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On the 10th Day - GOD Test 

Greetings from HomeWorship 101™

“… they received the word with all readiness,
and searched the Scriptures daily
to find out whether these things were so.”
- Acts 17:11

Did you ever hear a priest, pope, or rabbi say, test me?  Test the words or the theology I teach you.  Not usually.  As a matter of fact, some religious leaders can get downright ugly if you question them, but not with our CREATOR–YHWH.  Before the new season of the annual “Hebrew” Holy Days begins, on the 10th day of the 1st month (March 27th), what Christians call Palm Sunday, the first order of spiritual business is that HE admonishes us to test HIM – to make sure that we are on the right spiritual Path.  Our example is to be like the Bereans in the above quote.  (Click for all Holy Day Dates: http://www.homeworship101.com/holy_days_calendar.htm )

Two Ways of Looking at the World

“Therefore, laying aside all malice, all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and all evil speaking,
as newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby,
if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is gracious.”
- 1Peter2:2


There is an old saying, “a picture is worth a thousand words,” and one could write a book about the picture above.  The cat is thinking, how can I kill that fish and have it with biscuits and gravy.  The child is looking in amazement at the wonders of life, and given the chance, would love to nurture the fish and help it grow.  As I mentioned in recent newsletters we are going to explore the true definition of “Hebrew” which means to “cross over” from the darkness of this world to our CREATOR’s world of Light.  I’m not saying the cat is full of malice, it is acting on instinct, but humanity is created with free will, we can wake up today and choose to change our ways.  Our CREATOR-YHWH gives us a choice, choose Satan’s world of illicit sex, human sacrifice, blood sports, killing, lying, taking advantage of people for personal gain, and all the narcissistic evils promoted by the dark side, or HIS way of love, kindness, humility, honesty, personal honor, lend a helping hand, and treat people the way you would like to be treated – live a righteous life.  The choice is simple, live in evil and it will dry you up inside and eventually kill you, or choose righteousness and live with a warm heart, grow in character and spirit, and enjoy eternal life.

"Every word of God is tested;
He is a shield to those who take refuge in Him."
- Proverbs 30:5

This is not a new concept.  YHWH is eternal and so are HIS ways.  HIS ways of community life and personal behavior, worked for untold years during the reign of the Angels.  As the story goes, Lucifer was one of YHWH’s archangels managing this part of the Kingdom.  Life and business was good under Lucifer’s management.  All the angels’ prospered and magnificent cities were built.  After some time Lucifer thought he had a better way of running the interstellar societies of the Angels and started up a revolution against YHWH (Isa.14:12-14; Eze.28:12-17; Luk.10:18; Jud.6).  An excerpt from my book:        

The rebellious angels were defeated by YHWH’S loyal angels, but they were not destroyed.  In the court of the Heavenly beings, Lucifer was called to appear and give account of his actions.  Court is held in the YHWH’s Great White Throne Room and is the most miraculous and wondrous place in the entire universe.  Around the Throne Room shining with their immutable beauty are many varieties and countless number of angels and strange creatures.

The greatest angels of wisdom and knowledge who oversee the clockwork of the universe are the Archangels.  Troops of angels who guard the Throne are called the Cherubim and the Seraphim.  YAHWEH is not a dictator and HE does not use HIS authority as a club, but HIS word is final; and for HIS council HE is surrounded by “four and twenty elders” all dressed in white (Rev.4:2-11; Book of Enoch from the Lost Books of the Bible).

The Power of Light emanating from the Throne seems brighter than the sun and creates a rainbow around it.  The voice of YAHWEH is like the thunder of the heavens and any mortal witness to such a spectacle would naturally become afraid and tremble with great terror.  But Lucifer is no mortal and he has been there many times before in his long career of service to the Kingdom. 

An eerie silence falls over the Room as all are attentive to the proceedings, we can only imagine the presentation Lucifer made in his own defense (I would not attempt to describe what was said, in my current state of ignorance my feeble human version would only offend him - and I am cautious not to do that).  His argument must have been brilliant and compelling, after all, he did convince a third of the angels to follow him and now he explains his point of view for all in the Kingdom to hear.

