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WSC  Newsletter

*“In GOD we trust.” Answering the GOD "?". 


Happy American Independence Day Greetings

On our Independence Day, we publicly celebrate our founding belief, “In GOD we trust.”  It is a day to give thanks to GOD for our national heritage, reaffirm our country’s founding principles, and celebrate what makes America the lighthouse of freedom to the world.

So how is our lighthouse of freedom doing?  How is it shinning on the world stage?  It would seem, not too good.  A recent BBC poll says that generally 2/3 of the world is unhappy with America.  2/3 of the world is an interesting number.  As I often try to point out, the more things change the more they stay the same.  During the time of the building of the tower of Babel, it was 2/3 of the world, against the 1/3 of the world that stood as witness to our CREATOR, and would not join in their evil works (Gen.ch.11).  Although centuries have passed, in some ways, not much has changed, for those who can see, the spiritual war continues.

Unfortunately, over time, America have grown some evil warts, and today it seems our “light” has been given over to corporate sponsorship, and political correctness.  Many have forgotten exactly what are - or were - our founding principles.  And just exactly, what “light,” and what “freedoms,” are we promoting throughout the world. 

In the news lately, the US conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraqi are working through their nation rebuilding, but there is no mention of our CREATOR’S Blessings in their new governments.  The message generally promoted is that the US brings freedom and democracy, and that is where they go wrong.  Americas founders knew their history, and they were well aware that democracy has been around since the Greeks and that it’s basically mob rule, doomed to failure.  America does promote freedom, but just exactly whose freedom are we promoting?  Man’s, or our CREATOR’S?  (Meaning: If a man or ruler grants human rights, then a man can take them away, vs. what GOD directly gives, no man / ruler can take away.)

Our founders knew the answer, and as a testament to their humility, they also publicly questioned the concept of mans granted freedoms vs. our CREATOR’S directly endowed freedoms.  Still to this day, it is remarkable that America’s founders were the ‘first’ community leaders to answer the much-dreaded GOD question (GOD ?).  (Meaning: Does GOD exist?)  After much wrangling, they formed the US as a ‘constitutional, representative republic;’ organized by peoples whose - Protestant (or protesting Christian) - concept is that all people are Divinely and directly Blessed by our CREATOR, along with HIS freedoms and moral guidance – even those who do not believe.

Our founders knew their Bibles, and they knew that after the flood, in Genesis 9:5-6, our CREATOR commanded the people to form governments to handle the affairs of the community.  It was also one of the seven GODLY principles that Noah taught to a-l-l the generations of the new world.  Some 800 years later, after the Hebrews lost most their knowledge in their Egyptian captivity, our CREATOR restated these principles to Moses and with a little more information on making the community government operate honestly and fairly (i.e. Lev.ch.12-15, 18-20; Deu.ch.16-22).  And our founders were keenly aware of the Bible’s warning re: ignoring the GOD? in their community compacts, 1Sam.8:11-18.

Hellenism, Romanism, fascism, communism, communalism, socialism, capitalism, etc., there are many ‘isms in the political world.  Our founders voted for Bible-based ‘honest’ capitalism, and it was not an arbitrary decision.  Ever since the flood, humanities community governess has been one experiment after another, and the GOD? has always been a sticking point.  Europe along with much of the world body laughed at the “great American experiment,” and criticized America’s founders as being backward.  So how do they answer the GOD??  In recent news, the best and the brightest of the Europeans have been meeting to organize the foundation of their new European Economic Union (EU).  They have currently been working hard on drafting their constitution.  It is a sad fact, that in our most modern age, with human knowledge expanding every three years or less, that the leadership, which are the products of the best schools of higher learning, along with their smartest computers, is still wondering what GOD has to do with it?

In the meeting halls of the EU there has been much debate on it.  For example, should they mention Christianity?  In particular, it made France nervous because of their large Muslim population.  So they decided to answer the GOD? by ducking it – yet again.  Here in America, students of history and prophecy know that if you don’t stand for something you will fall for anything, and leaving GOD out, makes fertile ground for evil to set in.  Hello antichrist! 

If you ponder their attitude (the EU, the French, etc.) for a while, it makes you wonder…  If all people are “…equal and endowed by their CREATOR with certain unalienable human rights…,” what does it matter if you are Muslim, Jew, Christian we all supposedly believe in the same CREATOR.  Other religious beliefs, or even if you do not believe, you are still enjoy the same freedoms.  And free people, who understand personal self-governance guided by righteous morality, come together to form a community compact based on the most basic of GODLY principles (Noah’s 7 commands for example).  It seems so simple, you wonder why everyone doesn’t see it.  But therein lies their arrogance, because it’s really all about personal control, power, corruption, and money.  And the Muslim community leadership is not much different.

"Facts are stubborn things;
and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations,
or the dictates of our passions,
they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence." -- John Adams

Make-no-mistake, no other nation, Catholic, Muslim, Jewish, or otherwise, has ever made such a declaration regarding the GOD?.  Even today’s so-called brilliant minds of the science world are too weak-kneed to face the GOD?  The foundational documents that formed America are the greatest documents ever penned by man.  It is the Protestant concept that we are all equal, and that GOD grants rights ‘directly to every human,’ which no man can take away.  Even if you don’t believe in GOD, you still have the same rights.  That is what made America great!  It’s a miracle that it even happened.  These are concepts that we still struggle to live up to today because they are concepts that have been under attack by the dark side ever since their inception. Log on: http://www.homeworship101.com/wp_americans_who_risked.htm

“Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution
and to the Republic for which it stands. 
Miracles do not cluster,
And what has happened once in 6000 years may not happen again.
Hold on to the Constitution,
for if the American Constitution should fail, 
there will be anarchy throughout the world." -- Daniel Webster

Our CREATOR wants a-l-l humanity to have the freedom to study and learn, to grow and mature, to work and trade honestly, and to enjoy life with our friends and family.  Anyone who would take these freedoms away or restrict knowledge is basically anti-GOD, anti-YHWH, or as some say, Antichrist.

America keeps the peace in many places throughout the world.  Much of the good is seldom mentioned.  The Bibles says that Abraham, with 318 well-trained men who trusted in GOD, accomplished what the much larger pagan armies couldn’t (Gen.ch.14).  Today, the image of this Bible verse is seen in America’s armed forces.  They trust in GOD.  And compared to the world’s population, America’s small volunteer armed forces are the giants keeping the light of peace and freedom shining around the world. 

We have our evil warts, but evil is everywhere.  One of our founders, Thomas Jefferson, commented we must remain ever vigilant to keep our freedoms.  My parents met in Germany, then they immigrated to this country and I was born.  I could just as easily wound up in Germany.  I pray and give thanks for being in this country, and I pray that we find our way back to the truths and strengths of this Divinely based republic.

Wishing you a happy holiday with your friends and family.
Please pray for our leadership, pray that their hearts will trust in GOD, and guide them.
And please remember to pray for the peace of Jerusalem...  Ps.122.
Take care.  Peace and blessings, Errol.
Errol Mueller, chronicler extraordinaire
 e-mail: errol@homeworship101.com
website: www.homeworship101.com
Scripture quotations are from the New King James Version of the Holy Bible.
Copyright © 1982, Thomas Nelson, Inc., Publishers.
#WSC 2003-10, posted 07/03/03.
Copyright © 2003 White Stone Communications 
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