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Spring Holy Days - The Start of YHWH's Spiritual Opera 

Greetings from HomeWorship 101™


“…The feasts of the Lord,
which you shall proclaim to be holy convocations,
these are My feasts.”
- Leviticus 23:1
“These are the feasts of the Lord,
holy convocations
which you shall proclaim at their appointed times.” - vs.4.

The spring season of YHWH’s Holy Days will soon begin.  The above verse clearly states that these are YHWH’s Holy Days not just Jewish Holidays, and that we are to proclaim them at the “appointed times”.  This year, once again, man’s preprinted calendar is not quite in harmony with the sighting of the New moon.  In the above quote, appointed times means YHWH appoints the times, and HE show us the times by signs of the moon (Ps.104:19). See my Holy Day dates web page,  http://www.homeworship101.com/holy_days_calendar.htm

The Holy Days are a treasure trove of our CREATOR'S Wisdom.  YAHWEH is trying to help us, and in HIS infinite wisdom HE designed the Holy Days to have many in-depth and multilevel meanings, all with perfect symmetry leading to one place - HIS Kingdom.  They have historical lessons - which we should honor by their remembrance.  They teach current day character building lessons - which we should learn.  They teach us health lessons for the mind and body.  They are a “shadow of things to come” as they picture a prophetic, Messianic message of hope.  They are future prophecies of human catastrophes with many on a planetary scale (Col.2:16-17) - which we all should watch for

Many Christians are just learning about, and starting to celebrate, the Biblical Holy Days, and there are many excellent reasons to do so. In this year’s newsletters please allow me a little latitude, as I teach the basics of YHWH’s Holy Days as one big 7-act stage play in the greatest Spiritual Opera of all time.  At the end of the Holy day Season I’ll publish all the newsletters as one PDF file. 

Before we start, some opera background.  No I’m not going to sing this to you – be thankful for that.  This spiritual opera is a union of music (the psalms and some parts of the Torah are harmonized and put to dance), drama (good vs. evil, always lots of drama), and spectacle (YHWH wrote and prophesized this opera, need I say more). 

The folks behind the opera: YHWH is the writer director (the person who directs the dramatic interpretation of the show and is generally in charge of the production).  HE is the lighting director - the person who creates the lighting concept (YHWH created the light and shows us HIS signs by the heavenly lights).  YHWH is the costume designer – the person who designs and creates the clothes that the characters wear (YHWH dictated in very great detail the clothing the Temple Priests must wear).   YHWH is also the set designer – and all the world is HIS stage.  The Stage manager and production manager are the Archangels.  The stage crew (the team of people, who move the sets and stage pieces), are the other Angels of Light who help humanity.  In the gallery the four strange creatures and the 24 elders have the best box seats, and all the angels and beings of the Kingdom make up the general audience seating (Rev.ch.5). 


Yahshuas’ last message for humanity:

“Let not your heart be troubled;
you believe in God, believe also in Me.”
“Peace I leave with you,
My peace I give to you;
not as the world gives do I give to you.
Let not your heart be troubled,
neither let it be afraid.”
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear,
but of power and of love
and of a sound mind.”
John 14:1, 27; 2Timothy 1:7

One of the ways YHWH shows and teaches HIS Faithful the spirit of peace, love and sound mind is by revealing to us HIS Ancient mysteries and prophecies for the future through HIS annual series of Holy Days.  Today in the western world it is easy to read our Bibles, watch spiritual shows on TV, or surf the Internet for information.  But it was not always like that.  During the Middle Ages houses of worship developed beautiful Biblical pictorials brought to life in the vivid colors of stain glass windows.  Because books were scarce and most people could not read, stained glass windows along with painted wall or ceiling murals were used by church scholars and teachers to educate the faithful.  