              The Bible does not state that the angels ever repented after their rebellion.  Possibly, once changed to evil characters, they cannot be changed back.  Listening to the proceedings YAHWEH is not swayed, HE knows Lucifer’s approach to a different form of government will not work, but, there must have been some discussion by the Council of the Elders to allow Lucifer a limited time, and limited area to test-market his program.   

              YAHWEH agrees and sets the ground rules, HE renamed Lucifer “Satan,” pronounced Saw-tawn, which means adversary (Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary #7854), and removes his bright and glorious nature.  YAHWEH then ordains that Satan and his fallen dark angels still have limited powers and limited access to the heavenlies.  Satan cannot create life of any kind or foretell the future; he can only twist YAHWEH’S creation into something dark and sinful.  The Bible teaches their characteristics are based on: narcissistic self-centeredness, vanity, pride, lust, hate, greed, envy, vengeance, violence, destruction, and rebel against any form of Divine authority.  Then YAHWEH cleans up the mess of the planetary war of the angels, HE recreates the earth and then humanity enters into the story.

“Beloved, do not believe every spirit,
but test the spirits, whether they are of God;
because many false prophets have gone out into the world.”
– 1 John 4:1

It’s not easy being human!  Now here we are, feeble, naturally gullible humanity (not enough critical thinkers), caught-up in the middle of the mother of all intergalactic experiments, struggling to discern the truth.  Satan on one side is using us to prove his point of a better way of living were the strong survive and the weak are exploited and killed, and if he doesn’t get his way his backup plan is scorched earth policy – destroy humanity.  On the other side, YHWH wants to lead a-l-l humanity to HIS Kingdom and enjoy eternal life with HIM and the interstellar societies that make up HIS Kingdom – but there are conditions to HIS promises.  Satan is presently running this world and has an edge on promoting his propaganda (2Cor.4:4), and if that isn’t bad enough Satan can even transform himself into an angel of Light to fool us (2Cor.11:14).  But the one thing Satan has never been able to do is to destroy the Bible and that is where one finds YHWH.  This is the day to – Biblically - test what we accept as spiritual truth, listen to our hearts, and choose: live in this dark ruled world, or choose the “narrow,” Ancient “Hebrew” Path and “cross over” into the eternal light of our FATHER’s world.

"Learn not the way of the heathen…"
 - Jeremiah 10:2 (NKJ)

 The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.  The theme of YHWH'S first Holy season is: Start Your New Year Off Right!!!  That means one is encouraged to do some spiritual housekeeping.  We all stumble on the Path sometimes, Satan is sneaky and over time we can pick up some bad doctrines, so YHWH has deemed this time to do a little spiritual spring-cleaning - clean out the bad doctrines of men and embrace YHWH’s Divine wisdom. 

   “Keep the traditions just as I delivered them to you.”
- 1 Corinthian 11:2

It is important to YHWH that we take the time to test and choose our path now, just before the start of the annual Holy Day season starting with YHWH’s first “appointed time” of Passover.  Passover begins on the 14th day of the 1st month (Mar.30 begins night of Mar.29), it is very important because it is the beginning of the marriage Covenant, and the Bride should choose carefully and wisely.  I call the whole season of Biblical Holy Days our CREATOR’S Spiritual Opera, or YHWH’s higher spiritual lessons beginning with the marriage Covenant and ending with the Covenant rewards.  Sadly most religions have turned their faith into ceremony and miss most of YHWH’s deeper spiritual meaning.  All the Biblical “Hebrew” Holy Days of Lev.ch.23 are visual representations of the higher spiritual world leading a-l-l humanity from our present dark and evil chaos to our CREATOR’S eternity; and they teach us how to live a GODly life in this evil world (1Tim.4:12).

Please remember these are not Jewish holy days, and observing them is not done for salvation.  These are YHWH’s ordained Holy Days, there are the sacred “Hebrew” Holy Days, and we observe them out of love and respect for our CREATOR and HIS Covenant with us (1Jno.5:3).  We should observe them as YHWH and Yahshua taught us.  The Bible tells us in Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 that there is a time for everything.  These days, beginning with YHWH'S New Year, are a busy time of spiritual reflection, and making preparations for the start of the annual Holy Days.  It is a new year and a time of new beginnings, a new Covenant, and the spiritual preparations begin on the 10th day of the 1st month (April 6th).

