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The Ancient Path of YHWH - GOD

Greetings from HomeWorship 101™

"Stand by the roads, and look,
 and ask for the ancient paths,
 where the good way is; and walk in it,  
and find rest for your souls.” 
_- Jeremiah 6:16 ESV

In the News: Many Christians are part of a fast growing global movement who say it is the ancient ways, the historic, and the Biblical ways that matter most (Jer.6:16).  That is where I come in I have spent my life peeling away the layers of traditions the has been added on to our CREATOR'S Wisdom,  - like peeling away the layers of an onion to get to the core of pure truth.  YHWH is eternal and HIS Wisdom is also eternal, isn't it interesting, we grow spiritually by embracing the ancient - and timeless. (Click news icon for story.)

"Show me Your ways, O Lord; Teach me Your paths. 
Lead me in Your truth and teach me, 
for You are the God of my salvation; On You I wait all the day."  
- Psalm 25:4-5

Seeking the Ancient Path could be the theme of my book and website.  A thinking person has to ponder for a moment, what was the Prophet Jeremiah referring to?  What ancient path?  The time of Jeremiah's teachings was about 627-580 BCE.  Israel was at the end of 4 consecutive GODless kings.  The people prideful in themselves were suffering from an ancient form of liberalism, let’s do what the rest of the world does, stay far away from what GOD teaches, and do what is good in your own mind.  To me, it seems as if the Prophet Jeremiah was saying that this new-enlightened thinking is corrupt and the people should look to the original, ancient ways for their spiritual wisdom. Jeremiah was not alone, other Prophets also talked of a restoration of the faith, Isa.40:3, 58:12, 62:10; Psa.68:5.  Unfortunately the stiff-necked people did not want to repent or listen to their righteous Prophets (Jer.ch.2-25), and YHWH used the swords of the Babylonians to teach them a harsh lesson (Jer.ch.52; Bk of Lamentations).  (There should be a lesson in there for today’s GODless society and it’s moral breakdown.)  Knowing that YHWH does not change (Isa.46:9-10, Mal.3:6)), one can’t help but wonder, what ancient path?  Can we find it today?  

 "I am the Lord, and I do not change!"
- Malachi 3:6

The Essenes, the authors of the Dead Sea Scrolls, were the religious order that John the Baptist and Yahshua/Jesus had ties to.  They were the serious Bible scholars, the true Believers, and the faithful watchers of the day.  They were wise to the Messianic prophecies and they were making preparations.  To the Essenes, righteousness meant a person also had to be right in his heart, he had to be right with his brother, and lastly he had to be right with GOD.  The Essenes formed a few hundred years after the Prophet Jeremiah, and they most likely took his words to heart.  They felt that the rabbinical Sadducees and the Pharisees had become more like political parties than a religious order.  They considered that priesthood corrupt, and the Temple worship was not pure in YHWH’s Spirit and Truth - it had become ritualistic.  It suffered from many of the same problems we have today in our worship centers; it had become ritualistic and overblown with pomp and ceremony.  It had become corrupted by the leaders using the heresy of Nicolaitanism (putting a religious leader between YHWH and the people Rev.2:15).  They felt that the people were misled and lost, righteousness has been reduced to mere ceremonialism, and that the rabbis were condemned for their corruption.  They saw a corrupted Sanhedrin which totally conquered the common people, keeping them on a tight leash, while the rich were treated with favors.  The Essenes would have nothing to do with it.  Seeing all this around 200 B.C.E. they decided to remove themselves from the mainstream religious society and prepare themselves for the “great event,” the arrival of the long awaited Messiah.   

For more info see my webpage Messianic-Judaism / Messianic-Christianity, click http://www.homeworship101.com/NL_2005_09.htm

Now here is something to get you thinking, do you see what happened?  The Essenes rejected rabbinical Judaism and returned to the roots of their faith.  The thinking person has to contemplate, what did they return to? 

