what caused the dark angels to rebel against YHWH.
Pride prevents asking for forgiveness, and then there can be no
repentance. GODLY
sorrow is a much deeper sorrow than simple remorse; GODLY
sorrow leads to repentance. In
YHWH’s Church a Believer must do as King David
did, when a person understands their sin, one must repent.
It is not merely a religious exercise of just going through the
motions. Repentance means a
change of mind. It invokes
a “revelation,” of not only heartfelt sorrow for the past sins, but
a total change of mind, of attitude, of direction and purpose to life.
It is like tasting food that has spoiled, once you realize it,
yuck, you spit it out, and think to yourself, I’ll never eat that
51 describes a three-step process:
[1] Accept
responsibility, and acknowledge the transgression, vs.1-2.
[2] Repentance (say
you are sorry), then ask forgiveness, and offer restitution to the
injured party, vs.3-4.
[3] Change lifestyle
to avoid that sin, vs.10-11. Once
repented do not commit that sin again (Heb.10:26). Work to strengthen the spirit.
Study the Bible to increase knowledge and character in faith -
grace - love - gentleness - temperance - patience - modesty -
forgiveness - charity - truth - cheerfulness, etc.
Serious repentance begins with serious
[1] We pray to ask YHWH for forgiveness.
"The Lord is my helper!" Hebrews 13:6.
YHWH and Yahshua are not looking for reasons to keep you out of
Heaven they are there to help. Not
sure were to start or how to repent, pray and ask for HIS Divine help
and wisdom. YHWH loves to
help us. It is His delight
to do us good. He is
pleased to see us coming to HIM for assistance, or for Grace, or for HIS
[2] We pray to give thanks to
YHWH for all our blessings.
Do you sometimes feel like the world is against you?
If you need some reasons to give thanks, log on to http://www.homeworship101.com/wp_be_thankful.htm.
Then pray the thanksgiving Psalm 136.
[3] Lastly we pray to make our requests
know to YHWH. It
has always been believed that during the fall season of Holy Days all
the spiritual decisions for the following year are made.
It is also believed that YHWH releases special favors, and
answers prayers during this season.
all things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive," Matthew 21:22. "Cast
your burden upon the Lord and He will sustain you; He will never allow
the righteous to be shaken," Psalm 55:22.
- “Be anxious for nothing, but in
everything by prayer and supplication,
- with thanksgiving, let your requests
be made known to God;
- and the peace of God, which surpasses
all understanding,
- will guard your hearts and minds
through Christ Jesus.”
- – Philippians 4:6-7
- “We love the LORD, of course,
- but we often wonder what HE finds to love in us.”
- - Ed Howe
true Believer, the spiritual Hebrew, has nothing to fear on Judgment Day.
There is some confusion regarding the term Judgment Day, because
the same word is associated with different Biblical events, so to clear
up some confusion let’s review them.
As I mentioned above, sometime in the future, almost tomorrow,
the next big Judgment Day will be after the conquering Messiah returns
to earth and judges the nations of the world.
The peacemaker nations will survive and become the nations of the
Messiah’s Millennium Kingdom (Mat.25:31-46; Rev.19:11-21) – the
haters and warmongers will not survive.
The last and final Judgment will be after the Millennium rule of
the Messiah when YHWH returns to earth.
HE calls the evil angels from their holding cells and all
humanity from their graves, and begins the final judgment of whether
they will die permanently or enter into eternal life (2Pet.2:4;
Rev.20:11-15). There is
only one group of humans that escape these two spiritual judgments; they
are the Bride
of the Messiah. Sometime
before the Messiah returns to earth He will call out His true believers
(from the living and the dead) and translate them to the place prepared
for them in heaven (John 14:2-3). Once
there, every person called will spend a little private time with the
Messiah, not to be judged, their sins are burnt up as wood hay and
stubble (1Cor.3:11-13), but it will be their unique traits that will be
examined, and determined how the candidate can best serve in the
Millennium Kingdom – and beyond. Remember: The true believer has nothing to fear on Judgment
Day, they have already passed the test – so to speak.
Character Counts ~
- “…keep to the paths of righteousness.