In ancient times our CREATOR designed a formal sacrificial system to be used at the Temple in Jerusalem to educate the faithful in HIS Kingdom lessons (Books of Exodus and Leviticus).  In this system HE used everyday objects to picture a higher spiritual reality of life.  One picture is worth a thousand words (such as witnessing the sacrifice of the Passover lamb).  The scribes and the teachers of the day would be explaining the spiritual meaning behind the symbolism of the Temple events.

There is no wasted motion in the activities of YAHWEH, and there is a picture of a higher spiritual purpose designed into every movement of all the Temple observances.  When all the Holy Days are seen throughout the year, they join together in a great Spiritual Opera of YAHWEH’S plan of restoring HIS Kingdom to Earth.  I call it a Spiritual Opera, but these Holy Days have been given many titles throughout the centuries such as: “GOD’S Calendar of Redemption,” “GOD’S Calendar of Redeeming Grace,” “The Sacred Calendar of the History of Redemption,” etc.

In the Heavenly Kingdom these Holy Days took a great deal of planning to produce the multifaceted Kingdom lessons.  They are more than just an ethnic tradition.  They teach the BIG picture, the really B-I-G picture, as a spiritual opera of all humankind’s evolution as if it were one grand stage play from chaos to eternity, complete with interlocking spiritual symbolism on many levels, which are still current today.

Remember, YAHWEH’S plan for humanity’s destiny gives us all hope for the future.  It is the same spiritual “story of hope” told to Adam and Eve, and passed on through their descendants as an oral history all the way to Noah.  After the flood, Noah taught this same oral history to his descendants.  The key action figure in this Spiritual Opera was revealed in the first prophecy to humanity recorded in the Adamic Covenant, the promised Messiah.  Now the Heavenly mysteries will be revealed to all humanity through the theater of the portable Tabernacle and the permanent Temple of the Hebrew people, at Jerusalem.      

The Angels sweat the details!  Even in the Kingdom there is paperwork, and the Angels put a lot of work into bringing YAHWEH’S design to reality.  They had to do intensive research.  They had to be sure the specialized materials would be available for use by the people.  They had to catalog the time cycles over thousands of years.  And they had to be sure that all the events were executed with perfect timing.

All the spiritual lessons point to YAHWEH’S Kingdom.  We acknowledge the Holy Days out of respect to our CREATOR.  And we if watch, HE teaches us their higher spiritual lessons.  Understanding the lessons bring us peace.  Peace of the mind, peace of the heart, peace for the growth of the spirit, peace in our house, peace in our community, and peace to our nation.  The greatest joy any soul can experience is sharing this knowledge with someone else. 

~ The Holy Days of the Early Church ~

“I have given you an example to follow…”
- John 13:15
“Do not go beyond that which is written…”
- 1 Corinthian 4:6

The Holy Days of the Early Church are listed in Leviticus ch.23.  Not to be confused with secular or traditional “holidays,” these are “Holy Days,” because they are ordained by YAHWEH.  Yahshua and the disciples kept them, and so should His church.

“Respect is what we owe - love is what we give!”

These are Holy convocations, a time to put the daily drone of our material pursuits aside, and take a day to honor and pay respect unto our CREATOR.  We show love and respect for our Heavenly FATHER, through study, thanksgiving, songs of praise and dance, and joyous feasting with friends and family.  This in turn will strengthen your mind, body and spirit.

YAHWEH in HIS infinite wisdom designed the Holy Days to have many in-depth and multilevel meanings, all with perfect symmetry leading to one place - HIS Kingdom.  They have historical lessons - which we should honor by their remembrance.  They teach current day character building lessons - which we should learn.  They are a “shadow of things to come” as they picture a prophetic, Messianic message of hope.  And they are future prophecies of events (some on a planetary scale) yet to unfold (Col.2:16-17) - which we all should watch for.

Some Christians argue that the Old Testament ways died on the cross with Yahshua, this is simply not true.  If you are going make a spiritual commitment, it’s a no-brainer, you gotta get behind something that lasts forever.  Leviticus ch.23 clearly states, four times, that the feasts “are a statute forever”(vs.14, 21, 31, 41).  And they are an everlasting sign between HIM and all HIS people. 