Oftentimes when I talk to other clergyman about the Biblical Holy Days, their common knee-jerk response is, “…why do you want to go backwards? Christians look ahead to a new Covenant.”  I say, “but I am looking to the future, and to understand the future and final redemption of the world, one must know and understand the (Biblical) past.”  If one reads the New Testament, then you learn that Christ and His disciples were also religious reformers, I call them protestant - protesting - Jews.  It was about 600 years after the Prophet Jeremiah, and Yahshua also criticized the Judaism of His day, and pointed to another spiritual path - the restoration of the Way in the wilderness.  As a student of Scriptures, one has to ponder, what did they want to reform or restore their religion into?  What was the ancient path that they were trying to get the faithful back to?

“…Why do you also transgress the commandment of GOD by your tradition?”
- Matthew 15:3

I often jokingly write, “Just because I gave up on the pope, doesn’t necessarily mean I’m gonna jump in bed with the Jews – so to speak.”  What I mean by that is that it took over 25 years, to claw, kick, and crawl, my way thorough all the mishegoss of the Christian religions and traditions to get to the Messianic Jerusalem Church – and they did not make it easy!  Today’s Messianic-Judaism is a branch of the original Jerusalem church we generally call Judaism.  I applaud their belief in the Messiah, but as Gospel readers know the Jews have their religious problems, and they bring some of those problems over into Messianic Judaism.  Discussing reform issues is always problematic, when I raise the topic, there some people who need a seat belt and some others who need smelling salts, but a thinking person, honest to their faith, cannot help but wonder about it.  The problem is, as Gospel readers, we know Yahshua warned the religious establishment (the Pharisee and Orthodox rabbis) that there will be reform issues they must face, and if they do not resolve them, then He (Yahshua) will reform them sometime in the future (Mat.3:7, 5:20,15:2-9, 23:1-36; Luk.11:37-54, 8:9-14; Jno.8:44).  One would think that the Messianic/Christian faithful would be looking ahead to the Messianic restoration of YHWH’s Ancient Path, but the dark side has been busy.

“You go your way, I’ll go YAHWEH!”

The beginning of Biblical understanding is, as always, with the name first.  The Hebrew words for “ancient path,” is netivot ‘olam, meaning “perpetual path.”  In the Biblical context it would mean the “perpetual way of faith,” specifically, YHWH’S eternal Way of Faith.”  YHWH’s Ancient Path is HIS Way of Faith.  We know our CREATOR, YHWH, does not change, and HIS Way of Faith is revealed through HIS Covenants with humanity.  YHWH’s Covenants are the bricks that make up HIS Ancient Path, and His Heavenly Covenant Rites available to a-l-l HIS earthly believers were the same from Adam & Eve to Enoch, then to Noah, to Abraham, and on to Moses; and from Moses, via the Hebrew people, on to our time.  YAHWEH has a Covenant with all humanity, anybody with a belly button, and those who chose to walk YHWH's righteous Ancient Path are entitled to the protections and benefits of HIS Covenant Rites.  The spiritual hint to YHWH’s Ancient Path is Melechedisk.  YHWH’s ancient Covenant Rites, were, and still are, governed by the Order of Melechedisk, and they are based on love, honesty, and understanding (Heb.6:20).  Simply put, if YHWH’s Covenants are the bricks of HIS ancient righteous path, then the Golden Rule, which is the height of spiritual maturity, is the mortar that binds it together.  These are the original and true ancient Covenant Rites of YHWH, they are forever and they do not change. 