- For the upright will dwell in the land,
- And the blameless will remain in it;
- But the wicked will be cut off from the earth,”
- - Proverbs 2:20
a Divine Judgment Day causes one to ponder, just exactly what
is my Covenant obligation? What
must I do to receive that approving nod from YHWH to enter the Gates of
Heaven? GOD is love (1John
4:8), and HE wants all humanity to join HIM in HIS Kingdom, but there
are conditions. YHWH does
not believe in the whip of big government, HE promotes self-discipline
and small government, and to that end, HE teaches us in HIS Scriptures
to heed HIS Commandments,
because the bad behavior called “sin” (adultery, fornication, lying,
stealing, etc) will not get you into HIS Kingdom.
Sin is mentioned over 640 times in the Bible, unfortunately
today, our political and religious leadership does not like to talk
about sin anymore – it’s too divisive they say, so they talk about
empty feel good topics. Let
no man deceive you (1Tim.4:13), the hard reality is that sinners cannot
get into Heaven – even if they are Christians (1Cor.6:9; Gal.519-21;
Eph.5:3-6; Rev.21:8, 22:15), and this is the Holy Day that teaches a-l-l
humanity, not just the Jews, to repent and change from your wicked ways.
- "For whom the Lord loves--He chastens."
- - Hebrews 12:6
The sage says that the facade of man
[or woman] has three sides: What he thinks he is, what others think he
is, and what he really is. To
understand our place in life, we must be honest and yield ourselves to
guidance of the higher Divine life force and seek our true face.
Sometime in the future, there will be a day, you
are standing in line and nervously looking up you receive a majestic nod
to step forward and give account (Rev.20:12).
YHWH will ask: What part of "Thou shalt not..."
didn't you understand? Lame
excuses for our mistakes, or misdeeds, won't work on this Day, our
FATHER sees our hearts (Heb.4:12).
This is a serious day to take responsibility for our actions, we
should reflect on our life, repent for our sins, forgive and be
forgiven. We are commanded
to afflict our souls through a 24 hour fast (Lev.23:26-32).
- “I bet you there will
be people in hell saying,
- 'I thought there was no
condemnation for those in Christ Jesus.'”
- - G.A. Jarquin
- Yahshua clearly warned:
- “... but if you want to enter into life,
- keep The Commandments,”
- - Matthew 19:18
The Bible including the NT
has hundreds of references regarding living a righteous Holy life, but sadly many preachers today do not
touch on the subject. In
Hebrew, the term for an exceptionally righteous person is Tzaddik. Proverbs 10:25 say that unlike the wicked who are swept away
by a whirlwind, the righteous have an everlasting foundation. The
Bible also warns us, “be not overly righteous,” Ecclesiastes 7:16.
I like using the salt analogy, the Faithful are the salt of the
earth, but we shouldn’t be too salty, because too much salt spoils the
taste of the spiritual food we share.
For the full story log on: http://www.homeworship101.com/fyi_salt_covenant.htm
makes the gates of Heaven available,
- the
Messiah opens the gates,
- but you walk
through on your own two feet.
Thankfully, GOD deals with humanity via HIS Covenants
not man’s religions (Mat.22:23),
and HE makes allowances for the false education humanity has been taught
during their mortal lives. The
Gospels lessons are centered on ‘grace,’ which is the advanced
concept of mercy. Yahshua
teaches humanity that our CREATOR is a GOD who loves and forgives all
humanity, even the lowly most wretched person has value, and all should
‘learn’ so they may join HIM
in HIS Kingdom (Mat.ch.5-7).
The lessons Yahshua taught discount most Jewish oral law, but
still use the lessons of the Torah and the Prophets of the Hebrew Bible
as foundational guidance, and the main lessons are honor and humility,
repentance and kindness.
~ The 24-Hour Commanded Fast ~
- “…when you fast, do not be like the hypocrites…
- and anoint your head… ”
- - Matthew 6:16-17
Today, modern science would agree with this
ancient mandate from heaven: Fasting is good for the soul!
Fasting, withholding nutritional inputs is an essential component
to good health. It is a vacation from digesting food, which is the
most energy-demanding activity of the body, and can be a beneficial part
of the healing and energizing process. One third of the body's
energy supply is used during digestion. While fasting, energy
normally used for digestion is redirected to the restorative processes.