~Test YHWH ~

"Let the name of God be blessed forever and ever,
For wisdom and power belong to Him."  
- Daniel 2:20

There are many god wannabes and all kinds of pagan gods, so how can we be sure we are following the Top GOD.  One way YHWH shows us that HE is who HE says HE is, is by the world changing events HE makes happen on HIS Holy Days, in my writing I reference them as “coincidental days?” and during this time there were many supernatural events that were performed by YHWH.  In the ancient times of Moses, here, during the start of YHWH’s New Year and Holy Day season, at the very time we are to test YHWH, Pharaoh was pridefully testing and challenging YHWH as HE was performing miracles to free the Hebrew people from their evil Egyptian bondage (Exo.ch.7-11).  As the Bible says, “pride goeth before a fall” (Pro.16:18), Pharaoh’s heart was hardened and dried up, and in the end it killed him.  Through all the spectacular miracles that were performed, YHWH identified HIMSELF, and showed the world HIS superior authority and power.  The ancient Hebrew people were the participating party and YHWH showed the world that he would protect the faithful in HIS Covenant.

“...On the tenth day of this month
every man shall take for himself a lamb...,
Your lamb shall be without blemish,
a male of the first year.” - Exodus 12:3-5

When YHWH dictated the Torah to Moses, as the above quote states, HE instructed the Hebrew people to choose their sacrificial lamb for the Passover the 10th day of the 1st month.  Choosing their lamb for the Passover sacrifice was a very painstaking process.  They were instructed to choose a lamb "without blemish" which would require very close and careful examination, almost to the point of looking it over with a magnifying glass, to be sure of its quality (Exo.12:3-5).  By analogy, the followers of YAHWEH were to examine the quality of HIS Kingdom Covenant teachings very carefully to be sure of the quality of its truth, and confirming that one is on the right spiritual Path.  And Yahshua the Messiah did not come to change or do away with His FATHER’s Laws (Mat.5:17-19), His teachings were based on His FATHER’s Words given in the Torah and the Prophets of the Hebrew - Old – Testament (Jno.15:15; Heb.8:8-10).

“Study to show yourself approved unto God,
a workman who does not need to be ashamed,
rightly dividing the word of truth.”
- 2Timothy 2:15

YHWH believes it is good to question, it is a sign of active intelligence, and on this day HE is admonishing us to look HIM over - very carefully, respectfully ask questions, dicker a little, if you have the chutzpah (Gen.18:22-33).  Unlike the pagan religions that demand mute obedience and blind faith, YHWH clearly challenges a-l-l humans, angels, or otherwise, to prove or disprove that HIS way is the best way for a-l-l the citizens of HIS Kingdom to live.  Over the years I have studied a fair amount of history and religion, I do not recall anywhere in the pagan or secular world where their religious leadership or deity commands the people to test them.  Mostly if you open up your mouth to question them you would get your head lopped off.  But here, on this day, YHWH invites inspection and respectful comments.

The first question that comes to mind is how do you really prove GOD exists?  The first thought is if you test somebody, then one must recognize the fact that that person exists.  Secondly is proving who is the one and only, the most powerful god.  Who is the top god, if there is one?  This has been the thorny question that humankind has debated since the beginning of time.  As always, the Bible has the simple answer, if one has the ears to hear.

"...I am God, and there is none like Me.
declaring the end from the beginning.
And from ancient times 
things that are not yet done..." 
- Isaiah 46:9-10

Prophecy validates the Bible, and proves the existence of our CREATOR.  There are approximately 10,835 prophecies in the Bible.  Some are of curses and punishments; some are of blessings and redemption.  And they are of two types of prophecies: fulfilled, and unfulfilled.  The fulfilled ones we learn from - and many prophecies were fulfilled during these Holy Days.  The unfulfilled ones are the ones we are watching for.