YHWH wants the Faith to walk HIS Path knowledgeable and with confidence.  As part of our Covenant Rites, the faithful are entitled to the use of what I call Spiritual Power-Tools use for Spiritual Protection and communication with YHWH Kingdom.  With the advent of the Messiah communication with the Heavenly Powers became easier - almost supercharged our Spiritual Power-Tools.  YHWH, via the Holy Spirit, now empowers the Believer directly with HIS Spiritual Power-Tools.  In Daniel ch.10, the Archangel Gabriel wanted to visit Daniel to relay a message from YHWH, but he prevented from that task by Satan’s dark angels.  He had to fight the dark forces for 21 days, and only succeeded when the Archangel Michael came to help.  Here we get a hint, that at times (before the Messiah), it wasn’t always easy for the Righteous Powers to communicate to the Faithful on earth, but now that has all changed.  Prayer, Baptism, Blessing, Anointing, Laying on of Hands, are all ways for the Believer to communicate with the Heavenly Powers.  The Spiritual Power-Tools are important defensive tools because the faithful are in the middle of a raging spiritual war, unfortunately most churches do not teach the laity how to use them.  Satan knows, “to lead an untrained people to war is to throw them away,” and he has been busy corrupting YHWH’s Knowledge.  I believe YHWH wants HIS faithful, those who follow HIS Ancient Path, to know how to use them.  So where do we begin to find this ancient wisdom?  

~A Précis History~

“101” on my book and website name means just the simple basics, meaning I teach about the roots of the original truths we hold dear.  The focus of my spiritual studies is to remove the layers of mans traditions to get to the core of the original ancient truth, that is how I was lead to YHWH’s Ancient Path.  Some have likened to peeling the layers off an onion to get to the perfect inner core.  My words are simple, but the message is fast moving and dense with information.  I call myself chronicler extraordinaire because I like to start at the beginning… 

The spiritual Knowledge of YHWH’s ancient Covenants and Righteous Path was passed along from Adam & Eve through the righteous linage of Seth, and on to Noah.  From Noah, for a while, all the succeeding generations knew the same knowledge of YHWH’s Ancient Path, which was outlined in HIS Universal Covenant with Noah, that is why many religions reference Heaven as a reward for good behavior in one’s earthly life.  After a while, during the time of the Tower of Babel (a temple dedicated to Satan), the people began to drift from Noah’s righteous teaching of YHWH.  Noah’s son Shem, stayed on the righteous Ancient Path and it passed on to Abraham, and on to the patriarch’s era.  After YHWH freed HIS (Hebrew) people from their Egyptian bondage HE reestablished the knowledge of HIS Ancient Path and Covenants with Moses.  During the time of Moses, and for the next 450 years or so, YHWH directly ruled Israel, until the people rejected HIS rule and wanted an earthly King.  In the Bible, this was the time of the Judges, and YHWH made it very clear what Path HE wanted HIS people to follow.  I make the argument that when the Messiah returns He will rule like His FATHER ruled, as it was during the time of the Judges. 

"Liberty means responsibility,
that is why people hate it."

It may startle some of the faithful to hear that YHWH did not begin a religion (Jam.1:19-27).  During the time from Moses to King Saul, the Israelites lived under a theocracy: meaning YHWH, our CREATOR, according to the Order of Melchizedek, directly governed them.  Under Moses, the Israelites were one people, subdivided into twelve tribes according to their fathers’ houses, originally conceived from the descendants of the twelve sons of Isaacs son Jacob (Gen.49:16, 28; Exo.24:4).  After wandering for forty years in the desert, standing at the gates of the promised land, Moses hands over leadership to his faithful second in command, Joshua to lead the Israelites in their new promised land (Deu.34:9).

Joshua was a strong political leader, and generally speaking, the people did obey during his lifetime, and during the lifetime of the leaders that he had trained (Book of Joshua).  After Joshua and his following leaders grew old and died, the people started to drift from YHWH’s Ancient Path and things began to go wrong.  The Israelites began to abandon their righteous teachings; every man did what seemed right in his own mind.  They started making idols, worshiping pagan gods, and transgressed the Laws given by YAHWEH. 

