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WSC  Newsletter...

Freedom of Information 

Greetings from HomeWorship 101.

            There is a cold winter blowing across the country and I hope you are keeping warm.  I would like to take a moment and thank everyone for your notes of encouragement, comments, and suggestions, I’ll try to incorporate some of them in this years newsletters.  January is the beginning of our secular year, and in a couple of months the Biblical New Year will begin (April 3 estimated).  The Biblical New Year will begin a busy time as I focus my newsletters on our CREATORS Spiritual opera that is told through HIS Holy Days listed in Lec.ch.23.  Now I would like to take these next couple of newsletters to start at the beginning, or premise, of my Biblical research and teachings.

"An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest." 
-Benjamin Franklin

Before I begin with my work I would like to first give thanks for all the brave souls – men and women - who fought to establish and maintain the freedoms that founded this country.  Without their sacrifices, and foresight, (for example, the Library of Congress), and other resource archives, my work would have never been possible.  In the recent news many people complain about losing their freedoms, but it could still be worse, many modern nations, and religions, still fear giving their people unlimited access to uncensored news and information.

Our founder’s love for the freedom of information, evolved into today’s electronic storehouse of all kinds of information, the Internet.  Personally, I think it’s kind of amazing.  Many people criticize the American’s, or their marginal Christianity, but it is their Divine inspired love for freedom that built, owns, and provided the uncensored Internet for use by the worldwide general public. 

Think-about-it, what I write about in my book and website, and discuss via email, would have started wars only a few hundred years ago, and in some circles still does today.  I am of modest means and there is no way I could produce a color magazine comparable to my website, and send it free to anyone who requested it.  But today, I was free to learn about it, and create a website that, for a small fee, transmits my information worldwide via the Internet.  Besides that, corroborating reference material, and even the critics, are only a few mouse clicks away.  Unfortunately, there are those who hate freedom of information and are attacking, and trying to bring down the Internet.

In ancient times, the Library of Alexandria was the famous storehouse of information.  Bible readers remember it because the Pentateuch, the first translation of the Hebrew Torah into Greek, was specially commissioned for it. Unfortunately, those who hate knowledge set the library on fire in 47 B.C.E.  A few years ago the ruins of the library were discovered and plans were made to build a new one.  But there is a problem, the library is located in Egypt, and today’s Middle-Easterners do not have the same love for the freedom of information as their ancestors did.

Since the Jews returned to Israel, Biblical archeology has flourished, and has been corroborating the Bible.  Unfortunately, the free access to archeology is also a freedom not everyone appreciates because it brings the light of truth to long held false information.  For example: The Roman Catholic Vatican has a very large basement with thousands of year’s of accumulated artifacts that they prefer to keep to themselves. 

The Jehovah’s do not like archeology such as the Dead Sea Scrolls, because YHWH is written on them, not Jehovah.  Archeology is also putting the Mormon leaders in the uncomfortable position of defending their Church’s founding document against accusations that it is a work of fiction. 

And most recently, an ancient stone tablet was found with words referring to King Solomon’s Temple.  But inspite of overwhelming evidence, the Palestinian leadership contends that the Temple Mount is a purely Islamic site, and claims there never was a Jewish temple there.  For those who are seekers of truth it can be very frustrating.  There is an appropriate ole’ saying, “Never underestimate the power of the human mind to believe what it wants to believe, no matter how conflicting the evidence."

Hatred for freedom continues on many levels, and war-talk is constantly in the news these days, but there is also spiritual war raging that few in the media are willing to talk about.  It is the spiritual war between the freedom loving side of Light, who wants to share information and empower people, against the darkness who would suppress such information and control you.  In my next newsletter I’ll talk a little more about my chronicle on Spiritual Warfare.

Please remember to pray for the peace of Jerusalem...  Ps.122.

Take care. Blessings, Errol.
Errol Mueller, chronicler extraordinaire
 e-mail: errol@homeworship101.com
website: www.homeworship101.com
Scripture quotations are from the New King James Version of the Holy Bible.
Copyright © 1982, Thomas Nelson, Inc., Publishers.
#WSC 2003-01, posted 01/28/03.
Copyright © 2003 White Stone Communications 
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