Yahshuas’ journeys to keep the Feasts are symbolic of the journey of life every Believer walks in this alien world.  Yahshua and the Disciples on occasion walked about 75 hot and dirty miles through hostile territory from Galilee to Jerusalem to “keep the Feasts.”  On His way to the Feasts, He at times endured hardships and sometimes He traveled incognito, but He never missed one Feast celebration.  It is important to note that the early Christians understood that Yahshua fulfilled the spiritual reality that the Feasts symbolized.  There is ample evidence that the early Christians continued to celebrate the Feast days and went to the Temple observances on the high Holy Days until the Temple was destroyed in 70 C.E. (1Cor.5:7-8; Act.18:21, 20:16).

These Holy Days are ordained for all the Believers in our CREATOR, because all together they picture the major spiritual steps in HIS great master plan to save all the world from the destructive effects of the dark powers.  They are the Holy Days which we will all celebrate forever (Isa.66:23; Zec.14:16). 

Unfortunately, primarily because of Satan and his dark minions spinning their web of prejudice, hatred for the Jews was drumbeated through the populace.  Ancient as well as modern politics were against them, and after some time, most - if not all - of these ancient lessons have been lost or hidden from the general population of today’s Christian world.

As a matter of fact, Satan does his work well, the spiritual lessons have also been lost to most of the Jews because the rabbis heaped too much rabbinic tradition on them and smothered their important original essence.  When pressed, Jewish religious authorities will confess that their current customs are not 100% Biblically correct.

Today, most Jews have merged the first and second Holy periods - Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread - into one holiday period called the Feast of Passover, with some Jews performing a Seder on the first two nights.  The third and fourth Holy Days - the Day of Firstfruits and Pentecost - have been generally forgotten about.  The fifth one - the Feast of Trumpets - is totally misdefined and referenced as the ancient new years day.  The sixth one - Day of Atonement - along with Passover, are their High Holy Days when even the marginal Jew will attend the synagogue.  The seventh - Feast of Tabernacles - is only kept by some.

Before we start, allow me to state one important point: THESE ARE NOT JEWISH HOLY DAYS!  They are YAHWEH’S Holy Days!  It is easy to be confused with non-Biblical, Jewish national-based, traditional holidays, such as Hanukkah, Purim, etc., (national holidays are okay as long as they do not replace YAHWEH’S appointed times Ecc.3:1).  Although some Jewish national holidays have some interesting spiritual stories, for this discussion, we are concerned only with our CREATOR’S Biblically ordained Holy Days.  Nowhere does the Bible state that these “appointed times” were exclusively given only to the people of Judah.

REMEMBER: The Judeans compose only two of the twelve land holding tribes of Israel.  “Jewish rabbinic tradition” dictating how to observe these “appointed times” is exclusively for the Jews - the Holy Days are for all Believers in our CREATOR, the entire worldwide Jerusalem Church. 

Jewish, Christian, whatever, holidays can be hard.  Today, a Western religious “holiday,” means to many that our culture is at its height of materialism and superficiality.  Plan it . . ..  Buy it . . ..  Organize it . . ..  Set it up . . ..  Prepare for it . . ..  Clean up after it . . ..  Afterwards, work double duty to pay for it . . ..  Then they wonder: Who was enriched by the experience?  Me?  My friends?  Or the corporate coffers?

During the Christmas or Easter season, some become nervous wrecks as they hectically mall-walk searching for the perfect present to buy.  Some get holiday headaches keeping up with the endless struggle to mail out cards.  And others get stressed-out keeping up with the holiday pageants and endless dinners.  For many the sights and sounds trigger the loneliest time of the year.  Some go into a fog, and some just glaze over.  Some become gloomy, or depressed and withdrawn, until it’s over.  Some just go out of town.  Many, happily go through the motions in ignorant bliss, never really quite understanding why they do it, or even what the ancient “spiritual” meaning really is.