During this time the Israelites lived under a theocracy – a real theocracy.  There was no centralized earthly authority.  There were no men-in-black.  There was no central high church, synagogue or high priest rendering moral decisions.  The national leadership came from individuals called Judges; they were special people who were called out by YAHWEH to guide the people in HIS ways, feelings, and opinions.

The Book of Judges, and the two Books of the Prophet Samuel, recount the Israelites up and down relationship with YAHWEH as their KING.  These people through disobedience to YAHWEH would fall captive to surrounding pagan kings.  Then they would repent and cry out to YAHWEH for help and HE would raise up a leader to free them.  After a time they would drift from the righteous path, then they were punished again and saved again, and punished and saved, again and again this process was repeated.  Through a series of men and women Judges they received their guidance from YAHWEH, and they corrected the Israelites each time.  Even with all the problems these 450 years were probably the most peaceful years for the nation of Israel.

YAHWEH practices tough love, and uses the “three strikes you’re out, a-l-l the way out,” technique in disciplining HIS Children of Israel: First used is the love-oriented discipline - reasoning and removal of privileges.  Two: The power-oriented discipline - hitting and yelling (lighting and thunder).  Lastly: When the people did not respond to diplomacy, they suffered dreadfully and died - by disease, drought, or at the hands of their enemies.

Two great stories come out of this time, a story of a strong woman Judge named Deborah in Judges ch.4-5, and the great love story of Samson and Delilah in Judges ch.13-16.  The last person to rule as a Prophet was Samuel apx. 1025 B.C.E., as he grew older, the people no longer felt secure in their system of government and asked Samuel to appoint them a human king modeled after their pagan neighbors.  Samuel was distraught, he felt the people had rejected him.  “Liberty means responsibility, which is why people hate it.”  YAHWEH reassured him, they have not rejected him (Samuel), but rather have rejected YAHWEH and HIS rule over them. 

Be suspect of man’s government.

YAHWEH hears the people, so be it - they will have their king.  But first HE instructed Samuel to warn the people as to what having a King would do to theirs or any society that chooses such a system.   

"And HE said, “This will be the behavior of the king who will reign over you: 

He will take your sons and appoint them for his own chariots and to be his horsemen, and some will run before his chariots.

He will appoint captains over his thousands and captains over his fifties, will set some to plow his ground and reap his harvest, and some to make his weapons of war and equipment for his chariots.

He will take your daughters to be perfumers, cooks, and bakers.

And he will take the best of your fields, your vineyards, and your olive groves, and give them to his servants.

He will take a tenth of your grain and your vintage, and give it to his officers and servants.

And he will take your male servants, your female servants, your finest young men, and your donkeys, and put them to his work.

He will take a tenth of your sheep. And you will be his servants.

And you will cry out in that day because of your king whom you have chosen for yourselves, and the Lord will not hear you in that day.” 1Samuel 8:11-18

YAHWEH gave the people one final warning as to what this type of government would do to them, and the key word is 'take.'  This type of government will always 'take' more then it gives.  Besides taking material possessions from the people, this government also takes the spiritual away from the people.  In the previous governmental system YAHWEH granted rights directly to all the people equally.  What GOD grants, no man can take away.  Essentially what happened here is that the people choose to put a human king between them and their GOD.  The spiritual character of this pagan system is that the king receives power from GOD and then the king grants rights to his people, and YHWH hates it (Rev.2:15).  The problem is, what the king gives, the king can take away, and this system of government will always take more then it gives in return.  Not our CREATOR’S idea of an everlasting system, but so be it.

Unfortunately, the people were seduced by the dark side and because of pride, they rejected HIS warning.  The Israelites wanted to be like their pagan neighbors’ nations, and they soon found out that it was a mistake to reject YAHWEH’S will.  HE gave the rebellious, ungrateful, and unfaithful people the king they cried for.  The Israelites got their first human king who was called Saul, history records him as an inconsequential fool and a bungler, a poor substitute for the charismatic Judges of the past, a king befitting the people who demanded him.  (This is the first Biblical lesson on government; YHWH is in charge, and the people will get the leaders they deserve - this lesson is still valid in today’s governments and political leadership.)

