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Website & Book Info: HomeWorship 101™

Knowledge is power, and Divine knowledge is the most powerful!  Sharing it is empowerment!!



"I have only a small flickering light to guide me
in the darkness of a thick forest.
Up comes a theologian and blows it out."
- Denis Diderot
My book & website "HomeWorship 101™"  
is your Bible boot-camp!

     "101" means just the - ancient - basics. Take the Bible and strip away all the man invented religious mishegoss (craziness or darkness), peel away all the prejudice, the hatred, the politics, all the egos and jealousy, all the man-designed creeds and rituals, the information in this book & website is what you have left. Bible boot-camp means getting back to the basics, peel away  the layers of mans traditions to find the ancient light of YHWH/GOD's pure core truths.  Think of it as an incredible journey of ancient discovery, and that discovery begins with our CREATOR / YHWH.  YHWH's name (generally pronounced YAHWEH), means everlasting, eternal, HE never changes (Isa.46:9-10), what was HIS truths since the beginning of our world are still spiritual truths today. Enjoy the journey of learning!  

"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex. 
It takes a touch of genius -- 
and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction." 
-physicist Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

     I call my book and website a “non-religious” Bible teaching, and it seems I’m the lone fish swimming against the current.  My focus is for those seeking spiritual self-help and personal growth.  I teach at the grass roots level, using simple language, with a no-BS ethic of an engineer, more concerned with education rather than indoctrination.  I present YHWH/GOD's simple core truths boot-camp style, giving the simple truths and showing you how to apply them.  (Technically speaking, it could be called basic universal human spiritual rights as expressed in YHWH’s Covenants beginning with Noah.)             

    My friends call me "chronicler extraordinaire" because I unravel the ancient spiritual mysteries and rearrange them in time-order for easier understanding.  I am extra-ordinary because I also chronicle the future, and I have an extraordinary point of view - I hope you will find it thoughtfully provocative.          

     Technically speaking, putting money in a plate and then waiting for the priests blessing to make it through another week, is simple paganism. We are directly Blessed through the Sacred Covenants, and we are to spread these Blessings through our daily lives.

"Let them first learn--to show piety at home." 
- 1 Timothy 5:4

    The Bible tells us that public worship is futile without inward heartfelt worship.  It means you have to live your faith, not just practice it for one or two hours a week.  YHWH's Prophet Micah, expresses the principle:

"With what shall I come to the LORD 
and bow myself before the God on high? 
Shall I come to Him with burnt offerings, with yearling calves? 
Does the LORD take delight in thousands of rams, 
in ten thousand rivers of oil? 
Shall I present my firstborn for my rebellious acts, 
the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul? 
He has told you, O man, what is good; 
and what does the LORD require of you, 
but to do justice, to love kindness (mercy), 
and to walk humbly with your God?"  - Micah 6:5-8

     Your faith cannot be proved by creeds or ritual purity, it is a moral code that is always with you.  Revelation 3:20 quotes the Messiah, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and ‘dine’ with him, and he with Me.”  It's curious that He did not say He would come in to discuss doctrine.  Your manners, your personal habits, and your Sacred Meal will do all the theological talk for you.

"To sacrifice 'home worship' to 'public worship'
is a most evil course of action..."
- C. H. Spurgeon

      Sometimes people look at me a little confused and say they never heard of home worship?  I would say, "The Bible tells us we should learn it first (1Tim.5:40).  I wonder why every church doesn't have a home worship department?  Some Christian orthodox and most of the Jews teach how to worship at home."  Confucius said, “To lead an untrained people to war is to throw them away.”  Priests should be spiritual coaches, teaching their laity - spiritual soldiers - how to invoke the spiritual powers-tools, so that they can better defend themselves, and their loved ones, against the darkness.  You can be sure the pagan priests are teaching their followers how to invoke their demons, to cast spells and curses used to cause disorder.  The righteous spiritual soldiers need to know how to the counter the evil threats. 

Knowledge is power, 
and Divine knowledge is the most powerful!
Sharing it is empowerment!

     Home Worship empowers the believer and gives him or her a place in YHWH's Spiritual  Universe.  Home Worship also means showing Divine respect to our CREATOR, by how we live our lives, and using HIS Spiritual Power-Tools to strengthen our lives.  The lessons or ethnic methods may vary, but respect is what we owe for the Blessings we receive.  Love is what we give as we spiritually mature.  This can be accomplished at home - either individually, with family, or close friends - by anyone, anywhere on Earth.  These are individual spiritual rites from our CREATOR to HIS people.  The Bible has many examples of private family worship:  Adam & Eve, Noah, The Patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and the New Testament examples of Yahshua/Jesus & His Disciples.

     Home Worship is home improvement  for the soul and spirit!  The spiritual power-tools needed for home improvement have been considered by the gatekeepers of orthodoxy as "classified" and on a need-to-know basis.  They are ancient Rites and are "personal" spiritual power-tools available to the Believers directly from GOD, and are e-v-e-r-lasting.  

     GOD is not just for priests!  The heads of the house are the providers, teachers, and priests, of the household.  Faith begins at home, and the family is the keystone of the faith.  

Click to learn more: 

     We are all as different as snowflakes, and I am not a doctrinal dictator - I don't have that much energy.  I specialize in providing non-religious Bible teaching.  Remember, these are not Jewish rites or Jewish holidays, these are YHWH's Covenant Rites and YHWH's Holy Days.  There are many Biblical examples of worshiping at home, and by using their example you can adapt them to your own lifestyle and ethnic tradition.  The purpose of this Biblically based study, is to address, and make use of, the Heavenly advantages available through your personal relationship with the higher spiritual order, governed by our CREATOR.  