Now if you are part of an interfaith marriage, for example, a Catholic and a Jew, then you really have a challenging quest in spiritual values to separate holiday rituals, from personal or family habits of two different religious worlds.  When the kids are coming of age, what do you do?  Which one is the meaningful ritual to celebrate the season?  Do I add Hanukkah to Christmas or is it Christmas to Hanukkah?  Feeling completely lost, many say, “Ah the heck with it, lets go to a yoga retreat!”

This is not our CREATOR’S idea of seeking the meaning of life.  The Biblical Holy Days are more the just showing up to a mandatory-ritual worship service.  They are “appointed times” when YAHWEH meets with HIS people - all HIS people, and then the magic happens.  They are keys to a timeless treasure trove of Divine knowledge.  Some Holy Days are a joyous feast, fun and festive, filled with song and dance, and some are serious.  Some are observed at home with family, and some are shared with a large group - if possible.  

Yahshua’s Faithful are commanded to grow in knowledge and grace (2Pet.3:18), to be a living sacrifice . . ., transformed by the renewing of your mind . . . (Rom.12:1-2).  The Holy Days are a personal, spirit-training series of Heavenly lessons, with subtle instructions which picture a greater spiritual truth.  They repeat every year, lest we forget, to teach understanding, to all - men, women and children - that our CREATOR is still in control of the Heavenly Powers of the Universe and HIS promises will be fulfilled.

YAHWEH’S Holy Days, dispose of your demons through reflection and afflicting your soul, to have a change of heart and repent.  They connect us to a Heavenly timetable - signs to watch - and they give us hope for the future.  They put us spiritually in control and encourage us to: live-learn-and grow - HONORABLY!  

In homeWorship, the man, as the head of the house, would have responsibility to speak for the family through the main prayers, but that does not mean a woman cannot add a special thought before the prayers close.  The woman of the house would say the opening prayers while kindling the candles, and children have a role to play too.  By performing a more intimate homeWorship observance, the burdens and decisions, the good times and the bad times of this evil world are shared together, reinforcing the family unit.  (FYI: If there is no man of the house, then the woman is the head of the house.) 

Contrast this with today’s Roman spiritual training: Men are in, women are out.  Show up at the predetermined ritual, sit down, pay your dues, listen to a sermon, get your blessing and go home.  Lack of real personal involvement has given many the impression that GOD is only for the priests and has rendered most of the male citizenry spiritually impotent. 

Roman male training starts at a very early age laying tracks to adulthood, and is based on competition for materialism - not growing spiritually.  To be a man you have to compete to win, and to win you never show weakness and never admit guilt - this attitude is tough on the family.  Feelings in the Roman world are a sign of weakness, real men do not cry, never show pain, and never-ever show fear.

Consequently, especially when approaching mid-life, many men do a lot of brooding, soul searching, or as some call it, reflecting on a “convergence of experiences.”  They struggle with regrets, loneliness, and intimacy, careers are often a disappointment, and they are generally disappointed with their faith experiences.  A life of fighting for territory makes one reluctant to share the deeper inner thoughts, and by mid-life they wonder: Who do I really connect with? 

Today faith has evolved into spectator event, where the clergy perform and the laymen observe, Sunday service is nothing but a religious production, and the church buildings with their bigger is better design have more of a country club mentality then mirroring the early church.  Jew or Christian the similarities run the same, the faithful have forgotten that YHWH’s Holy Days are not just religious obligations; they are a treasure trove of our CREATOR'S Wisdom. 

GOD is not just for the priests!  HomeWorship can and should be performed by every Believer in our CREATOR.  Even if one does participate in a religious revival, and promises to make changes in their lives, they slide back into old habits once they are away from the highly charged revival meetings, because the spiritual connection is not properly continued at home. 