Prophecy should lead us to YAHWEH.  Prophecy reminds us that YAHWEH’S Hand is in control of the course of humanities history.  Prophecy assures us that good will triumph over evil, and it gives us hope for a future peaceful and just world.  Prophecy tells us beyond the injustice of today, and wars of tomorrow, that there is good news in the future. Log on to learn more: http://www.homeworship101.com/bb-c9_prophecy.htm

~Test  Yahshua - YHWH’s Messiah~

"No longer do I call you servants,
for a servant does not know what his master is doing;
but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father
I have made known to you."
- John 15:15

The major element in YHWH’s plan for redeeming HIS Creation from the curse of sin is HIS Messiah.  We are warned, just as there are many god wannabes, there are many Messiah wannabes or counterfeit messiahs (Mat.24:5).  It is no coincidence that on this 10th day of the 1st month, what has now become known as Palm Sunday in the Christian world, YHWH sent HIS Son Yahshua/Jesus to present himself to the Jews and the general Jerusalem audience, as the Messiah.  Yahshua’s doctrine that every life was precious, in an empire where human life was held so trivial, was a powerful idea and a welcome message.  Log on: http://www.homeworship101.com/bb-c7b_are_you_the_messiah_ministry.htm

Let us remember, in Yahshua’s time, on an average High Holy Day, Jerusalem swelled to nearly five times its normal population of 125,000.  Some Roman records show over a million people, both Jew and gentile, some from very faraway places, would come to the city for Passover.  On this day Jerusalem was very crowded with visitors who would witness the unfolding events that the Holy season would bring.

As noted above, during this same very time period in ancient times, YHWH was performing miracles to protect the Hebrews from Pharaoh.  Here now, in the same time, the time to test GOD, Yahshua was performing miracles and teaching the ways of His FATHER’s Kingdom.  He was displaying His Divine power and wisdom just as His FATHER did during this time, for all the people to see.  The final test is for those who could see, is that during this time, Yahshua also fulfilled many Messianic Hebrew prophecies recorded in Scriptures - flawlessly. 

“They ain’t makin’ Jews like Jesus anymore.”

Most have a romantic remembrance of the Palm Sunday event.  It was a stunning time.  Just as the Prophets foretold, Yahshua rode into Jerusalem on a donkey (Mat.21:1-11; Zec.9:9).  As He rode in, the people called out “Hosanna,” which means in Hebrew “save us.”  The people of Jerusalem thought that He would deliver them from the cruelty of Roman bondage.  They shouted praises to YAHWEH - HalleluYAH! - for the miracles they had seen Yahshua do.  They treated Him like a conquering king.

Unfortunately, most missed the subtle symbolism.  On this same day, a short distance away, the Jews were carefully examining and choosing their sacrificial lambs, making sure they were "without blemish.”  By analogy, the followers of Yahshua were to examine Him, and His teachings of the Kingdom, very carefully, to be sure of the quality of His simple spiritual truths.  And Yahshua’s simple truths are rooted in HIS FATHER’S Words (Jno.15:15).

I mention ‘simple truths’ because in the Book of John, when Yahshua witnessed the Gospel to Nicodemus a Pharisee, he could not understand Yahshuas’ plainness of speech (Jon.3:1-21).  He also admonished them for not being able to see the signs, “You look but can’t see; you listen but do not hear . . .,” (Mat.13:13; Luk.6:42).  Yahshua taught simple spiritual truths, men made it complicated – back then and still today.

Many say Yahshua did away with the Old Testament, but nothing could be further from the truth.  He was YHWH’s perfect teacher and His New Covenant teachings were based on the Torah and the Prophets (Heb.8:8-10).  He was a believer and teacher extraordinaire of the literal understanding of the Hebrew Scriptures, a-l-l the Sacred Scriptures, including the Prophets.  Many of His lessons reflected this, for example, He quoted the Book of Deuteronomy over 130 times.  He was a Master of His FATHER’S Words recorded in the Hebrew Scriptures.  No Lawyer of the Temple, no priest or rabbi, could argue with Him.  Even at twelve years old He could intellectually confer with the Temple priests (Luk.2:41-50).