Israel’s divorce caused a separation between YHWH, Israel, and all humanity.  As I quoted above, YHWH prophesized of the suffering the Israelites, and humanity in general, would have to endure under man’s government, but to give them hope, HE also prophesied the stages leading to the end of man’s governments.  YHWH used the Prophet Daniel to interpret a prophecy outlining the demonic superpower human governments and the coming government of YAHWEH.  This dark system of governess will be destroyed and YHWH’s restoration will come in the future, the Prophet Daniel outlines it for us.  The prophecy reveals that the conquering Messiah will destroy this entire system of human governments (Dan.2:44).  Then man’s governments will be replaced by the restored Kingdom/Government of YAHWEH, headed by the Messiah, as King of kings ruling all the Earth (Dan.ch.2, and a corresponding vision in ch.7).  See also the Ruling Messiah: http://www.homeworship101.com/bb-c11b_ruling_messiah.htm 

“I will bless the LORD at all times…”
- Psalms 34:1

During the Millennium rule of the Messiah, the spiritual / moral clock will reset to as it was in the time of the Judges.  It doesn’t mean that we will be living in tents, our technology will be advanced, but the a-l-l the world will know the Ancient Path of YHWH, a-l-l will know YHWH’s Holy Days, and the spiritual lessons they teach will be the same to a-l-l humanity.  Revelation ch.17 tells us that the deceiving spirit of Babylon infects a-l-l the world’s religions, and this will also be destroyed with the advent of the Conquering Messiah, and the restoration of YHWH’s ancient spiritual path.  Hosea prophesied that the divorce from YAHWEH the FATHER would be reconciled (Hos.1:9-10).  The restoration of the Way of Faith will begin in the home; it will be a time when the parents will once again have a hands on relationship with YHWH, and they will once again learn to bless their children instead of having a priest do it for them.  The people will learn to bless YHWH during their Sabbath prayers; and together, the world’s faithful will be a blessing to the Kingdom, instead of always looking for a blessing.

A priest in every house,
and an evangelist in every community!

In the ancient time of the patriarchs the Way of Faith was a little easier to see (Gen.ch.11-50; on to the 2nd Book of Samuel).  During this time the Bible shows us many examples of the heads of the household also being the priests of the family.  Remember when Abraham was asked to sacrifice his son Isaac?  YHWH didn’t tell him to go to Melchizedek to accomplish the task; Abraham had to do it himself (Gen.22:1-24).  All the patriarchs laid on of hands and blessed or bestowed birthrights on their children, etc., they would never hire a priest to do it for them.  One of the most famous Bible Stories, known by Jew and Christian alike, tells how Jacob tricked his father Isaac into giving him his older brother Esau’s firstborn birthrights (Gen.ch.27). 

HomeWorship is not a new revelation.  Since the ancient Faithful of YHWH before Abraham, on to the later Hebrew’s, the heads of the house always assumed the primary role of their children’s spiritual education and leading their home worship services (Deu.6:4-9).  As a matter of fact, the first Holy Days in the Passover season are observed at home and encourages children to join in.  YHWH knows what HE is doing!  Home Worship makes YHWH hands-on, this strengthens the family bond, and gives one a place in YHWH’s spiritual Kingdom.

