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WSC  Newsletter

Judaizers of the Faith 

Greetings from HomeWorship 101



“…the sect of the Pharisees who believed (in Christ) rose up, saying,

 “It is necessary to circumcise them, (the new Gentile Believers)

and to command them to keep the law of Moses.”

Now the apostles and elders came together to consider this matter.”

- Acts 15:5-6


Occasionally I receive a letter saying that there are some things that they disagree with in my ministry, such as why I believe in legalism?  Why I do keep the Sacred Names, the food Laws, the Sabbath, and the annual Holy Days listed in Leviticus ch.23.  Why do I believe in going backwards when the New Covenant tells us look forward?  Why do I believe in Judaizing the Faith?  (I beg your patience, this topic could fill a book, which is making a normally short newsletter more of an article because it will run a little long, to hasten the pace please allow me to paraphrase a little.  I would also appreciate any feedback.)


“No advance has ever been made in science, politics, or religion,

without great controversy."


What I publish in my book and website startles many Christians, but the critics miss my point.  I am not Judazing the faith because I am going further back in history, before “Jewish law,” and I am looking forward by learning from the past.  Allow me a moment to explain, I learned the Bible from two timeline directions, from Adam and Eve forward, and from current Protestant church history backwards, with both timelines converging around the time of Christ and the Apostles.  I’ll highlight some of the pivotal events important to this discussion, the time of Adam & Eve, then Noah, Abraham, the Patriarch’s of Israel, the time of Moses, the rule of the kings when Israel rejected YHWH’s rule and elected king Saul who was their first earthly king, and the Israelites return from exile in Babylon and the start of the Sanhedrin, Jewish law – the Talmud, and rabbinical rule.  From our modern time backwards we have the Protestant revolution, the rule of the Roman Catholics, the time of Emperor Constantine around 300 CE when emerging Christianity merged with Roman paganism, the early church in the first two to three hundred years after Christ, and the Nazarenes - the time of Christ and His Apostles.


What does all this mean?  From the time of Adam & Eve to Noah I learned how YHWH’s knowledge was perverted and almost destroyed humanity (ref. The Forgotten Books of Eden - The First and Second Books of Adam and Eve).  The unrighteous descendents of Cain shunned YHWH’s teachings, they reasoned, “... the old laws do not cover all the needs of our developing society, we need a new system ...” - they gave themselves over to the dark ways of Satan, which eventually lead to the near destruction of all humanity.  


In the time of Noah humanity was given 7 commandments and all the subsequent generations, the forerunners of the 3 major races,  had the same knowledge of YHWH until the time of the Tower of Babel were once again YHWH knowledge was corrupted.  The majority of society reasoned, “... the old laws do not cover all the needs of our developing society, we need a new system...” – thinking that they were being progressive they gave themselves over to the dark ways of Satan, building a tower dedicated to him, which lead to their destruction, and scattering the remaining humanity to the four winds.


Throughout all this time from Adam and Eve on, a family lineage remained true to YHWH, which leads us to Abraham and the Patriarchs of Israel.  In this time the faith was a little more simple and true to YHWH.  I learned that the head of the households were empowered by YHWH to be the priests of the family, they blessed YHWH and they blessed their children, they did not have to seek out Melechedisk, the High Priest of YHWH, to do this.  For example when YHWH asked Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac he was not commanded to seek out Melechedisk to perform the sacrificial ceremony, he had to do it himself, and there are many examples of blessing children and bestowing birthright from the head of the family. 


In the time of Moses, a descendant of Abraham, I learned that because of the Israelites long captivity by the Egyptians they lost most of YHWH’s knowledge that was passed on to them, and through Moses, YHWH restored their spiritual knowledge and revealed more of HIS mysteries to them.  For example, this was the first time that the mysteries of Passover were revealed to the world, which as we know today is the key step in canceling the curse of sin via YHWH’s sacrificial lamb – HIS Messiah.  HE also revealed HIS annual Holy Days, which teaches humanity HIS plan of redemption leading to HIS promised eternal life (Lev.ch.23). 