HIS Holy Days YHWH gives us a snap shot of what is good
for us all year, I.E. the Temple offering of salt, bread, barley grass,
unleavened bread, etc., are all good things to promote health throughout
the year, and it is the same with fasting.
The lost art of the practice of fasting once a week or once a
month for 24 hours is a wonderful and safe lifetime habit for most
people. Fasting regularly enhances one's health more than any
other single activity. Even after a person reaches ideal body
weight, unwanted substances that are hard for the body to eliminate
enter the body through the foods we eat, the water we drink, and the air
we breathe. Fasting helps
to release unwanted substances, toxins, and other wastes from the fat
and tissues and helps to restore and maintain vitality and strength.
of the day’s activities (if you have to work or not), DO NOT brag
about it, or walk around with a sad countenance to show off your fast
and sacrifice. It is
private affair between you and your CREATOR.
Beginning a fast is also the time for the precious anointing with
oil (Mat.6:16-18). Anointing
yourself and loved ones is a powerful spiritual power-tool.
The Apostle John writes in 1John 2:27, that anointing refers to
the Divine spiritual process in which the Holy Spirit empowers a
person’s heart and mind with YHWH’S truth and love.
For more info log on to: http://www.homeworship101.com/sp-t5_anointing.htm
who really need an anointing are easy to spot, the proud in
heart, lofty in spirit, covetous in his aims, condemning others,
justifying himself, unsympathetic or harsh, etc – but they are too
proud to humble themselves before YHWH and Yahshua.
For more info see the Book of James.
tips on how to 'invoke' the sacred anointing, log on to http://www.homeworship101.com/sp-t8_order_of_rites.htm
Don’t forget your sea salt! ~
believers are part of the Salt Covenant with YHWH (Lev.2:13;
2Chr.13:5). In ancient
times, salt was also used to seal a bond of friendship forever. Brethren at an Israelite table would seal their friendship by
the sharing of salt. On
this day after fasting, seal your prayers of repentance with a lick of
pure sea salt to heal the spiritual rift.
Modern science is confirming the benefit of YHWH’S ancient
rites, (real unprocessed) sea salt acts as preservative for your body.
(And believers also know it preserves our spirit.)
Log on to: http://www.homeworship101.com/fyi_salt_covenant.htm
~ GOD Bless the
USA! ~
in America, for a country based on 'unalienable'
GOD-given-rights, it should be a national day of fasting and repentance
(2Chr.7:14). And the money
saved on food during the fast day, should be donated to your local food
bank, and then watch the blessings grow.
FATHER knows what is good for us.
HE wants HIS Faithful to be kind and giving, not as a religious
requirement, because it is good for your health.
One study by the University of Michigan kept track of 400 elderly
couples over a five-year span and they found that couples that gave to
charity were twice as likely to outlive those who didn’t!
Other studies show that people who give more than they receive – no matter if it’s
money, clothes, or even advice – are healthier and happier!
- “If you study the
Bible without applying it to your daily life,
- then it would be better
not to study it at all.”
- - Zac Poonen
Noah, YHWH told humanity to form community governments, and HE told us
how to run them in the Torah. The
reason is simple; learning the personal virtues of this Holy Day also
benefits our community. There
is a saying; “Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.” Our founding fathers knew their Bibles and world history.
They knew that basically there are two ways to govern a
community. People
will either be self-disciplined or need the whip of tyranny.
If people are disciplined and honorable then they need less
government to control them, if they have no moral character then they
will need the whip of big government to control them.
The early immigrants who settled this country were
self-disciplined and self-reliant because they were a deeply religious,
Bible-believing, Christian people - and they built a great country.
Unfortunately for the last 50 or more years, the minions for the
dark side have been hard at work removing the Bible and the founding
religious values from our public squares and educational establishments.
Even if they did want to remove GOD but still promote good
values, then you would think that at the very least they would trumpet
the Golden Rule
– it’s universal, every religion has one, and it is at the heart of
spiritual maturity - their silence speaks volumes.
In my humble opinion, it would appear that they silently want to
ruin this great nation instead of help it.
~ In Closing… ~
Practice, Pray,
- “You must meditate and dwell upon
what you read…
- You must also practice and live out
what you read….