In the Gospels, because of problems with the religious orthodoxy, most believers worshipped at home (Act.2:2,46; 20:20; Rom.16:5; 1Cor.16:9 ).  They believed the body, not some building, was the Temple of the Holy spirit (1Cor.3:16).  And many seem to forget that in Acts ch.2, the Disciples did not conger up and distribute the Holy Spirit; it came from Heaven ‘directly’ to the faithful.  There are many New Testament stories of “invoking” the Holy Spirit via laying on of hands, anointing, baptizing, etc.  See my spiritual Power-Tools web pages for more info: http://www.homeworship101.com/sp-t1_prayer.htm

“It is impossible to mentally or socially enslave
a Bible reading people.”
 - Horace Greeley  

Today we have mostly forgotten the spiritual side that has been stolen from us so many centuries ago.  Sadly, today’s worship is mostly a spectator event.  It is formal and institutionalized, usually in special building presided over by a priest - for one or two hours a week.  This means the faithful are no longer hands on as it would be in the intimate setting at home – 7 days a week.  In our spiritual life we have a separation, a distant relationship, which is the result of the ancient divorce with YHWH, unfortunately most of the faithful do not see it.  The result is that the faithful do not recognize the spiritual power they personally hold and are easily enslaved into one of Satan’s traps.  Often, I quote Confucius, “To lead an untrained people to war is to throw them away.”  What I mean is: What good is spiritual knowledge if you do not know how to apply, or ‘invoke,’ it?  I always wonder, is it that the priests do not want to teach, or the laity who does not want to learn?  My idea is to educate the layperson and “enhance” their spiritual-life experience, and indirectly, spirituality builds character (Pro.9:9).  The spiritual concept is simple: When a person recognizes YHWH’S Covenant Blessings, and accepts the spiritual responsibility to pass it on, it gives one a place in YHWH’S universe as an Ambassador of the Kingdom, and as a Priest, wise in the use of YHWH’S Spiritual Power-Tools to counter the darkness (2Cor.5:20; 1Pet.2:9).

It is important to remember: That all the angels and other beings of YHWH’s great universe (Rev.ch.4), on to the first humans Adam and Eve, after being created, immediately knew their CREATOR.  After Adam and Eve’s fall from grace, humanity now has to have 'faith' in our CREATOR, and have the 'heart' for HIS Righteous path (Heb.11:1).  That is what makes the faithful so special during this age, because in all the Universe we are the true faithful because we are the only ones who believe without seeing (Jon.20:29;1Pet.2:9).

“Train up a child in the way he should go,
And when he is old he will not depart from it.”
- Proverbs 22:6

Teach your children humility, honesty, gratitude, the Golden Rule, and everyone will thank you.  Home Worship is the keystone of the faith because parents, starting at an early age, are in the unique position to pass along their spiritual heritage to their children.  Children will do what they see their parents doing.  Unfortunately today most children do not see their parents reading the Bible and leading worship at home.  The lost art of home worship reflects glaringly in today’s “focus on the me society” where YHWH and the Bible are absent from the family table. 

Your children are not only heirs to your possessions, they are heirs to your values and character.  Schooling was done at the synagogue, but the parents through home life and in home Worship taught morality and spirituality.  Righteous character development and correction would be done at home, nobody would expect or depend on an outside teacher to do this for them - it was a family function.  The children were expected to learn from their parents on how to live as a proper member of the community.

The head of the family was the provider, the teacher, and acted as the priest within the household.  The teaching of history, religious beliefs, laws, and customs, were passed on from the parents to the children in a family setting, and reinforced by the rites celebrated within the house, which often centered around the Sacred family meal.  Teaching is performed by two methods: Through direct instruction, reinforced by a combination of rewards and punishments for acceptable and unacceptable behavior.  The second method is living by example, which is the most important method.

Teach your children the Golden Rule
and the world will thank you.

Today, values, virtues, or personal honor, are terms that have lost much of their objective meaning.  In times past, the preferred word was virtue, which included such things as obedience, self-reliance, charity, discipline, cleanliness, a sense of order, and respectability – they are all paving-stones on YHWH’s Ancient Path.  Respectability was a function of good character, to strive to improve oneself of being morally upstanding, sober, honest, clean, industrious, and punctual.  The character of a gentleman or a lady depended not upon fashion or manners - but upon moral worth; not on personal possessions - but on personal qualities.