During the time of Moses and for the next 450 years YHWH ruled Israel until they rejected HIS rule and opted for an earthly king to be more like the pagan nations around them (Bible Books of Judges, 1&2 Samuel).  Thinking that they were being progressive they voted for a change.  They reasoned “... the old laws do not cover all the needs of our developing society, we need a new system…,” and as we all know, this was a big mistake and once again YHWH’s knowledge was corrupted (1Sam.ch.8).  It took about five hundred years but little by little their divorce from YHWH’s rule lead to Israel’s complete destruction.  First the ten tribes of Northern Kingdom was destroyed and removed from their lands never to be heard from again.  Next the Babylonians dealt the final blow to the three tribes (including the priestly tribe of the Levities) of the Southern Kingdom (Bible Book of Lamentations).  The remnants of the Southern Kingdom (commonly called the Judeans or Jews) returned almost a hundred years later and rebuilt Jerusalem.  Here the Israelites reasoned that the enemy is within us, it is that evil impulse that is inside every man and woman and comes with human nature.  “We have met the enemy and he is us,” and they figured out a solution to their problem. 


“We must save the people from themselves,” the rabbis lamented.  The answer seemed easy, in addition to the Teachings of YHWH, they would just add a few simple layers of new Jewish laws to it, to guide the people to righteousness.  Thinking that they were being progressive, publicly they said, “... the old laws do not cover all the needs of our developing society, we need a new system ....”  Sound familiar?


“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees,

hypocrites! ...Serpents, brood of vipers!

How can you escape the condemnation of hell?”

- Yahshua, Matthew 23:29-33


“Now therefore,

why do you test God by putting a yoke on the neck of the disciples

which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear?”

- Acts 15:11


YHWH is not a burden, HE is a blessing.  The Jews reasoned that with this new system they could catch their people breaking Jewish law first, before they broke any really serious Biblical Law, then they could handle the problem in house, so to speak.  They hoped, that this way, YHWH would not notice a small transgression and hold it against them.  This is called Jewish legalism; here “the Teachings” became “the Law.”  This system causes people to live in slavery to the letter of the law, and the freedom of the CREATOR’S self-government is lost.  This was the first attempt to micro-manage personal behavior - it would have been better had they just repented.  Later in time, in the New Testament we learn that Yahshua strongly scolded the Jewish religious leaders of the day for the regressive man designed laws - rabbinical Jewish law - they added onto YHWH’s Laws making HIS Way a burden.   


Back to the timeline, from modern times going backwards, being raised a Lutheran, I learned early on of the Protestant revolution and the bloodshed caused by the movement to put YHWH’s knowledge (the Bible) back into hands of the common people, get back to a truer Path, and to once again spiritually empower the individual (Foxe’s Book of the Martyrs ch.6-13).  Prior, the Roman Catholic hierarchy controlled the Scriptures (YHWH knowledge) and perverted it for their own empowerment over the people (in other words keeping the people spiritually dumbed down and in fear or they would be killed, Foxe’s Book of the Martyrs ch.4-5).


Going further back into history to the year 321 C.E. - the time of sensible heresy.  It was the time of the Roman Emperor Constantine, and there I learned how he merged Roman paganism with the emerging Christianity.  The new Roman Christianity did not embrace the Jewish / gentile believers and their traditions, by then they had been mostly killed off, it was yesterday’s pagan priests who became today’s new Christian priests with their pagan traditions taking on new Christian themes.  Some would say if you mix clean water with dirty water you still have dirty water.  In other words, as I pointed out in my Palm Sunday (GOD test) newsletter, there still are many pagan elements in today’s Christianity that were put there by Constantine (I.E. Christmas Tree - Jer.10:1-7).


Continuing back in time from 300 C.E. to the time of the Apostles I learned how YHWH’s Messianic faithful, the original Jerusalem Messianic church (the Jewish and gentile true believers of Yahshua), were hunted and murdered simply for their belief in Christ and His Messianic teachings - ref. Foxe’s Book of the Martyrs ch.1-2.


What does all this mean?  We can see a pattern that every once in a while throughout history we get a glimpse of YHWH true teachings and then they become perverted and eventually lost or hidden.  Those who try to learn YHWH’s truth and live by it are hunted and murdered simply for their beliefs.  These people, followers of YHWH, do not lie, they do not steal because they answer to a higher authority, and they are hated for it.  Why?  Because YHWH’s truth empowers the individual encourages them to be self-reliant and not to be reliant on kings, false priests, and politicians.  Once the true believers have been silenced then rulers move their societies away from YHWH teaching, which eventually leads to their destruction. 


"The true man of God is heartsick,

grieved at the worldliness of the Church...

grieved at the toleration of sin in the Church,

grieved at the prayerlessness in the Church.

He is disturbed that the corporate prayer of the Church

no longer pulls down the strongholds of the devil."