- You must also pray over what you
- - Thomas Brooks (“The Unsearchable Riches
of Christ”)
Judgment Day quote from Revelation 20:13 clearly says
“…judged, each one according to their works.”
It’s a curious thing; the verse did not mention purity of the
religion or theology, but your “works.”
This Holy Day teaches our “works” means we are to live, on a
daily basis, a righteous life, with charity, and a slow to anger,
forgiving heart, which in-turn, makes the Faithful, Ambassadors of the
Kingdom (2Cor.5:20). The prime directive of Ambassadorship: Love
your GOD, and love your neighbor. And, “. . . forgive them
for they know not what they do . . .,“ is the motto (Luk.23:34).
To be an Ambassador
of the Kingdom means you are a Friend of the Kingdom, not a servant to
it. The Faithful are considered Friends because of the Divine
Knowledge revealed to them (Jno.15:15).
Log on for more info: http://www.homeworship101.com/sp-t7_sacred_assembly.ht
- “...we do not war according to the flesh,
- and the weapons are not carnal...”
- - 2Corinthians 10:3-4
The Faithful know Satan
is the target of this spiritual war not our neighbor (Eph.6:12).
Satan is the god of this world and the Believers in our CREATOR are
“living in their native lands - but as aliens.”
The Believers are
“in this world, but not of this world.” The Believers are
citizens of the Heavenly Kingdom of YAHWEH (Phi.3:20), fellow citizens
with the Old Testament Saints (Eph.2:19) - under the authority of the
Messiah. They follow local customs in clothing, food, and other
aspects of life - but as citizens of the Heavenly Kingdom, they are only
passing their days on Earth. Log on for more info: http://www.homeworship101.com/wp_early_christians.htm
- "You ought to live holy and godly lives."
- - 2 Peter 3:11
They are “present in the flesh”
- but do not live “according to the flesh.” They obey the
appointed laws of the community - but go beyond that and follow the
Heavenly Laws in their own lives. They are treated with outrageous
disrespect - but behave respectfully and bless those in return.
They are dishonored and their names blackened - but they gain glory
through dishonor and their names are cleared in the Heavenly Book of
The Faithful are given the Armor of YHWH.
YHWH doesn’t call the equipped; HE equips the called, with HIS
armor. Ephesians 6:11
states “Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to
stand against the wiles of the devil.”
Log on for more info: http://www.homeworship101.com/sp-t6_armor.htm
Knowin’ is the easy part!
This is not a church of potted plants. The citizens are
Ambassadors of the Kingdom and represent their Government.
This is not a passive role; it is a pro-active role. They
live by example and share the spiritual truths that they have learned,
using clear and simple language - not political style double-talk, using
many words to say nothing, or spiritual, feel-good psychobabble which
has no lasting benefit (Mat.5:37).
We follow Yahshua, the Apostles, and the Hebrew Testament
Prophets, fearless and uncompromising, but seasoned with amazing grace.
- In philosophy and religion, it has been
- that you will know the quality of a tree by the fruit that it
- The
more I learn, the more I realize how little I know.
- Enjoy
the journey of learning.
- >
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Ambassadors: http://www.homeworship101.com/sp-t7_sacred_assembly.htm
your Holy Day prayers, please remember to pray for the peace of
Jerusalem, and for all those who stand with Israel (Ps.122).
- May
you be written in the Book of Life.
- Wishing
you peace and blessings, Errol.
- **********************************************
- Errol
Mueller, chronicler extraordinaire
e-mail: errol@homeworship101.com
- website:
- **********************************************
Newsletter 2011-08, posted 10/04/11.
- Copyright © 2011 Errol Mueller.
All rights reserved. Short
quotations, page copying, or redistribution for personal or
non-commercial group study is permitted and encouraged, provided
they are copied in total with no alterations or deletions.
Author’s name, website address, and copyright notice must
be included. If any other use is desired, written permission is required.
- For information, email or call (334) 678-0913.
White Stone Communications (Rev.2:17), Dothan, AL.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Scripture
quotations are from the New King James Version of the Holy Bible.
- Copyright
© 1982, Thomas Nelson, Inc., Publishers.

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