"Stand by the roads, and look,
 and ask for the ancient paths,
 where the good way is; and walk in it,  
and find rest for your souls.” 
_- Jeremiah 6:16 ESV

     The above quote could be the theme of my book and website.   A thinking person has to ponder for a moment, what was the Prophet Jeremiah referring to?  What ancient paths?  The time of Jeremiah's teachings was about 627-580 BCE.  The modern Jewish religion of the day the newly organized  Babylonian Talmudic Judaism, with it's rabbinical order.  To me, it seems as if the Prophet was saying the new system is corrupt and the people should look to the original, ancient ways for their spiritual wisdom. About 600 years later, Yahshua/Jesus also criticized the Judaism of His day, and pointed to another spiritual path.  Knowing that our CREATOR, YHWH, does not change (Isa.46:9-10), one still can't help but wonder, what ancient path? 

"Show me Your ways, O Lord; Teach me Your paths.
 Lead me in Your truth and teach me,
 for You are the God of my salvation; On You I wait all the day."  
- Psalm 25:4-5

In the News: Many Christians are part of a fast growing global movement who say it is the ancient ways, the historic, and the Biblical ways that matter most (Jer.6:16). (Click news icon for story.)

> Newsletter - The Ancient Path of YHWH

     Truth is stranger then fiction.  We are going to examine the greatest science fact or fiction story ever told - it is for you to decide.  The hope is that you will feel energized by the illumination of some spiritual Biblical truths that are rarely taught. 

"The greatest homage we can pay to truth is to use it."  
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

     Enjoy the mystery.  The color of one's skin, or the ethnic nationality one is born into is something we all have to live with - it cannot be changed.  I am not here to step on anyone's formal traditions, but that mysterious tie to our CREATOR is something we are all born with and learning about it should be a rewarding experience.

     As we enter this new millennium, all humanity should acknowledge one clear lesson from history: When discussing or debating the higher spiritual world of our CREATOR, if one, or several, are driven to violence to make their point, then they have already lost the argument.  And that should go for governments too!



FIRST: You must believe that you are a created being, then you must believe in our CREATOR... 

That belief comes from studying eyewitness accounts and is confirmed in your secret place, your heart and your conscience - no one can decree you a Believer!

SECOND: Learn of our CREATOR'S Covenants, and then have faith in HIS plan...

The Bible actually describes a form of government - not a religion. And through a covenant relationship (two parties enter into a contract) is how our CREATOR interacts with humanity.

THIRD: Have faith in the #1 promise of our CREATOR, that he will send a Messiah...

Today some say, "The messiah never came, but will someday appear!"  
Some others say, "The Messiah came, and will come again!"  
It seems the one thing that all Believers in our CREATOR can agree on is:

Author's Acknowledgement

"When someone shares something of value with you 
and you benefit from it, 
you have a moral obligation to share it with others"  
 Chinese Proverb

     My book is a provocative chronicle of the greatest story ever told.  One cannot attend some institute to discover all the ancient mysteries presented here.  I am not affiliated with any religious or educational organization.  I am but a humble seeker and a quick study.  This information has been gathered, without prejudice, from a wide variety of sources, handed down through the generations of time.  Too numerous to mention, the silent heroes of this story are the archaeologists, scholars, historians, journalists, and Believers, who through the centuries have dedicated their life's work to fighting the good fight.

Clarification of Terms for this Study

     For our study the Bible is seen as teaching a moral philosophy or ethic.  Developing a code of personal honor is at the heart of most major religions.  The Bible actually describes a form of government - not a religion.  A religion is how a group of people see GOD at a certain point in history. (The Book of Leviticus describes a priesthood unique only to the Jerusalem Temple worship system.) 

     Protestantism, by itself, is a moral philosophy.  For example, Lutheranism is a Christian religion based on how a group of people see GOD guided by the Martin Luther's Protestant philosophy.  As opposed to Roman Catholicism or Greek Orthodox, which are Christian religions, but without the Protestant philosophy. They are based on the doctrine of Nicolaitanism, where a king, pope or priest is between GOD and the people, Rev.2:15. 

     The term Protestant Christian means, protesting Christians.  They protest against the dictatorial rule of a centralized religious authority. They protest against any human being placed between them and God.  And they stand for the right of anyone to have a copy of the Holy Scriptures in their native language for personal study.  In that respect, you could almost call the very first Christians, Protestant Jews!

     The term Jerusalem Church is meant on a spiritual level as the worldwide Believers in our CREATOR.  It is not affiliated with, or means any association with, or any endorsement of, any physical, corporate religious organization using the same name.  My work is about the home, I do not endorse any religion and it doesn't matter to me what religion someone holds to.  In my humble opinion, one must understand that the worldwide body of Believers are at different levels of YHWH's Spiritual and Biblical understanding.

     The Sacred names: Today's Christianity is a mere shadow of what you read in the New Testament.  I endeavor to be accurate to the time period.  In that time GOD the FATHER was called YHWH / YAHWEH, HIS Son Jesus Christ was actually called Yahshua the Messiah. (In the Bible names have meaning. YHWH / YAHWEH means eternal, endless, everlasting.  And the Christ/Messiah comes as salvation in His FATHER'S Name. Shua means salvation, and YAH is the FATHER'S Name.  The Messiah's original name is YAH-shua - now that's a name, loaded with meaning!) 

Click for the book: The Mystical Rites of our CREATOR
or continue website to the first Bible boot-camp lesson.
Copyright © 2000-2009 White Stone Communications - HomeWorship101.com
Last modified: November 19, 2009

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