- Leonard Ravenhill


Hmmm, I wonder, is there a lesson in that for today?  In America, the current political thinking is that we have to be more progressive and vote for a change.  The new deal being trumpeted is,  “... the old laws do not cover all the needs of our developing society, we need a new system…”  Sound familiar?  I worry, as America drifts further and further away from our founder’s Biblical values that we may be heading down a slippery slope to our ruin.  


Besides studying the Bible I also study nutritional and herbal medicine and there are amazing similarities.  Great herbalists of the past and present are hunted and jailed (ref. Dr. Christopher USA herbalist - see my links page), the wise women of the middle ages who were healers and mid-wives, were branded witches and murdered, their books burned and their knowledge lost.  Why?  YHWH created herbs, spices, fruits, nuts, etc. to help us take care of our health and well being, but the ruling powers to be (doctors, pharmaceutical companies, and politicians), hate this concept of empowering the individual want to control healthcare so then the government bureaucracy can indirectly control the populace – it’s an age old socialist concept.


Today people are church hopping or simply leaving their churches in search of deeper spiritual truths, and they are finding it by looking back into history when the faith was a little clearer and truer.  A similar movement is also happening in health care as people are rediscovering the ancient, but timeless benefits of herbal and nutritional medicine.  To illustrate the point there is a running joke in the herbalist’s circles called:  

The History of Medicine

I have an earache.
2000 B.C. - Here, eat this root.
1000 A.D. -That root is heathen. Here, say this prayer.
1850 A.D. -That prayer is superstition. Here, drink this potion.
1940 A.D. -That potion is snake oil. Here, swallow this pill.
1985 A.D. -That pill is ineffective. Here, take this antibiotic.
2000 A.D. -That antibiotic is artificial. Here, eat this root.

There is a revival afoot to return to our ancient spiritual roots,

but without the religious and Jewish mishegoss.


Humankind constantly thinks they know it better then our CREATOR, and after they have exhausted all other possibilities they will yield to YHWH’s true wisdom  - for a while.  Today there is a movement to return to our original spiritual roots.  Many Christians are part of a fast growing global movement who say it is the ancient ways, the historic, and the Biblical ways that matter most (Jer.6:16).  I know because I have first hand experience in rediscovering the old ways and bring them to life.  It is the focus of my book and website, where my hits and visitors are steadily increasing – YHWH bless the Internet.


Having said all that, allow me a moment to answer my critics.


Many still refuse to allow Bible facts

to get in the way of their feelings.


~ Regarding the Sacred Names ~

In my humble opinion, it is a mistake to say using the Sacred Names is legalism, I’m not a nazi about it, if I talk to Christians who generally use GOD and Jesus then I go along with them because it makes them feel comfortable, and ease into it later in the conversation, but I do use them in my personal prayers because I believe the Sacred Names are more accurate (YHWH vs. God, Yahshua vs. Jesus).  And aren’t we supposed to keep HIS Name Holy?  God is simply not a Holy name. 


“The Lord knows those who are His,” and,

“Let everyone who names the name of Christ

depart from iniquity.” - 2 Timothy 2:19


Biblical archeology proves the name YHWH.  Known as the “Tetragrammaton” they are the four consonants standing for the Hebrew Name of GOD.  Hebrew is read from right to left, and in English it is written as “YHWH.”  “The true pronunciation of the Sacred Name YHWH was never lost” (Encyclopedia Judaica, Vol.7, p.679).  The word has been transliterated to English as “YAHWEH.”  Log on to http://www.homeworship101.com/bb-c1_top_god.htm


The Sacred Name is revealed, and commanded to be used for all generations to come, Exodus 3:15.  There are close to a hundred other passages in the Hebrew Bible commanding its use.  The Prophet Malachi states the Sacred Name was given to be used by all Believers, the Israelites and the gentiles (Mal.1:11). 


Biblical names are a type of job description, and the Sacred Name YAHWEH means eternal, endlessness, everlasting.  YAHWEH is the most powerful living Spirit in the entire universe.  YAHWEH was before all else, and the CREATOR of all.  Jehovah is a modern mispronunciation of the Sacred Name, introduced by Christian theologians during the European middle ages.  Until 1565 C.E. there was no letter J in the alphabet.  Je-hovah is a hybrid name; the suffix “hovah” in Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary is #1943 and means ruin, mischief.  “Havvah” is another form of hovah #1942 which means ruin, calamity, iniquity, mischief, mischievous, perverse, very wickedness.  Jehovah is more the definition of Satan then YAHWEH, and Jewish scholars have never accepted Jehovah as the name of our CREATOR.