“Coincidental dates?”  If one chooses to “cross over” and walk YHWH’s Ancient “Hebrew” Path then HE will reveal mysteries, and show us wondrous miracles along the Way.  I mentioned that prophecy validates YHWH, and shows us that HIS Hand is in control of the course of humanities history, and on this date, for those who can see, HE fulfilled a biggie.  Known as Daniels Prophecy of the Seventy Weeks of Years (Dan.9:24-27).  The prophet Daniel prophesized the day of Israel’s visitation and when the Messiah would be cut off at the 69th week (483 years from the day prophecy was given).  This prophecy was fulfilled exactly to the day by Yahshua on 10th day of Abib / Nisan, which was Sunday April 6, 32CE.  It was Palm Sunday and the day of Israel’s visitation was at hand - and you know the rest of the story.  >http://www.homeworship101.com/bb-c7a_are_you_the_messiah_prelude.htm

Make-no-mistake, Yahshua of Nazareth was the only man to fulfill to the letter over 200 Scriptural prophecies; many were predicted some 1,000 years in advance of His life - flawlessly.  Every single messianic prophecy of the Hebrew Bible was precisely fulfilled by the life of Yahshua, in a literal, common sense way.  And there are over 300 prophecies in the New Testament of Yahshua's second coming as the conquering-redeeming Messiah – which gives us hope for the future.  The prophecies surrounding His trial and death are so accurate that critics have argued that the accounts must have been added to the Bible texts after the event.  But that lasted only until the discovery of Dead Sea Scrolls which recorded the messianic prophecies of Isaiah 53:1,3,7,12 at least 250 years before Yahshua’s birth and could have not been added to the Book of Isaiah after the life of Yahshua.

~Test Your Theology~
“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!
...Serpents, brood of vipers!
How can you escape the condemnation of hell?”
- Matthew 23:29-33

 Many seem to forget, Yahshua had a prickly side to Him and often irritated the religious leadership.  The point often missed is that Yahshua was also a religious reformer (Mat.3:7, 5:20, 7:6-13, 22:15-46, 23:1-36; Luk.11:37-54, 18:9-14; Jno.8:44).  The point is that His church is not a church of potted plants; we should test the priests we follow. 

As the reformer Yahshua challenged the orthodoxy.  No one had ever before denounced the rabies, priests, and Pharisees, or dared to question the doctrine of the elders.  He expertly quoted the Prophets as He strongly rebuked Judaism’s stiff-necked religious hierarchy - the establishment religionists who never lived the righteous life.  They were corrupt.  They were blind guides.  They were play-actors, and did not live according to the spirit of the Law (Mat.3:7, 5:20, 23:1-36; Luk.11:37-54, 18:9-14; Jno.8:44). 

Yahshua challenged the doctrines of the scribes and rabbis, telling them bluntly that they did not know the Scriptures (Mat.22:29).  At least eight times Yahshua scornfully denounced them for being legalistic and fourteen times for being hypocritical.  They were excellent in reading and quoting Scripture, to keep the people on a tight leash, but in practice they themselves disobey by following their own ritualized customs.

“True religion is the life you lead,
not the creed you possess.”

Yahshua strongly scolded them because they were always bitter and constantly finding faults, tearing everyone apart.  This, the “holier than thou” crowd, by their own attitude, promoted bigotry, prejudice, and hatred.  He showed them that their religious worship was mere ritual, with emphasis on minor details, “while ignoring the weightier matters of the Law,” such as “justice, mercy, and faith.”  He taught that the motive of the heart was important, not just the outward action (Mat.23:1-23).

“Do not go beyond that which is written,…”
- 1Corinthian 4:6

Yahshua chastised them for the many traditions they added to YHWH’s Laws, making the Law a hardship on the people.  The religious authorities pretend to love you, but in reality they just want to hold you hostage.  The Pharisees slowly gained power over Jewish society by being the overseers of the many elaborate and intricate Jewish oral laws that they required the people to live by.  These “traditions of men,” in an effort to micro manage the people, only burden the community, and has reduced righteousness to mere ceremonialism of outward splendor (Mar.7:6-13).  YAHWEH calls HIS people to unity, not uniformity.  The simple - common sense - Laws of YAHWEH do not enslave people, it sets them free, because less civil laws are needed to govern the people.

The Christians have their problems too with the traditions of men.  We often hear from the Christians that all we have to do is believe in Jesus – donate to their church - and we will be saved.  If only it were that easy.  Yahshua clearly said not all who call me Lord would be saved (Mat.7:20-23).  And if one reads Yahshua’s message to the seven churches (Rev.ch.2-3), only one out of seven, and one possible maybe, makes the grade.  It’s not just talking the talk, but we have walk the walk (Mar.7:6-13; 1Tim.4:12).