The historical lessons are clear: External discipline, in the form of government or religious control increases, as individual internal discipline breaks down. That is why the Biblical lessons learned through the home and family is so very important to the liberty and freedom of personal and community life.  

“To sacrifice 'home worship' to 'public worship' is a most evil
course of action. Morning and evening devotion in a cottage is
infinitely more pleasing in the sight of God than all the
cathedral pomp which delights the carnal eye and ear.”
- Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892)

Sometimes people will write me and remind me that the Bible tells us to meet together, or ask what is a good church to belong to.  I try to stay out of the mishegoss of religion, I usually say, “…if you enjoy the people in your church then continue.  I really do not know of a perfect church, but individual and family homeWorship should be first and not forgotten as it is today.  My focus is teaching the Bible, and the ancient art of home worship.”  For more info click: http://www.homeworship101.com/sp-t7_sacred_assembly.htm

"No longer do I call you servants, 
for a servant does not know what his master is doing; 
but I have called you friends, 
for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you."
- John 15:15

Our CREATOR wants us to be intelligent enough to be self-governing and self-reliant.  YHWH wants us to be able, and responsible, to take care of ourselves, both physically and spiritually, and HE sent HIS Messiah to teach us this.  It is man’s governments and religions that promote fear and dependency.  People, in fear of their health, depend on doctors.  People, in spiritual fear of eternal damnation need priests and religions.  People, in fear of their neighbors, both foreign and domestic, need politicians for their quality of life.  The Kingdom of YHWH is opposite of man’s government HE wants us to be able have a peaceful quality of life.  We do that by using our intelligence, understanding YHWH’s Wisdom (the Bible), understanding how to use YHWH’s healing herbs and foods, and by wearing YHWH’s armor.  YHWH’s true churches would be teaching and coaching the faithful in these arts. 

<>< A Closing Thought ><>  

Do something noble, be virtuous.

My core argument is that I believe we are nearing the end of man’s corrupt governments and religions.  When the Messiah returns, culturally and spiritually the governments of humanity will reset to the time before the ancient Israelites rejected YHWH’s rule.  It will be the time as told in the Book of Judges, and it will be a government based on the revolutionary Protestant concept that YHWH directly empowers the people instead of a king, pope, priest, or rabbi.  And what YHWH directly gives, no man can take away.  The dusty statue books that control us today will be gone in a world in which the people will finally accept their responsibility of YHWH’s given freedom.  It will be a time when our spiritual education teaches the people how to worship at home and accept their spiritual role to bless YHWH, and bless their children and family members.  This is the future peace and rest the Bride should be looking to.

Our CREATOR-YHWH makes the gates of Heaven available,
and YHWH’s Ancient Path leads us there;
the Messiah opens the gates of Heaven,
but you walk through on your own two feet.

What you do in your mortal life will echo for eternity.

Enjoy the journey of learning…
In the News, Christians seeking the ancient ways...
Part 1 - http://www.kmph.com/Global/story.asp?S=8757630&nav=menu612_2_1
Part 2 - http://www.kmph.com/Global/story.asp?S=8764689&nav=menu612_2_1

Please remember to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, and for all those who stand with Israel (Ps.122).

Take care.  Peace and blessings, Errol.
Errol Mueller, chronicler extraordinaire
  e-mail: errol@homeworship101.com
website: www.homeworship101.com
WSC Newsletter 2008-01, posted 02/08/08
Copyright © 2008 Errol Mueller.  All rights reserved.  Short quotations, page copying, or redistribution for personal or non-commercial group study is permitted and encouraged, provided they are copied in total with no alterations or deletions.  Author’s name, website address, and copyright notice must be included.  If any other use is desired, written permission is required.
Scripture quotations are from the New King James Version of the Holy Bible.
Copyright © 1982, Thomas Nelson, Inc., Publishers.

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