I receive many letters referring to Semitic linguistics experts defending the name Jesus or Ieusus from the original Greek.  Like Jehovah it is a mistranslation.  As I said Biblical names have meaning and many prophets of the Bible have descriptive words used together with our CRATORS name, I.E. Elijah/Eliyah means YHWH is God. Jeremiah/Jermyah means YHWH will establish or exalt.  The Messiah comes as salvation of YHWH, Luke 3:6.  Salvation in Hebrew is shua, hence the name Yahshua.  Some Jewish believers say Y’shua or Yeshua, I believe they do this because of Jewish law forbidding the use of the FATHER’s Sacred name and they shorten it.  Jesus has no such meaning.


Some say Yahshua is the Hebrew name for Jesus, making is sound like it is for Hebrews only, but Christians have been using the Sacred Names and Hebrew words.  For example, one of the most widely known words in the world is “Hallelujah,” an imperative meaning “Praise you YAH.”  The Hebrew phrase HalleluYAH is heard the world over and sounds the same in all languages, curiously few people really understand what they are saying.


There is nothing in the Gospels correcting the use of the Sacred Name because Jesus was never called Jesus when He walked the earth. – He was called Yahshua or Yeshua (technically speaking, the better English transliteration of Yeshua would be Joshua).  The Sacred Name churches make a good argument when they say what mere-mortal has the authority to change the name of our Messiah-Christ?  Or our CREATOR? 


~ Regarding the Sabbath ~

In my humble opinion, the number one Biblical challenge still goes unanswered, where in the Bible does it state that the 7th day Sabbath (Saturday) was changed to the 1st day of the week (Sunday)?  My house observes the Sabbath, my wife lights the two candles, we say our prayers, and share a Sacred Meal, but I do not keep it as the Talmud dictates – that would be Jewish legalism.


~ Regarding the Holy Days of Leviticus ch. 23 ~

"Keep the traditions just as I delivered them to you."  - 1 Corinthian 11:2

In my humble opinion, I think all Christians should rediscover the Holy Days that ‘Jesus’ and the Apostles kept.  Observing the Holy Days is not a religious requirement for salvation, and I do not keep them the way the Talmud dictates – that would be Jewish legalism.  They are observed out of love and respect for our CREATOR, and HIS Covenant with us (1Jno.5:3).  We observe them not out of a legal religious obligation, but we look forward to learning from them, to seek to understand their higher Divine lessons, and to celebrate them.  Just as any skilled professional is required to take additional training or annual refresher courses, the Holy Days are the annual spiritual refresher courses designed by our CREATOR.  They are for a-l-l of HIS Believers to practice their spiritual training and maintain a high level of performance - lest we forget and lose our way (Mat.25:1-13).  They are forward looking because 4 times YHWH states that HIS Holy Days are a statute forever – and when the Messiah returns all the world will keep them (Eze.37:26-27; Zec.14:16-19).


~ Regarding the YHWH’s Food Laws ~

In my humble opinion, my house keeps to YHWH’s Food Laws (Lev.ch.11, Deu.ch.14, do not eat pork, shell fish, smooth skin fish, etc.), not because YHWH demands it as a religious sacrifice, because after much research I believe that these foods are unhealthy to eat, and that really is YHWH’s point of it.  (I also prefer to eat organic foods as YHWH created them, because I believe they are healthier.)  But I do not keep kosher, which to me, would be Jewish legalism.  FYI: it might startle one to learn that the idea of eating only clean meats did not start with Moses, Noah also knew the difference because he was instructed to collect two of every animal and seven of every clean animal (Gen.7:2).


In my humble opinion, I also believe our CREATOR’s organic technology found in herbal and nutritional medicines is a better healer in many cases then today’s modern but feeble manmade synthetics with all their adverse side effects. 


“For I am the Lord, I do not change…”

- Malachi 3:6


“For I have come down from heaven,

not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me. 

This is the will of the Father who sent Me,

that of all He has given Me I should lose nothing,

but should raise it up at the last day.”

- Yahshua, John 6:38-39


~ Regarding Judazing the Faith ~

In my humble opinion the above Bible passages clearly states YHWH does not change, and what YHWH wanted of HIS Faithful during the time of Noah, Abraham, the Patriarch’s, and Moses is what HE will want of HIS Faithful in the future when HIS Messiah rules.  True to my Protestant (protesting) roots, I proudly challenge conventional wisdom and stand by the old ways, because they lead to the future.  I do not believe I am Judazing the faith because as I already stated above I am following the habits of YHWH’s Faithful before Jewish law.  I believe when Yahshua returns He will rule as His FATHER did during the 450 years after Moses.