YAHWEH'S Holy Days are home Worship family days.  There is a time and place for “formal” ceremony and Worship during the high Holy Days, but home Worship is less rigid, more down-to-earth and from-the-heart.  In the time of the Apostles, there might be a service at the synagogue or Temple, but then the faithful would go home, prepare a Sacred Meal, and continue their Worship with family and friends.  In Christianity it is called "Table Fellowship," and it is modeled after the Last - Passover - Supper.  Log on: http://www.homeworship101.com/holy_day_observance.htm

Spiritual magic happens (so to speak), when you begin to understand the major spiritual steps in a great Heavenly master plan from chaos to eternity.  And spiritual magic begins, when a person, a married couple, a family, or a group of like-minded friends is drawn together as they begin to connect, with the higher spiritual powers of righteousness, through the “art of performing” the acknowledgment of YAHWEH’S wonderful Holy Days.  But for magic to happen, you have to be there!

All humanity should be aware and follow the CREATOR’S Holy Days, because planetary spiritual events happen on these days that affect everyone - Believer or not!  As further proof of YAHWEH’S sovereignty, and solid evidence of HIS faithfulness to HIS creation, HE has engineered nearly every major spiritual event in history to occur on a Feast day.  Strange anomalies?  The critics may argue, but many will believe, in the interest of diplomacy I will call them “Coincidental dates?” and list some of them on the appropriate days.

All Believers of our CREATOR should acknowledge HIS Holy Days, whether you believe in Yahshua as the Messiah or not!  Sometime in the future, there will be a day, you are standing in line, and nervously looking up, you receive a majestic nod to step forward and give account . . ..  Never let it be said, “you couldn’t do the least you could do.”  And the simplest “art of acknowledgment” of the Holy Days can be accomplished by simply lifting your head, looking to the heavens at the beginning of the Holy Day (in the evening sky, preferably facing toward Jerusalem) and saying, “Thank you YAHWEH, for showing me the signs.”  As one spiritually grows, then more time can be rescheduled to devote to the observance/celebration of the day. 

Just as any skilled professional is required to take additional training or annual refresher courses.  These are the annual spiritual refresher courses designed by our CREATOR, for all of HIS Believers to practice their spiritual training and maintain a high level of performance - lest we forget and lose our way. 

The concern is not for mandatory ritualism, but understanding the truth for which it stands, and this understanding greatly enhances our faith.  All the Holy Days together picture YAHWEH’S grand majestic design of the unfolding spiritual events, affecting all humanity - that is why it is meaningful to pass on HIS teachings to others (Heb.9:10; Rom.7:6).  The early Christians were Believers, and therefore already saved.  The observance is not done for salvation - but of love and respect for our CREATOR and HIS Covenant with us (1Jno.5:3).  

Enjoy the journey of learning…
Ø       Holy Days: http://www.homeworship101.com/holy_days_intro.htm
Ø       How to Observe a Holy Day: http://www.homeworship101.com/holy_day_observance.htm
Ø       How to timekeeping:  http://www.homeworship101.com/holy_days_timekeeping&calendar.htm
Ø       Holy Days Calendar: http://www.homeworship101.com/holy_days_calendar.htm

Please remember to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, and for all those who stand with Israel (Ps.122).

Take care.  Peace and blessings, Errol.
Errol Mueller, chronicler extraordinaire
  e-mail: errol@homeworship101.com
website: www.homeworship101.com
WSC Newsletter 2011-03a, posted 04/13/11.
Copyright © 2011 Errol Mueller.  All rights reserved.  Short quotations, page copying, or redistribution for personal or non-commercial group study is permitted and encouraged, provided they are copied in total with no alterations or deletions.  Author’s name, website address, and copyright notice must be included.  If any other use is desired, written permission is required.
For information, email or call (334) 678-0913.  White Stone Communications (Rev.2:17), Dothan, AL.
Scripture quotations are from the New King James Version of the Holy Bible.
Copyright © 1982, Thomas Nelson, Inc., Publishers.


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