"Be an example to all believers
in what you teach,
in the way you live,
in your love,
your faith, and your purity."
- 1 Timothy 4:12

In the above quote, Timothy says be an example in your faith - funny he didn’t say religion.  What Timothy was doing was outlining YHWH’s Ancient “Hebrew” Path, which is based on love and kindness.  The faithful of humanity is already blessed because we believe without seeing (Jon.20:29).  Coming to belief in YHWH is the hard part, now all one has to do is learn the spiritual wisdom of HIS kingdom, and teaching is the key word.  Teaching, not browbeating preaching, or hi-brow lecturing, but teaching was crucial in Yahshua’s ministry.  He did not take an opinion poll and then tell the people what was popular.  He taught the ways of His FATHER’S Kingdom - like it or not!  His Kingdom message was captivating and inspirational.  He taught the higher force of the spirit is to take the place of the earthly forces of the flesh.  He knows that the people will come to understanding of the higher spiritual order when the truths of the Scriptures are taught properly. 

He was the teacher of teachers and He trained His twelve Disciples to go forth and teach.  When people came to hear Him they filled the hillsides, and Yahshua did not stand above the audience and speak down to them.  In one of His most electrifying discourses, His famous “Sermon on the Mount,” He stood at the bottom of the hill (beneath them), and spoke up to the audience with force and clarity.  That famous discourse recorded in Matthew ch.5-7, has been called by some Biblical scholars “the Constitution of the Kingdom of GOD.” 

The Pharisees were experts at using a lot of words to say very little.  But Yahshua taught His Kingdom lessons in simple terms: Love and kindness, replaces hate and bitterness, and the intents of the heart will be judged (Heb.4:12), not your ‘holidays’ and rituals.  He taught that our FATHER is love, and that our FATHER is also infinite intelligence; therefore, developing YAHWEH’S everlasting spiritual wisdom, and HIS perpetual Way of Life, is the perfect blending of intelligence and love.  His Gospel was practical, and perfectly expresses YAHWEH’S simple and inescapable perpetual Code of Life.  For those who would follow, He promised: “His yoke is light and His burden is easy” (Mat.11:30)

“Your faith should not be in the wisdom of men
but in the power of God”
- 1Corinthians 2:5

REMEMBER: On this day, YHWH is teaching humanity be to critical thinkers.  Study and question your spiritual teachers and leaders!  Wisdom is based on the foundation of the Bible as opposed to man’s spontaneous logic which is built on sand and will not stand the test of time.  Test everything, and consider carefully what you accept as everlasting spiritual truth – lest it leads you into damnation (Mark 4:24; Acts 17:11; 2Tim.2:15).

“Teach no other doctrine,
nor give heed to fables and endless genealogies,
which cause disputes rather than godly edification which is in faith.
Now the purpose of the commandment is love from a pure heart,
from a good conscience, and from sincere faith,
from which some, having strayed, have turned aside to idle talk.”
- 1 Timothy 1:3-6
Enjoy the journey of learning…
>Ego religion: http://www.homeworship101.com/wp_ego_religion.htm
>Thinking Persons religion: http://www.homeworship101.com/NL_2005_01.htm
>The Ancient Path of YHWH: http://www.homeworship101.com/NL_2008_01.htm
>Covenant Theology: http://www.homeworship101.com/NL_2006_02.htm
>Hebrew 101: http://www.homeworship101.com/NL_2010_01.htm

Please remember to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, and for all those who stand with Israel (Ps.122).

Take care.  Peace and blessings, Errol.
Errol Mueller, chronicler extraordinaire
  e-mail: errol@homeworship101.com
website: www.homeworship101.com
WSC Newsletter 2010-03, posted 03/19/10.
Copyright © 2010 Errol Mueller.  All rights reserved.  Short quotations, page copying, or redistribution for personal or non-commercial group study is permitted and encouraged, provided they are copied in total with no alterations or deletions.  Author’s name, website address, and copyright notice must be included.  If any other use is desired, written permission is required.
For information, email or call (334) 678-0913.  White Stone Communications (Rev.2:17), Dothan, AL.
Scripture quotations are from the New King James Version of the Holy Bible.
Copyright © 1982, Thomas Nelson, Inc., Publishers.


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