“He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.

To him who overcomes [false teachings]

I will give some of the hidden manna to eat.

And I will give him a white stone…”

- Revelation 2:17


The name of my ministry White Stone Communications taken from the above verse, because it has been my spiritual path to learn and overcome false teachings.  Over the years, being a thinking Protestant, I questioned much of Christian tradition and how it relates to the Bible, and after many years of research I have adopted many new truths that I have discovered.  Learning and adopting new truths takes time, here is my progression of knowledge: Sabbath and Holy days, 4/92.  Biblical diet, 10/92.  Sacred Names, 9/93.  New moon, 4/94.  Sacred Dance 6/94.  Sacred Name Baptism, 7/94.  Herbs, 10/95.  Salt, 7/96.  Anointing, 10/98.  It's not so much the idea of being perfect, then trying, learning, and improving yourself – which in turn improves ones health, along with personal and community relationships.  Some people tell me it's like being born again and again and again.


It’s not: What would Jesus do?

It’s: What did Jesus do?


I am a simple, autodidactic man of Faith sharing what YHWH and Yahshua have revealed to me.  Although I am ordained (to satisfy government regs), and run an Internet ministry, I do not claim the title of reverend because in my humble opinion only YHWH and Yahshua should be revered.  The one and only thing that gives my work any credibility is that I am writing about what Yahshua actually did.  My argument is simple; if Yahshua is humanities living example then shouldn’t His followers do as He did and taught? 


Question, what you have been told about religion.


I have stated often just because I have learned more doesn’t make me arrogant or superior.  There are some Messianic who have a holier then thou attitude, but then there are many Christians who also have the same attitude.  Here is how I state it: Discounting false doctrines and the occasional fascist underbelly, I see organized religion more as a Bible learning center.  The Romans brought the Bible down to its lowest common dominator, and let's call that the grade school level.  The Protestants are like high school.  The Sabbath keepers, the Holy Day keepers, the Sacred Names keepers, are like junior college.  And studying Hebrew, Biblical archeology, and natural healing, are like the university level.  I can't help but wonder, do the university professors look down their noses at the grade school teacher?  Do the college students, confident in their educational superiority, insult the grade school students?  And there are those who simply do not have the desire or resources to pursue higher spiritual education, that is why YHWH will judge your heart (Heb.4:12).


YHWH the Father and Yahshua have Grace, they forgive us our false education (2Cor.4:4).  But I do not think that they are happy about it, and for sure Yahshua will make changes when He returns.  I can’t help but wonder, wouldn’t His Faithful Bride be looking to the future and endeavoring to show ourselves approved (2Tim.2:15)? 


“Finally, brethren, whatever things are true,

whatever things are noble, whatever things are just,

whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely,

whatever things are of good report,

if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy;

meditate on these things.”

- Phil 4:8


Enjoy the journey of learning…

Ø       The Ancient Path of YHWH: http://www.homeworship101.com/fyi_ancient_path_of_YHWH_%20GOD.htm

Ø       The Christian Passover: http://www.homeworship101.com/NL_2006_05.htm

Ø       Messianic Judaism / Messianic Christianity: http://www.homeworship101.com/fyi_Messianic_Judaism_%20Messianic_Christianity.htm

Ø       Messianic Movement: http://www.homeworship101.com/news_messianic_movement.htm

Ø       Thinking Person’s Religion: http://www.homeworship101.com/NL_2005_01.htm


Please remember to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, and for all those who stand with Israel (Ps.122).


Take care.  Peace and blessings, Errol.


Errol Mueller, chronicler extraordinaire

  e-mail: errol@homeworship101.com

website: www.homeworship101.com


WSC Newsletter 2009-08, posted 09/17/09.


Copyright © 2009 Errol Mueller.  All rights reserved.  Short quotations, page copying, or redistribution for personal or non-commercial group study is permitted and encouraged, provided they are copied in total with no alterations or deletions.  Author’s name, website address, and copyright notice must be included.  If any other use is desired, written permission is required.

For information, email or call (334) 678-0913.  White Stone Communications (Rev.2:17), Dothan, AL.


Scripture quotations are from the New King James Version of the Holy Bible.

Copyright © 1982, Thomas Nelson, Inc., Publishers.


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